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Message Schemas for RFC Operations

The Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite surfaces SAP Remote Function Calls (RFC) as operations. This topic contains information about the message schemas and message actions used for RFC operations. The message structure is the same for inbound and outbound RFC operations. For an overview of the RFC operations that the adapter supports, see Operations on RFCs in SAP.

You can also invoke BAPIs as RFC operations on the adapter. An example of the message structure for such an invocation is included in this topic.

Message Structure for RFC Operations

The following table shows the RFC message schemas. Each RFC operation consists of a request message and a reply (response) message.

Message XML Message Structure Description


- Import, changing, and table parameters are supported.

- Import and changing parameters can be of SAP STRUCTURE TYPES, SAP TABLE TYPES or SAP simple data types.

- Export, changing, and table parameters are supported.

Note: By default, table parameters are not surfaced in the response message. If you require table parameters in response message, you must pass empty table parameters in the request message.

- Import and changing parameters can be of SAP STRUCTURE TYPES, SAP TABLE TYPES or SAP simple data types.

<RfcGetAttributes> </RfcGetAttributes> RfcGetAttributes is an RFC SDK API operation that is surfaced by the SAP adapter. The RfcGetAttributes operation enables a client program to retrieve the language, the system ID, and the partner code page that are associated with the RFC connection.
RfcGetAttributes Response

<RfcGetAttributesResponse> <Language>lang</Language> <SysId>id</SysId> <PartnerCodePage>pnrcp</PartnerCodePage> </RfcGetAttributesResponse> The response to the RfcGetAttributes operation returns the language, the system ID, and the partner code page that are associated with the RFC connection.

[VERSION] = The message version string; for example, http://Microsoft.LobServices.SAP/2007/03.

[RFC_NAME] = Name of the RFC; for example, RFC_CUSTOMER_GET.

[IN_PARAM_NAME] = The name of an RFC Import parameter.

[OUT_PARAM_NAME] = The name of an RFC Export parameter.

[INOUT_PARAM_NAME] = The name of an RFC Changing parameter.

[TABLE_PARAM_NAME] = The name of an RFC Table parameter.

[STRUCT_PARAM_NAME] = The name of an RFC Structure parameter.

Message Actions for RFC Operations

The following table shows the message actions for RFC operations.

Operation Message Action Example
[RFC_NAME] [VERSION]/Rfc/[RFC_NAME] http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/Rfc/RFC_CUSTOMER_GET
[RFC_NAME] Response [VERSION]/Rfc/[RFC_NAME]/response http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/Rfc/RFC_CUSTOMER_GET/response
RfcGetAttributes [VERSION]/RfcGetAttributes http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/RfcGetAttributes
RfcGetAttributes Response [VERSION/RfcGetAttributes/response http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/RfcGetAttributes/response

[VERSION] = The message version string; for example, http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03.

[RFC_NAME] = The name of the RFC to be invoked; for example, RFC_CUSTOMER_GET.

Invoking a BAPI as an RFC Operation

The SAP adapter surfaces BAPIs both as RFC operations and as methods of business objects. As RFC operations, BAPIs are surfaced by name. For more information about invoking BAPIs by using the business object interface, see Operations on BAPIs in SAP.

The following XML shows the message structure for a BAPI (BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2) that is invoked as an RFC. The message action for this operation is: http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/Rfc/BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2.

<BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2 xmlns="http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/Rfc/">  
    <BAPICUSTOMER_02 xmlns="http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/Types/Rfc/">  
      <CUSTOMER />  
      <BANK_CTRY />  
      <BANK_KEY />  
      <BANK_ACCT />  
      <CTRL_KEY />  
      <PARTNER_BK />  
      <COLL_AUTH />  
      <BANK_REF />  

See Also

Messages and Message Schemas for BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite