Sdílet prostřednictvím

SyntaxKind Enum


Enumeration with all Visual Basic syntax node kinds.

public enum class SyntaxKind
public enum SyntaxKind
type SyntaxKind = 
Public Enum SyntaxKind


AddAssignmentStatement 249

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

AddExpression 307

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

AddHandlerAccessorBlock 85

Represents an accessor block member declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, a body of executable statements and an end statement. Examples include property accessors and custom event accessors.

AddHandlerAccessorStatement 107

Represents a Get or Set accessor on a property declaration or an AddHandler, RemoveHandler or RaiseEvent accessor on a custom event declaration. The Kind of the node determines what kind of accessor this is. This statement is always the Begin of a BlockNode, and the body of the accessor is the Body of that node.

AddHandlerKeyword 413

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AddHandlerStatement 262

Represents an AddHandler or RemoveHandler statement. The Kind property determines which one.

AddressOfExpression 336

Describes a unary operator: Plus, Negate, Not or AddressOf.

AddressOfKeyword 414

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AggregateClause 361

Represents an Aggregate query operator.

AggregateKeyword 584

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AggregationRangeVariable 355

Describes a single variable of the form "[x [As Type] =] aggregation-function" for use in the Into clause of Aggregate or Group By or Group Join query operators.

AliasKeyword 415

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AllKeyword 585

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AmpersandEqualsToken 664

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

AmpersandToken 638

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

AndAlsoExpression 332

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

AndAlsoKeyword 417

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AndExpression 330

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

AndKeyword 416

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AnonymousObjectCreationExpression 298

Represents a New expression that create an object of anonymous type.

AnsiKeyword 586

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ArgumentList 347

Represents a parenthesized argument list.

ArrayCreationExpression 301

Represents an expression that creates a new array.

ArrayRankSpecifier 134

Represents a modifier that describes an array type, without bounds, such as "()" or "(,)".

ArrayType 396

Represents an array type, such as "A() or "A(,)", without bounds specified for the array.

AscendingKeyword 587

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AscendingOrdering 375

An expression to order by, plus an optional ordering. The Kind indicates whether to order in ascending or descending order.

AsKeyword 418

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AsNewClause 124

Represents an "As New {type-name} [arguments] [initializers]" clause in a declaration. The type has optional attributes associated with it, although attributes are not permitted in many places where this node occurs (they are permitted, for example, on automatically implemented properties.)

AssemblyKeyword 588

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AsteriskEqualsToken 665

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

AsteriskToken 647

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

AsyncKeyword 630

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AtToken 635

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

Attribute 136

Represents a single attribute declaration within an attribute list.

AttributeList 135

Represents a group of attributes within "<" and ">" brackets.

AttributesStatement 138

Represents a file-level attribute, in which the attributes have no other syntactic element they are attached to.

AttributeTarget 137

Represents a single attribute declaration within an attribute list.

AutoKeyword 589

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

AwaitExpression 412

Represent a Await expression.

AwaitKeyword 631

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

BackslashEqualsToken 669

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

BackslashToken 659

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

BadDirectiveTrivia 753

Represents an unrecognized pre-processing directive. This occurs when the parser encounters a hash '#' token at the beginning of a physical line but does recognize the text that follows as a valid Visual Basic pre-processing directive.

BadToken 693

Represents a sequence of characters appearing in source with no possible meaning in the Visual Basic language (e.g. the semicolon ';'). This token should only appear in SkippedTokenTrivia as an artifact of parsing error recovery.

BeginCDataToken 690

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

BinaryConditionalExpression 337

Represents a conditional expression, If(condition, true-expr, false-expr) or If(expr, nothing-expr).

BinaryKeyword 590

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

BooleanKeyword 421

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ByKeyword 591

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ByRefKeyword 422

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ByteKeyword 423

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ByValKeyword 424

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CallKeyword 425

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CallStatement 261

Represent a call statement (also known as a invocation statement).

CaretEqualsToken 670

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

CaretToken 662

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

CaseBlock 207

Represents a case statement and its subsequent block.

CaseElseBlock 210

Represents a case statement and its subsequent block.

CaseElseStatement 212

Represents a Case or Case Else statement. This statement is always the Begin of a CaseBlock. If this is a Case Else statement, the Kind=CaseElse, otherwise the Kind=Case.

CaseEqualsClause 216

Represents a relation clause in a Case statement, such as "Is > expression".

CaseGreaterThanClause 223

Represents a relation clause in a Case statement, such as "Is > expression".

CaseGreaterThanOrEqualClause 222

Represents a relation clause in a Case statement, such as "Is > expression".

CaseKeyword 426

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CaseLessThanClause 218

Represents a relation clause in a Case statement, such as "Is > expression".

CaseLessThanOrEqualClause 219

Represents a relation clause in a Case statement, such as "Is > expression".

CaseNotEqualsClause 217

Represents a relation clause in a Case statement, such as "Is > expression".

CaseStatement 211

Represents a Case or Case Else statement. This statement is always the Begin of a CaseBlock. If this is a Case Else statement, the Kind=CaseElse, otherwise the Kind=Case.

