Skript Windows PowerShellu pro ochranu Azure RMS pomocí FCI Správce prostředků souborového serveru

Tato stránka obsahuje ukázkový skript pro kopírování a úpravy, jak je popsáno v ochraně RMS s infrastrukturou klasifikace souborů systému Windows Server.

Tento skript používá minimální verzi 2.13 pro modul AzureInformationProtection. Spuštěním následujícího příkazu zkontrolujte verzi: (Get-Module AzureInformationProtection -ListAvailable).Version

     Helper script to protect all file types using the Azure Rights Management service and FCI.
     Protect files with the Azure Rights Management service and Windows Server FCI, using an AIP label ID and AzureInformationProtection module minimum version 2.13.  
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            [ValidateScript({ If($_ -eq "") {$true} else { if (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) {$true} else {throw "Can't find file specified"} } })]

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            [string]$AppId = "<enter your AppId here>",

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            [string]$AppSecret = "<enter your secret here>",

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            [string]$TenantId = "<enter your TenantId here>"

# script information
[String] $Script:Version = 'version 3.4' 
[String] $Script:Name = "RMS-Protect-FCI.ps1"

#global working variables
[switch] $Script:isScriptProcess = $False # Controls the script process. If false, the script gracefully stops running.

#**Functions (general helper)***************************************
function Get-ScriptName(){ 

	return $MyInvocation.ScriptName.Substring($MyInvocation.ScriptName.LastIndexOf('\') + 1, $MyInvocation.ScriptName.LastIndexOf('.') - $MyInvocation.ScriptName.LastIndexOf('\') - 1)

#**Functions (script specific)**************************************

function Check-Module{

    param ([String]$Module = $(Throw "Module name not specified"))

    [bool]$isResult = $False

    #try to load the module
    if ((get-module -list -name $Module) -ne $nil)

            $isResult = $True
        } else 
            $isResult = $False

    return $isResult

function Protect-File ($ffile, $flabelId) {

    [bool] $returnValue = $false
    try {
            $protectReturn = Set-AIPFileLabel -File $ffile -LabelID $flabelId
            $returnValue = $true
            Write-Host ( "Information: " + "Protected File: $ffile with Template: $flabelId")
    } catch {
        Write-Host ( "ERROR" + "During protection of file: $ffile with Template: $flabelId")
    return $returnValue

function Set-AIPConnection ($fappId, $fsecret, $ftenantId) {

	[bool] $returnValue = $false
    try {
               Set-AIPAuthentication -AppId $fappId -AppSecret $fsecret -TenantId $ftenantId
        Write-Host ("Information: " + "Connected to Azure Information Protection Service with TenantId: $ftenantId using AppId: $fappId")
        $returnValue = $true
    } catch {
        Write-Host ("ERROR" + "During connection to Azure Information Protection Service with TenantId: $ftenantId using AppId: $fappId")
    return $returnValue

#**Main Script (Script)*********************************************
Write-Host ("-== " + $Script:Name + " " + $Version + " ==-")

$Script:isScriptProcess = $True

# Validate Azure Information Protection connection by checking the module and then connection
if ($Script:isScriptProcess) {
 		if (Check-Module -Module AzureInformationProtection){
    	$Script:isScriptProcess = $True
	} else {

		Write-Host ("The AzureInformationProtection module is not loaded") -foregroundcolor "yellow" -backgroundcolor "black"	        
		$Script:isScriptProcess = $False

if ($Script:isScriptProcess) {
	#Write-Host ("Try to connect to Azure Information Protection with AppId: $AppId and TenantID: $TenantId" )	
    if (Set-AIPConnection $AppId $AppSecret $TenantId) {
	    Write-Host ("Connected to Azure Information Protection")

    } else {
		Write-Host ("Couldn't connect to Azure Information Protection") -foregroundcolor "yellow" -backgroundcolor "black"
		$Script:isScriptProcess = $False

#  Start working loop
if ($Script:isScriptProcess) {
    if ( !(($File -eq $null) -or ($File -eq "")) ) {
        if (!(Protect-File -ffile $File -ftemplateId $TemplateID)) {
            $Script:isScriptProcess = $False           

# Closing
if (!$Script:isScriptProcess) { Write-Host "ERROR occurred during script process" -foregroundcolor "red" -backgroundcolor "black"}
write-host ("-== " + $Script:Name + " " + $Version + "  ==-")
if (!$Script:isScriptProcess) { exit(-1) } else {exit(0)}

Zpět na ochranu RMS pomocí infrastruktury klasifikace souborů systému Windows Server.