Sdílet prostřednictvím

DiffDiskSettings.Placement Property


Specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk. Possible values are: CacheDisk, ResourceDisk, NvmeDisk. The defaulting behavior is: CacheDisk if one is configured for the VM size otherwise ResourceDisk or NvmeDisk is used. Refer to the VM size documentation for Windows VM at and Linux VM at to check which VM sizes exposes a cache disk. Minimum api-version for NvmeDisk: 2024-03-01.

public Azure.ResourceManager.Compute.Models.DiffDiskPlacement? Placement { get; set; }
member this.Placement : Nullable<Azure.ResourceManager.Compute.Models.DiffDiskPlacement> with get, set
Public Property Placement As Nullable(Of DiffDiskPlacement)

Property Value

Applies to