CatchBlock 187

Represents a Catch part of a Try...Catch...Finally...End Try statement, consisting of a Catch statement, followed by a body of statements controlled by that Catch statement. The Kind property returns which kind of part this is.

CatchFilterClause 191

Represents the When/Filter clause of a Catch statement

CatchKeyword 427

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CatchStatement 190

Represents the Catch part of a Try...Catch...Finally...End Try. This statement is always the Begin of a CatchPart.

CBoolKeyword 428

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CByteKeyword 429

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CCharKeyword 432

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CDateKeyword 433

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CDblKeyword 435

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CDecKeyword 434

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CharacterLiteralExpression 272

Represents a literal. The kind of literal is determined by the Kind property: IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, BooleanLiteral, DecimalLiteral, FloatingLiteral, DateLiteral or StringLiteral. The value of the literal can be determined by casting the associated Token to the correct type and getting the value from the token.

CharacterLiteralToken 706

Represents a string literal token.

CharKeyword 436

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CIntKeyword 437

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ClassBlock 53

Represents a declaration of a Class its contents and the End statement that ends it.

ClassConstraint 73

One of the special type parameter constraints: New, Class or Structure. Which kind of special constraint it is can be obtained from the Kind property and is one of: NewConstraint, ReferenceConstraint or ValueConstraint.

ClassKeyword 438

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ClassStatement 62

Represents the beginning statement of a Class declaration. This node always appears as the Begin of a TypeBlock with Kind=ClassDeclarationBlock.

CLngKeyword 439

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CloseBraceToken 645

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

CloseParenToken 643

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

CObjKeyword 440

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CollectionInitializer 302

Represents an expression that creates a new array without naming the element type.

CollectionRangeVariable 353

Describes a single variable of the form "x [As Type] In expression" for use in query expressions.

ColonEqualsToken 663

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

ColonToken 652

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

ColonTrivia 731

Represents colons that are syntactically insignificant.

CommaToken 636

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

CommentTrivia 732

Represents a comment.

CompareKeyword 592

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CompilationUnit 38

Represents an entire source file of VB code.

ConcatenateAssignmentStatement 259

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

ConcatenateExpression 317

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

ConditionalAccessExpression 713

ExpressionSyntax node representing the object conditionally accessed.

ConflictMarkerTrivia 792

Trivia created when merge conflict markers (like "<<<<<<<") are detected in source code

ConstDirectiveTrivia 736

Represents a #Const pre-processing constant declaration appearing in source.

ConstKeyword 441

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ConstructorBlock 81

Represents a constructor block declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, a body of executable statements and an end statement.

ContinueDoStatement 167

Represents a "Continue (block)" statement. THe kind of block referenced can be determined by examining the Kind.

ContinueForStatement 168

Represents a "Continue (block)" statement. THe kind of block referenced can be determined by examining the Kind.

ContinueKeyword 443

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ContinueWhileStatement 166

Represents a "Continue (block)" statement. THe kind of block referenced can be determined by examining the Kind.

CrefOperatorReference 409
CrefReference 404

Syntax node class that represents a value of 'cref' attribute inside documentation comment trivia.

CrefSignature 407

Represents a parenthesized list of argument types for a signature inside CrefReferenceSyntax syntax.

CrefSignaturePart 408
CSByteKeyword 444

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CShortKeyword 445

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CSngKeyword 446

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CStrKeyword 447

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CTypeExpression 303
CTypeKeyword 448

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CUIntKeyword 449

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CULngKeyword 450

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CUShortKeyword 453

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

CustomKeyword 593

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DateKeyword 454

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DateLiteralExpression 276

Represents a literal. The kind of literal is determined by the Kind property: IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, BooleanLiteral, DecimalLiteral, FloatingLiteral, DateLiteral or StringLiteral. The value of the literal can be determined by casting the associated Token to the correct type and getting the value from the token.

DateLiteralToken 704

Represents a Date literal token.

DecimalKeyword 455

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DecimalLiteralToken 703

Represents a Decimal literal token.

DeclareFunctionStatement 97

A Declare statement that declares an external DLL method.

DeclareKeyword 456

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DeclareSubStatement 96

A Declare statement that declares an external DLL method.

DefaultKeyword 457

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DelegateFunctionStatement 99

A statement that declares a delegate type.

DelegateKeyword 458

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DelegateSubStatement 98

A statement that declares a delegate type.

DescendingKeyword 594

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DescendingOrdering 376

An expression to order by, plus an optional ordering. The Kind indicates whether to order in ascending or descending order.

DictionaryAccessExpression 292

Represents member access (.name) or dictionary access (!name). The Kind property determines which kind of access.

DimKeyword 459

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DirectCastExpression 304
DirectCastKeyword 460

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DisabledTextTrivia 735

Represents text in a false preprocessor block

DisableKeyword 595

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DisableWarningDirectiveTrivia 749

Represents #Disable Warning pre-processing directive appearing in source.

DistinctClause 362

Represents the "Distinct" query operator.

DistinctKeyword 596

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DivideAssignmentStatement 252

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

DivideExpression 310

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

DocumentationCommentExteriorTrivia 734

Represents a ''' prefix for an XML Documentation Comment.

DocumentationCommentLineBreakToken 697

Represents character data in Xml content also known as PCData or in an Xml attribute value. All text is here for now even text that does not need normalization such as comment, pi and cdata text.

DocumentationCommentTrivia 710

Represents a documentation comment e.g. ''' <Summary> appearing in source.

DoKeyword 461

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DollarSignDoubleQuoteToken 785

Represents a '$"' token in an interpolated string expression.

DoLoopUntilBlock 760

Represents a "Do ... Loop" block.

DoLoopWhileBlock 759

Represents a "Do ... Loop" block.

DotToken 650

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

DoubleKeyword 462

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

DoubleQuoteToken 676

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

DoUntilLoopBlock 758

Represents a "Do ... Loop" block.

DoUntilStatement 772

Represents a "Do Until" statement that begins a "Do ... Loop" block.

DoWhileLoopBlock 757

Represents a "Do ... Loop" block.

DoWhileStatement 771

Represents a "Do While" statement that begins a "Do ... Loop" block.

EachKeyword 463

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ElseBlock 181

Represents the Else part of an If statement, consisting of a Else statement, followed by a body of statement controlled by that Else.

ElseCaseClause 213

The "Else" part in a Case Else statement.

ElseDirectiveTrivia 739

Represents an #Else pre-processing directive appearing in source.

ElseIfBlock 180

Represents part of an If statement, consisting of a beginning statement (If or ElseIf), followed by a body of statement controlled by that beginning statement. The Kind property returns if this is an If or ElseIf.

ElseIfDirectiveTrivia 738

Represents the beginning of an #If pre-processing directive appearing in source.

ElseIfKeyword 465

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ElseIfStatement 183

Represents the If part or ElseIf part of a If...End If block (or line If). This statement is always the Begin of a IfPart. The Kind can be examined to determine if this is an If or an ElseIf statement.

ElseKeyword 464

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ElseStatement 184

Represents the Else part of a If...End If block (or line If). This statement is always the Begin of a ElsePart.

EmptyStatement 2

A class to represent an empty statement. This can occur when a colon is on a line without anything else.

EmptyToken 679

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

EnableKeyword 599

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

EnableWarningDirectiveTrivia 748

Represents #Enable Warning pre-processing directive appearing in source.

EndAddHandlerStatement 22

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndCDataToken 691

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

EndClassStatement 12

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndEnumStatement 10

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndEventStatement 21

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndExternalSourceDirectiveTrivia 746

Represents an #End ExternalSource pre-processing directive appearing in source.

EndFunctionStatement 16

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndGetStatement 17

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndIfDirectiveTrivia 740

Represents an #End If pre-processing directive appearing in source.

EndIfKeyword 580

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

EndIfStatement 5

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndInterfaceStatement 11

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndKeyword 466

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

EndModuleStatement 13

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndNamespaceStatement 14

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndOfFileToken 678

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

EndOfInterpolatedStringToken 787

Represents the end of interpolated string when parsing.

EndOfLineTrivia 730

Represents line breaks that are syntactically insignificant.

EndOfXmlToken 692

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

EndOperatorStatement 20

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndPropertyStatement 19

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndRaiseEventStatement 24

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndRegionDirectiveTrivia 744

Represents an #End Region directive appearing in source.

EndRemoveHandlerStatement 23

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndSelectStatement 8

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndSetStatement 18

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndStatement 156

Represents a "Stop" or "End" statement. The Kind can be used to determine which kind of statement this is.

EndStructureStatement 9

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndSubStatement 15

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndSyncLockStatement 27

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndTryStatement 26

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndUsingStatement 6

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndWhileStatement 25

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EndWithStatement 7

Represents an "End XXX" statement, where XXX is a single keyword.

EnumBlock 54

Represents a declaration of an Enum, its contents and the End Enum statement that ends it.

EnumKeyword 467

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

EnumMemberDeclaration 78

Represents a name and value in an EnumDeclarationBlock.

EnumStatement 63

Represents the beginning statement of an Enum declaration. This node always appears as the Begin of an EnumBlock with Kind=EnumDeclarationBlock.

EqualsExpression 319

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

EqualsKeyword 600

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

EqualsToken 656

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

EqualsValue 129

Represents an "= initializer" clause in a declaration for a variable, parameter or automatic property.

EraseKeyword 468

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

EraseStatement 271

Represents an "Erase" statement.

ErrorKeyword 469

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ErrorStatement 195

Represents the "Error" statement.

EventBlock 89

Represents a custom event declaration: A declaration that has a beginning event declaration, some accessor blocks and an end statement.

EventKeyword 470

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

EventStatement 102

A statement that declares an event. If the event being declared is a custom event, this statement will be the Begin of a PropertyOrEventBlock, and the accessors will be part of the Accessors of that node.

ExclamationToken 634

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

ExclusiveOrExpression 329

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

ExitDoStatement 157

An exit statement. The kind of block being exited can be found by examining the Kind.

ExitForStatement 158

An exit statement. The kind of block being exited can be found by examining the Kind.

ExitFunctionStatement 160

An exit statement. The kind of block being exited can be found by examining the Kind.

ExitKeyword 471

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ExitOperatorStatement 161

An exit statement. The kind of block being exited can be found by examining the Kind.

ExitPropertyStatement 162

An exit statement. The kind of block being exited can be found by examining the Kind.

ExitSelectStatement 164

An exit statement. The kind of block being exited can be found by examining the Kind.

ExitSubStatement 159

An exit statement. The kind of block being exited can be found by examining the Kind.

ExitTryStatement 163

An exit statement. The kind of block being exited can be found by examining the Kind.

ExitWhileStatement 165

An exit statement. The kind of block being exited can be found by examining the Kind.

ExplicitKeyword 601

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ExponentiateAssignmentStatement 254

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

ExponentiateExpression 314

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

ExpressionRangeVariable 354

Describes a single variable of the form "[x [As Type] =] expression" for use in query expressions.

ExpressionStatement 139

Represent an expression in a statement context. This may only be a invocation or await expression in standard code but may be any expression in VB Interactive code.

ExternalChecksumDirectiveTrivia 747

Represents an #ExternalChecksum pre-processing directive appearing in source.

ExternalChecksumKeyword 603

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ExternalSourceDirectiveTrivia 745

Represents the beginning of a #ExternalSource pre-processing directive appearing in source.

ExternalSourceKeyword 602

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

FalseKeyword 474

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

FalseLiteralExpression 274

Represents a literal. The kind of literal is determined by the Kind property: IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, BooleanLiteral, DecimalLiteral, FloatingLiteral, DateLiteral or StringLiteral. The value of the literal can be determined by casting the associated Token to the correct type and getting the value from the token.

FieldDeclaration 119

Represents the declaration of one or more variables or constants, either as local variables or as class/structure members. In the case of a constant, it is represented by having "Const" in the Modifiers (although technically "Const" is not a modifier, it is represented as one in the parse trees.)

FinallyBlock 188

Represents the Finally part of a Try...Catch...Finally...End Try statement, consisting of a Finally statement, followed by a body of statements controlled by the Finally.

FinallyKeyword 475

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

FinallyStatement 194

Represents the Finally part of a Try...Catch...Finally...End Try. This statement is always the Begin of a FinallyPart.

FloatingLiteralToken 702

Represents a floating literal token.

ForBlock 237

Represents a For or For Each block, including the introducing statement, the body and the "Next" (which can be omitted if a containing For has a Next with multiple variables).

ForEachBlock 238

Represents a For or For Each block, including the introducing statement, the body and the "Next" (which can be omitted if a containing For has a Next with multiple variables).

ForEachStatement 241

The For Each statement that begins a For Each-Next block. This statement always occurs as the Begin of a ForBlock, and the body of the For Each-Next is the Body of that ForBlock. Most of the time, the End of that ForBlock is the corresponding Next statement. However, multiple nested For statements are ended by a single Next statement with multiple variables, then the inner For statements will have End set to Nothing, and the Next statement is the End of the outermost For statement that is being ended.

ForKeyword 476

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ForStatement 239

The For statement that begins a For-Next block. This statement always occurs as the Begin of a ForBlock. Most of the time, the End of that ForBlock is the corresponding Next statement. However, multiple nested For statements are ended by a single Next statement with multiple variables, then the inner For statements will have End set to Nothing, and the Next statement is the End of the outermost For statement that is being ended.

ForStepClause 240

The Step clause in a For Statement.

FriendKeyword 477

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

FromClause 359

Represents a "From" query operator. If this is the beginning of a query, the Source will be Nothing. Otherwise, the Source will be the part of the query to the left of the From.

FromKeyword 604

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

FunctionAggregation 357

Represents an invocation of an Aggregation function in the aggregation range variable declaration of a Group By, Group Join or Aggregate query operator.

FunctionBlock 80

Represents a Function or Sub block declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, a body of executable statements and an end statement.

FunctionKeyword 478

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

FunctionLambdaHeader 346

Represents the header part of a lambda expression

FunctionStatement 94

The statement that declares a Sub or Function. If this method has a body, this statement will be the Begin of a BlockStatement with Kind=MethodDeclarationBlock, and the body of the method will be the Body of that BlockStatement.

GenericName 400

Represents a simple type name with one or more generic arguments, such as "X(Of Y, Z).

GetAccessorBlock 83

Represents an accessor block member declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, a body of executable statements and an end statement. Examples include property accessors and custom event accessors.

GetAccessorStatement 105

Represents a Get or Set accessor on a property declaration or an AddHandler, RemoveHandler or RaiseEvent accessor on a custom event declaration. The Kind of the node determines what kind of accessor this is. This statement is always the Begin of a BlockNode, and the body of the accessor is the Body of that node.

GetKeyword 479

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

GetTypeExpression 285

Represents a GetType expression.

GetTypeKeyword 480

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

GetXmlNamespaceExpression 290

Represents a GetXmlNamespace expression.

GetXmlNamespaceKeyword 481

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

GlobalKeyword 482

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

GlobalName 402

Represents a name in the global namespace.

GosubKeyword 581

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

GoToKeyword 483

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

GoToStatement 149

Represents a "GoTo" statement.

GreaterThanEqualsToken 658

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

GreaterThanExpression 324

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken 674

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

GreaterThanGreaterThanToken 672

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

GreaterThanOrEqualExpression 323

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

GreaterThanToken 657

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

GroupAggregation 358

Represents the use of "Group" as the aggregation function in the in the aggregation range variable declaration of a Group By or Group Join query operator.

GroupByClause 368

Represents the "Group By" query operator.

GroupJoinClause 371

Represents the "Group Join" query operator.

GroupKeyword 605

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

HandlesClause 113

Represents the "Handles ..." clause on a method declaration that describes which events this method handles.

HandlesClauseItem 117

Represents a single handled event in a "Handles ..." clause.

HandlesKeyword 484

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

HashToken 637

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

IdentifierLabel 150

A label for a GoTo, Resume, or On Error statement. An identifier, line number, or next keyword.

IdentifierName 399

Represents a type name consisting of a single identifier (which might include brackets or a type character).

IdentifierToken 700

Represents an identifier token. This might include brackets around the name and a type character.

IfDirectiveTrivia 737

Represents the beginning of an #If pre-processing directive appearing in source.

IfKeyword 485

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

IfStatement 182

Represents the If part or ElseIf part of a If...End If block (or line If). This statement is always the Begin of a IfPart. The Kind can be examined to determine if this is an If or an ElseIf statement.

ImplementsClause 112

Represents the "Implements ..." clause on a type member, which describes which interface members this member implements.

ImplementsKeyword 486

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ImplementsStatement 58

Represents an Implements statement in a Class or Structure.

ImportAliasClause 754

Represents an alias identifier followed by an "=" token in an Imports clause.

ImportsKeyword 487

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ImportsStatement 42

Represents an Imports statement, which has one or more imports clauses.

IncompleteMember 118

Represents the beginning of a declaration. However, not enough syntax is detected to classify this as a field, method, property or event. This is node always represents a syntax error.

InferKeyword 606

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

InferredFieldInitializer 127

Represent a field initializer in a With {...} initializer where the field name is inferred from the initializer expression.

InheritsKeyword 489

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

InheritsStatement 57

Represents an Inherits statement in a Class, Structure or Interface.

InKeyword 488

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

IntegerDivideAssignmentStatement 253

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

IntegerDivideExpression 311

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

IntegerKeyword 490

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

IntegerLiteralToken 701

Represents an integer literal token.

InterfaceBlock 52

Represents a declaration of a Interface, its contents and the End statement that ends it.

InterfaceKeyword 491

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

InterfaceStatement 61

Represents the beginning statement of a Interface declaration. This node always appears as the Begin of a TypeBlock with Kind=InterfaceDeclarationBlock.

InterpolatedStringExpression 780

Represents an interpolated string expression.

InterpolatedStringText 781

Represents literal text content in an interpolated string.

InterpolatedStringTextToken 786

Represents literal character data in interpolated string expression.

Interpolation 782

Represents an embedded expression in an interpolated string expression e.g. '{expression[,alignment][:formatString]}'.

InterpolationAlignmentClause 783

Represents an alignment clause ', alignment' of an interpolated string embedded expression.

InterpolationFormatClause 784

Represents a format string clause ':formatString' of an interpolated string embedded expression.

IntoKeyword 607

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

InvocationExpression 296

Represents an invocation expression consisting of an invocation target and an optional argument list or an array, parameterized property or object default property index.

IsExpression 325

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

IsFalseKeyword 608

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

IsKeyword 492

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

IsNotExpression 326

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

IsNotKeyword 495

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

IsTrueKeyword 609

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

IteratorKeyword 632

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

JoinCondition 369

Represents the "expression Equals expression" condition in a Join.

JoinKeyword 610

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

KeyKeyword 611

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

KeywordEventContainer 114

Represents event container specified through special keywords "Me", "MyBase" or "MyClass"..

LabelStatement 148

Represents a label statement.

LeftShiftAssignmentStatement 255

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

LeftShiftExpression 315

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

LessThanEqualsToken 654

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

LessThanExclamationMinusMinusToken 684

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

LessThanExpression 321

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

LessThanGreaterThanToken 655

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

LessThanLessThanEqualsToken 673

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

LessThanLessThanToken 671

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

LessThanOrEqualExpression 322

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

LessThanPercentEqualsToken 688

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

LessThanQuestionToken 686

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

LessThanSlashToken 683

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

LessThanToken 653

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

LetClause 360

Represents a "Let" query operator.

LetKeyword 496

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

LibKeyword 497

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

LikeExpression 327

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

LikeKeyword 498

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

LineContinuationTrivia 733

Represents an explicit line continuation character at the end of a line, i.e., _

List 1
LocalDeclarationStatement 147

Represents the declaration of one or more local variables or constants.

LongKeyword 499

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

LoopKeyword 500

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

LoopUntilStatement 775

Represents a "Loop Until" statement that end a "Do ... Loop" block.

LoopWhileStatement 774

Represents a "Loop While" statement that end a "Do ... Loop" block.

MeExpression 282

Identifies the special instance "Me"

MeKeyword 501

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

MidAssignmentStatement 248

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

MidExpression 260

Represents a left-hand side of a MidAssignment statement.

MidKeyword 612

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

MinusEqualsToken 667

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

MinusMinusGreaterThanToken 685

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

MinusToken 649

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

ModifiedIdentifier 133

Represents an identifier with optional "?" or "()" or "(,,,)" modifiers, as used in parameter declarations and variable declarations.

ModKeyword 502

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ModuleBlock 50

Represents a declaration of Module, its contents and the End statement that ends it.

ModuleKeyword 503

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ModuleStatement 59

Represents the beginning statement of a Module declaration. This node always appears as the Begin of a TypeBlock with Kind=ModuleDeclarationBlock.

ModuloExpression 318

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

MultiLineFunctionLambdaExpression 343

Represents a multi-line lambda expression.

MultiLineIfBlock 173

Represents a block If...Then...Else...EndIf Statement. The Kind property can be used to determine if it is a block or line If.

MultiLineSubLambdaExpression 344

Represents a multi-line lambda expression.

MultiplyAssignmentStatement 251

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

MultiplyExpression 309

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

MustInheritKeyword 504

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

MustOverrideKeyword 505

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

MyBaseExpression 283

Identifies the special instance "MyBase"

MyBaseKeyword 506

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

MyClassExpression 284

Identifies the special instance "MyClass"

MyClassKeyword 507

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

NameColonEquals 755

Represents an identifier name followed by a ":=" token in a named argument.

NamedFieldInitializer 128

Represent a named field initializer in a With {...} initializer, such as ".x = expr".

NamedTupleElement 791

Represents an element of a tuple type supplying element name and optionally a type.

NameOfExpression 779

Represents a NameOf expression.

NameOfKeyword 778

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

NamespaceBlock 48

Represents a Namespace statement, its contents and the End Namespace statement.

NamespaceKeyword 508

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

NamespaceStatement 49

Represents the beginning statement of a namespace declaration. This node always appears as the Begin of a BlockStatement with Kind=NamespaceBlock.

NarrowingKeyword 509

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

NewConstraint 72

One of the special type parameter constraints: New, Class or Structure. Which kind of special constraint it is can be obtained from the Kind property and is one of: NewConstraint, ReferenceConstraint or ValueConstraint.

NewKeyword 511

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

NextKeyword 510

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

NextLabel 152

A label for a GoTo, Resume, or On Error statement. An identifier, line number, or next keyword.

NextStatement 242

The Next statement that ends a For-Next or For Each-Next block. This statement always occurs as the End of a ForBlock (with Kind=ForBlock or ForEachBlock), and the body of the For-Next is the Body of that ForBlock. The Begin of that ForBlock has the corresponding For or For Each statement.

None 0
NotEqualsExpression 320

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

NotExpression 335

Describes a unary operator: Plus, Negate, Not or AddressOf.

NothingKeyword 513

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

NothingLiteralExpression 280

Represents a literal. The kind of literal is determined by the Kind property: IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, BooleanLiteral, DecimalLiteral, FloatingLiteral, DateLiteral or StringLiteral. The value of the literal can be determined by casting the associated Token to the correct type and getting the value from the token.

NotInheritableKeyword 516

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

NotKeyword 512

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

NotOverridableKeyword 517

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

NullableType 397

A type name that represents a nullable type, such as "Integer?".

NumericLabel 151

A label for a GoTo, Resume, or On Error statement. An identifier, line number, or next keyword.

NumericLiteralExpression 275

Represents a literal. The kind of literal is determined by the Kind property: IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, BooleanLiteral, DecimalLiteral, FloatingLiteral, DateLiteral or StringLiteral. The value of the literal can be determined by casting the associated Token to the correct type and getting the value from the token.

ObjectCollectionInitializer 126

Represents a "From {...} clause used to initialize a new collection object's elements.

ObjectCreationExpression 297

Represents a New expression that creates a new non-array object, possibly with a "With" or "From" clause.

ObjectKeyword 518

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ObjectMemberInitializer 125

Represents a "With {...} clause used to initialize a new object's members.

OffKeyword 613

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OfKeyword 519

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OmittedArgument 348

Represents an omitted argument in an argument list. An omitted argument is not considered a syntax error but a valid case when no argument is required.

OnErrorGoToLabelStatement 198

Represents an OnError Goto statement.

OnErrorGoToMinusOneStatement 197

Represents an OnError Goto statement.

OnErrorGoToZeroStatement 196

Represents an OnError Goto statement.

OnErrorResumeNextStatement 199

Represents an OnError Resume Next statement.

OnKeyword 520

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OpenBraceToken 644

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

OpenParenToken 642

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

OperatorBlock 82

Represents an Operator block member declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, a body of executable statements and an end statement.

OperatorKeyword 521

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OperatorStatement 103

A statement that declares an operator. If this operator has a body, this statement will be the Begin of a BlockStatement with Kind=MethodDeclarationBlock, and the body of the method will be the Body of that BlockStatement.

