
Sdílet prostřednictvím

Node types and IDs for the SAP adapter

Metadata node types and IDs

The following table lists the node type and node ID for the SAP artifacts that the Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite surfaces. The node ID is the absolute path of the node that is used in the IMetadataRetrievalContractBrowse, Search, and GetMetadata methods.

Artifact Display Name Node Type Node ID
RfcGetAttributes OPERATION [VERSION]/RfcApi/RfcGetAttributes
RfcConfirmTransID OPERATION [VERSION]/RfcApi/RfcConfirmTransID
SendIdoc OPERATION [VERSION]/Idoc/SendIdoc
ReceiveIdoc OPERATION [VERSION]/Idoc/ReceiveIdoc

[VERSION] = The version string; for example, http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03.

[RFC_APPL_GROUP_NAME] = The name of an application group; for example, Sales.

[RFC_APPL_GROUP_ ID] = The ID associated with an application group in SAP; for example, V (for Sales).

[RFC_NAME] = The name of an RFC; for example, RFC_GET_SYSTEM_INFO.

[TRFC_APPL_GROUP_NAME] = The name of an application group; for example, Sales. This is the same of the application group for RFCs.

[TRFC_APPL_GROUP_ ID] = The ID associated with an application group in SAP; for example, V (for Sales). This is the same as the ID for RFCs.

[TRFC_NAME]= The name of a tRFC; for example, RFC_GET_SYSTEM_INFO. This is the same as the RFC name.

[BAPI_APPL_GROUP_NAME] = The name of the BAPI group as in the BAPI explorer in SAP. For example, Sales and Distribution.

[BAPI_APPL_GROUP_NODE_ID] = The ID associated with the corresponding node in the BAPI explorer tree in SAP; For example, 3253 for Sales and Distribution. Note that there could be more group nodes under a given BAPI group node. For example, the Sales and Distribution node has another group node under it called Sales (node ID 3375).

[BUSINESS_OBJECT_NAME] = The name of a business object; for example, Sales Order.

[BUSOBJ_TYPE] = The business object type in SAP; for example BUS2032 for the Sales Order business object.

[BUSINESS_OBJECT_METHOD] = The name of a business object method; for example, GETLIST for the Sales Order business object.

[FUNCTION MODULE] = The SAP function module for the business object method; for example, BAPI_SALESORDER_GETLIST for GETLIST method of the Sales Order business object.

[IDOC_MSG_TYPE_NAME] = The name of an IDOC message type; for example, ORDERS.

[IDOC_TYPE_NAME] = The name of the IDOC type; for example, ORDERS05.

[IDOC_CIMTYPE] = The IDOC CIM Type (extension); for example, Z1ORDERS.

[FIRST_IDOC_REL_NO] = The minimum IDOC release number for a particular IDOC type; for example, 46A for ORDERS05 in a particular SAP system.

[IDOC_VERSION] = The IDOC release version number; 2 for release 2 IDOCS and 3 for release 3 IDOCS..

[IDOC_REL_NO] = The IDOC release number; for example 46A, 46B, or 620.

Metadata Search Node IDs

Metadata search is a powerful feature that the Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Line of Business (LOB) Adapter SDK surfaces as part of its IMetadataRetrievalContract interface. The SAP adapter uses this feature to support searching the following SAP artifacts.

Artifact Display Name Node ID Description
/RFC [VERSION]/RFCSECTION Return all RFC operations that match the search expression.
/RFC/[RFC_APPL_GROUP_NAME] [VERSION]/RFCGROUP/[RFC_APPL_GROUP_NAME] Return RFC operations in the application group that match the search expression.
/TRFC [VERSION]/TRFCSECTION Return all RFC operations that match the search expression.
/TRFC/[TRFC_APPL_GROUP_NAME] [VERSION]/TRFCGROUP/[TRFC_APPL_GROUP_NAME] Return RFC operations in the application group that match the search expression.
/BAPI [VERSION]/BAPISECTION Return all BAPIs that match the search expression.
/IDOC [VERSION]/IDOCSECTION Return all IDOCs that match the search expression.

The following table lists the wildcard characters that the SAP adapter supports in search expressions.

Special Character Interpretation
plus (+) Matches exactly one character.

For example, A+ matches AB, AC, AD, and so on.
asterisk (*) Matches zero or more characters; for example, “A*” matches “A”, “AB”, “ABC”, and so on.

Metadata Retrieval Node IDs

The following table summarizes the metadata characteristics returned by SAP adapter.

Artifact Metadata Characteristics
RFC - RFC name.
- RFC import, export, changing and table parameters.
- RFC parameter data types.
- RFC parameter field length mapped to facet maxLength
- RFC mandatory parameter mapped to facet minOccurs = 1
- RFC optional parameter mapped to facet minOccurs = 0
- RFC parameter NULL constraint mapped to facet isNillable = true. This means that the adapter should not pass this parameter to the SAP system.
- The RFC itself is the operation.
TRFC Same as RFC except

- RFC import parameters are not surfaced. Because tRFC is asynchronous, no output parameters are surfaced.
BAPI - Name of business object
- Name of business object method
- Same as RFC characteristics


IDOC release number

IDOC version

IDOC control record fields mapped to an EDI_DC complex type

IDOC data record segments and segment fields mapped to an EDI_DD complex type

Segment parent-child relationships

IDOC segment mandatory parameter mapped to minOccurs = 1

IDOC segment optional parameter mapped to minOccurs = 0

IDOC segment header field name

IDOC segment header field data type

IDOC segment field name

IDOC segment field data type

IDOC segment field value enumerations

IDOC segment field min, max values (ranges) Note: When an IDOC segment field contains a list of min values, it is surfaced as an enumeration. If the IDOC segment field contains both min and max values, it is surfaced as a string without any enumeration or range constructs.

For detailed information about the format of the metadata that the SAP adapter exposes for specific artifacts and operations on the SAP system, see Messages and Message Schemas for BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite.