Dotazy na tabulku REDConnectionEvents
Informace o používání těchto dotazů na webu Azure Portal najdete v kurzu služby Log Analytics. Informace o rozhraní REST API najdete v tématu Dotaz.
Jedinečné ověřené IP adresy klienta Redis
Jedinečné IP adresy klienta Redis, které byly úspěšně ověřeny v mezipaměti.
// EventStatus :
// 0 AUTHENTICATION_FAILED - Invalid username and/or password.
// 1 AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_TOO_LONG - Username or password are too long.
// 2 AUTHENTICATION_NOT_REQUIRED - Client tried to authenticate, but authentication isn’t necessary.
// 3 AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_PENDING - Attempting to receive authentication info from the directory in async mode.
// 4 AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_ERROR - Authentication attempt failed because there was a directory connection error.
// 5 AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_IN_PROGRESS - Syncer SASL handshake. Return SASL response and wait for the next request.
// 6 AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_FAILED - Syncer SASL handshake. Returned SASL response and closed the connection.
// 7 AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_OK - Syncer authenticated. Returned SASL response.
// 8 AUTHENTICATION_OK - Client successfully authenticated.
| where EventType == "auth" and EventStatus == 2 or EventStatus == 8 or EventStatus == 7
| summarize count() by ClientIp
Žádosti o ověření klientů Redis za hodinu
Požadavky na ověřování klientů Redis za hodinu v zadaném rozsahu IP adres. Zahrnuje úspěšné i neúspěšné žádosti.
| extend EventTime = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(EventEpochTime)
// For particular datetime filtering, add '| where EventTime between (StartTime .. EndTime)'
// For particular IP range filtering, add '| where ipv4_is_in_range(ClientIp, IpRange)'
// IP range can be defined like this 'let IpRange = "";' at the top of query.
| where EventType == "auth"
| summarize AuthencationRequestsCount = count() by TimeRange = bin(EventTime, 1h)
Připojení klientů Redis za hodinu
Připojení klientů Redis za hodinu v zadaném rozsahu IP adres.
// For particular datetime filtering, add '| where EventTime between (StartTime .. EndTime)'
// For particular IP range filtering, add '| where ipv4_is_in_range(ClientIp, IpRange)'
// IP range can be defined like this 'let IpRange = "";' at the top of query.
| extend EventTime = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(EventEpochTime)
| where EventType == "new_conn"
| summarize ConnectionCount = count() by TimeRange = bin(EventTime, 1h)
Odpojení klienta Redis za hodinu
Odpojení klienta Redis za hodinu v zadaném rozsahu IP adres.
// For particular datetime filtering, add '| where EventTime between (StartTime .. EndTime)'
// For particular IP range filtering, add '| where ipv4_is_in_range(ClientIp, IpRange)'
// IP range can be defined like this 'let IpRange = "";' at the top of query.
| extend EventTime = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(EventEpochTime)
| where EventType == "close_conn"
| summarize DisconnectionCount = count() by TimeRange = bin(EventTime, 1h)
Neúspěšné pokusy o ověření v mezipaměti Redis
Pokusy o ověření v mezipaměti Redis, které nebyly úspěšné.
// EventStatus :
// 0 AUTHENTICATION_FAILED - Invalid username and/or password.
// 1 AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_TOO_LONG - Username or password are too long.
// 2 AUTHENTICATION_NOT_REQUIRED - Client tried to authenticate, but authentication isn’t necessary.
// 3 AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_PENDING - Attempting to receive authentication info from the directory in async mode.
// 4 AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_ERROR - Authentication attempt failed because there was a directory connection error.
// 5 AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_IN_PROGRESS - Syncer SASL handshake. Return SASL response and wait for the next request.
// 6 AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_FAILED - Syncer SASL handshake. Returned SASL response and closed the connection.
// 7 AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_OK - Syncer authenticated. Returned SASL response.
// 8 AUTHENTICATION_OK - Client successfully authenticated.
| where EventType == "auth" and EventStatus != 2 and EventStatus != 8 and EventStatus != 7
| project ClientIp, EventStatus, ConnectionId