OptionalKeyword 523

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OptionKeyword 522

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OptionStatement 41

Represents an Option statement, such as "Option Strict On".

OrderByClause 372

Represents the "Order By" query operator.

OrderKeyword 614

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OrElseExpression 331

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

OrElseKeyword 525

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OrExpression 328

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

OrKeyword 524

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OutKeyword 615

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OverloadsKeyword 526

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OverridableKeyword 527

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

OverridesKeyword 528

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ParamArrayKeyword 529

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

Parameter 132

Represent a parameter to a method, property, constructor, etc.

ParameterList 92

Represents the parameter list in a method declaration.

ParenthesizedExpression 281

Represents a parenthesized expression.

PartialKeyword 530

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

PercentGreaterThanToken 689

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

PlusEqualsToken 666

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

PlusToken 648

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

PredefinedCastExpression 306

Represents a cast to a pre-defined type using a pre-defined cast expression, such as CInt or CLng.

PredefinedType 398

Represents an occurrence of a Visual Basic built-in type such as Integer or String in source code.

PreserveKeyword 616

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

PrintStatement 140

Represent a "? expression" "Print" statement in VB Interactive code.

PrivateKeyword 531

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

PropertyBlock 88

Represents a block property declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, some get or set accessor blocks and an end statement.

PropertyKeyword 532

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

PropertyStatement 104

Statement that declares a property. If this property has accessors declared, this statement will be the Begin of a BlockNode, and the accessors will be the Body of that node. Auto properties are property declarations without a PropertyBlock.

ProtectedKeyword 533

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

PublicKeyword 534

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

QualifiedCrefOperatorReference 410
QualifiedName 401

Represents a qualified type name, for example X.Y or X(Of Z).Y.

QueryExpression 352

This class represents a query expression. A query expression is composed of one or more query operators in a row. The first query operator must be a From or Aggregate.

QuestionGreaterThanToken 687

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

QuestionToken 675

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

RaiseEventAccessorBlock 87

Represents an accessor block member declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, a body of executable statements and an end statement. Examples include property accessors and custom event accessors.

RaiseEventAccessorStatement 111

Represents a Get or Set accessor on a property declaration or an AddHandler, RemoveHandler or RaiseEvent accessor on a custom event declaration. The Kind of the node determines what kind of accessor this is. This statement is always the Begin of a BlockNode, and the body of the accessor is the Body of that node.

RaiseEventKeyword 537

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

RaiseEventStatement 264

Represent a RaiseEvent statement.

RangeArgument 351

Represents a range argument, such as "0 to 5", used in array bounds. The "Value" property represents the upper bound of the range.

RangeCaseClause 215

Represents a range "expression To expression" in a Case.

ReadOnlyKeyword 538

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

RedimClause 270

Represents a ReDim statement clause.

ReDimKeyword 539

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ReDimPreserveStatement 267

Represents a ReDim statement.

ReDimStatement 266

Represents a ReDim statement.

ReferenceDirectiveTrivia 750

Represents an #r directive appearing in scripts.

ReferenceKeyword 442

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

RegionDirectiveTrivia 741

Represents the beginning of a #Region directive appearing in source.

RegionKeyword 617

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

REMKeyword 540

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

RemoveHandlerAccessorBlock 86

Represents an accessor block member declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, a body of executable statements and an end statement. Examples include property accessors and custom event accessors.

RemoveHandlerAccessorStatement 108

Represents a Get or Set accessor on a property declaration or an AddHandler, RemoveHandler or RaiseEvent accessor on a custom event declaration. The Kind of the node determines what kind of accessor this is. This statement is always the Begin of a BlockNode, and the body of the accessor is the Body of that node.

RemoveHandlerKeyword 541

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

RemoveHandlerStatement 263

Represents an AddHandler or RemoveHandler statement. The Kind property determines which one.

ResumeKeyword 542

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ResumeLabelStatement 201

Represents a "Resume" statement. The Kind property can be used to determine if this is a "Resume", "Resume Next" or "Resume label" statement.

ResumeNextStatement 202

Represents a "Resume" statement. The Kind property can be used to determine if this is a "Resume", "Resume Next" or "Resume label" statement.

ResumeStatement 200

Represents a "Resume" statement. The Kind property can be used to determine if this is a "Resume", "Resume Next" or "Resume label" statement.

ReturnKeyword 543

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ReturnStatement 169

Represents a "Return" statement.

RightShiftAssignmentStatement 258

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

RightShiftExpression 316

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

SByteKeyword 544

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

SelectBlock 203

Represents a Select Case block, including the Select Case that begins it, the contains Case blocks and the End Select.

SelectClause 377

Represents the "Select" query operator.

SelectKeyword 545

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

SelectStatement 204

Represents a Select Case statement. This statement always occurs as the Begin of a SelectBlock.

SemicolonToken 646

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

SetAccessorBlock 84

Represents an accessor block member declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, a body of executable statements and an end statement. Examples include property accessors and custom event accessors.

SetAccessorStatement 106

Represents a Get or Set accessor on a property declaration or an AddHandler, RemoveHandler or RaiseEvent accessor on a custom event declaration. The Kind of the node determines what kind of accessor this is. This statement is always the Begin of a BlockNode, and the body of the accessor is the Body of that node.

