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How to clear event cache table in supportable ways

Technorati Tags: event cache,alerts

Method 1:


-To do this, we can an go to central administration > Application Management > Web application general settings > change log > set it to “1”. By default it will be “15” days. This change log setting is directly attached to the “event cache” table of the content database. As you make it to “1”, it will clear up the event cache table on the next day.

Method 2:


1. Take the complete backup of the database for the affected site.
2. Login to CA site->application management->content Database
3. Select the web application having issue.
4. Copy the content database for the reference.
5. Click on the content database and check the option “remove content Database” and click Ok
6. Through command line run the command
7. stsadm.exe -o addcontentdb -url <url> -databasename <database name> -clearchangelog
This should help us to clear the event cache table



switch “clearchangelog” is available only if you have sp2

if you are prior to SP2 use the command without the switch