Sdílet prostřednictvím

Dotazy na tabulku ABSBotRequests

Klienti do kanálu Direct Line

Protokoly klientů do Direct Line požadavků kanálu.

// All the API calls that clients make to Direct Line channel
// e.g. Generate a Token, Refresh a Token, Post an Activity, Get Activities, GetAttachments, etc.
// You can adjust the limit value to the number of logs you would like to retrieve.
| where OperationName contains "ClientToDirectLine"
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| limit 100

Kanály z robota

Protokoly požadavků od robota do kanálů.

// This shows logs of requests sent by the bot to Azure Bot Service channels.
// You can adjust the limit value to the number of logs you would like to retrieve.
| where OperationName contains "BotToChannel"
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| limit 100

Kanály robota

Protokoly požadavků z kanálů na robota.

// This query retrieves logs of requests sent from Azure Bot Service channels to the bot.
// You can adjust the limit value to the number of logs you would like to retrieve.
| where OperationName contains "ChannelToBot"
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| limit 100

Požadavky z Facebook do Azure Bot Service

Protokoly požadavků z Facebook do Azure Bot Service Facebook Channel

// To retrieve logs for another channel, replace FacebookToChannel with the respective channel request operation name 
// e.g. SlackToChannel, KikToChannel, GroupmeToChannel, LineToChannel, SMSToChannel, TelegramToChannel and EmailToChannel.
| where OperationName contains "FacebookToChannel"
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Požadavky z Azure Bot Service do rozhraní API Facebook

Protokoly požadavků z Azure Bot Service Facebook Channel na rozhraní API Facebook.

// To retrieve logs for another channel, replace ChannelToFacebookAPI with the respective channel request operation name 
// e.g. ChannelToSlackAPI, ChannelToGroupmeAPI, ChannelToKikAPI, ChannelToLineAPI, ChannelToSMSAPI, ChannelToTelegramAPI and ChannelToEmailAPI.
| where OperationName contains "ChannelToFacebookAPI"
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Aktivity odesílané z klientů do Direct Line

Protokoly požadavků na odesílání aktivit z klienta do Direct Line kanálu.

// This query displays logs of requests sent from a client such as WebChat to Direct Line channel.
// Replace 'SendAnActivity:ClientToDirectLine' with any operation name whose logs you would like to retrieve.
| where OperationName == 'SendAnActivity:ClientToDirectLine'
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Protokoly kanálu Direct Line

Načtou se protokoly přidružené k kanálu Direct Line.

// This query retrieves logs of requests related to Direct Line channel.
| where Channel == "directline"
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Neúspěšné požadavky

Seznam protokolů neúspěšných požadavků

// Retrieve all logs of requests that have not been successful within a selected time range.
| where ResultCode < 200 or ResultCode >= 300
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Spojnicový graf kódů odpovědí kanálu Direct Line

Spojnicový graf zobrazující kódy odpovědí na žádosti Direct Line kanálu.

// This query displays a Line Chart showing requests related to Direct Line channel.
| where Channel == "directline"
| summarize Number_Of_Requests = count() by tostring(ResultCode), bin(TimeGenerated, 5m)
| render timechart

Spojnicový graf doby trvání požadavků

Spojnicový graf zobrazující doby odezvy a doby trvání požadavků na operaci

// This query displays a Line Chart showing requests response duration per operation.
| summarize DurationMs = avg(DurationMs)  by bin(TimeGenerated, 5m), OperationName
| render timechart

Spojnicový graf kódů odpovědí

Spojnicový graf zobrazující stavové kódy odpovědí na požadavky

// Display a Line Chart of requests response status codes.
| summarize Number_Of_Requests = count() by tostring(ResultCode), bin(TimeGenerated, 5m)
| render timechart

Kódy odpovědí – PieChart

Výsečový graf zobrazující stavové kódy odpovědí na požadavky

// Display a Pie Chart showing requests response status codes.
| summarize count() by tostring(ResultCode)      
| render piechart

PieChart operací požadavků

Výsečový graf zobrazující operace požadavků

// Display a Pie Chart showing requests by operation name.
// This gives a perspective of the request operations percentage distribution in the selected time range.
| summarize count() by tostring(OperationName)      
| render piechart