SetKeyword 546

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ShadowsKeyword 547

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

SharedKeyword 548

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ShortKeyword 549

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

SimpleArgument 349

Represents an argument that is just an optional argument name and an expression.

SimpleAsClause 123

Represents an "As {type-name}" clause that does not have an initializer or "New". The type has optional attributes associated with it, although attributes are not permitted in all possible places where this node occurs.

SimpleAssignmentStatement 247

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

SimpleCaseClause 214

Represents a single value in a Case.

SimpleDoLoopBlock 756

Represents a "Do ... Loop" block.

SimpleDoStatement 770

Represents a simple "Do" statement that begins a "Do ... Loop" block.

SimpleImportsClause 44

Represents the clause of an Imports statement that imports all members of a type or namespace or aliases a type or namespace.

SimpleJoinClause 370

Represents a Join query operator.

SimpleLoopStatement 773

Represents a simple "Loop" statement that end a "Do ... Loop" block.

SimpleMemberAccessExpression 291

Represents member access (.name) or dictionary access (!name). The Kind property determines which kind of access.

SingleKeyword 550

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

SingleLineElseClause 172

Represents the Else part of an If statement, consisting of a Else statement, followed by a body of statement controlled by that Else.

SingleLineFunctionLambdaExpression 339

Represents a single line lambda expression.

SingleLineIfPart 171

Represents part of a single line If statement, consisting of a beginning if-statement, followed by a body of statement controlled by that beginning statement. The Kind property returns if this is a SingleLineIf.

SingleLineIfStatement 170

Represents a line If-Then-Else statement.

SingleLineSubLambdaExpression 342

Represents a single line lambda expression.

SingleQuoteToken 641

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

SkipClause 366

Represents a "Skip" or "Take" query operator. The Kind property tells which.

SkipKeyword 620

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

SkippedTokensTrivia 709

Represents tokens that were skipped by the parser as part of error recovery, and thus are not part of any syntactic structure.

SkipWhileClause 364

Represents a "Skip While" or "Take While" query operator. The Kind property tells which.

SlashEqualsToken 668

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

SlashGreaterThanToken 680

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

SlashToken 651

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

StatementTerminatorToken 677

Represents a single punctuation mark or operator in a VB program. Which one can be determined from the Kind property.

StaticKeyword 551

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

StepKeyword 552

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

StopKeyword 553

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

StopStatement 153

Represents a "Stop" or "End" statement. The Kind can be used to determine which kind of statement this is.

StrictKeyword 621

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

StringKeyword 554

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

StringLiteralExpression 279

Represents a literal. The kind of literal is determined by the Kind property: IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, BooleanLiteral, DecimalLiteral, FloatingLiteral, DateLiteral or StringLiteral. The value of the literal can be determined by casting the associated Token to the correct type and getting the value from the token.

StringLiteralToken 705

Represents a string literal token.

StructureBlock 51

Represents a declaration of a Structure, its contents and the End statement that ends it.

StructureConstraint 74

One of the special type parameter constraints: New, Class or Structure. Which kind of special constraint it is can be obtained from the Kind property and is one of: NewConstraint, ReferenceConstraint or ValueConstraint.

StructureKeyword 555

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

StructureStatement 60

Represents the beginning statement of a Structure declaration. This node always appears as the Begin of a TypeBlock with Kind=StructureDeclarationBlock.

SubBlock 79

Represents a Function or Sub block declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, a body of executable statements and an end statement.

SubKeyword 558

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

SubLambdaHeader 345

Represents the header part of a lambda expression

SubNewStatement 95

A statement that declares a constructor. This statement will be the Begin of a BlockStatement with Kind=MethodDeclarationBlock, and the body of the method will be the Body of that BlockStatement.

SubStatement 93

The statement that declares a Sub or Function. If this method has a body, this statement will be the Begin of a BlockStatement with Kind=MethodDeclarationBlock, and the body of the method will be the Body of that BlockStatement.

SubtractAssignmentStatement 250

Represents a simple, compound, or Mid assignment statement. Which one can be determined by checking the Kind.

SubtractExpression 308

Represents a binary operator. The Kind property classifies the operators into similar kind of operators (arithmetic, relational, logical or string); the exact operation being performed is determined by the Operator property.

SyncLockBlock 145

Represents a entire SyncLock...End SyncLock block, including the SyncLock statement, the enclosed statements, and the End SyncLock statement.

SyncLockKeyword 559

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

SyncLockStatement 226

Represents the "SyncLock" statement. This statement always occurs as the Begin of a SyncLockBlock.

TakeClause 367

Represents a "Skip" or "Take" query operator. The Kind property tells which.

TakeKeyword 622

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

TakeWhileClause 365

Represents a "Skip While" or "Take While" query operator. The Kind property tells which.

TernaryConditionalExpression 338

Represents a conditional expression, If(condition, true-expr, false-expr) or If(expr, nothing-expr).

TextKeyword 623

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ThenKeyword 560

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ThrowKeyword 561

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ThrowStatement 246

Represents a Throw statement.

ToKeyword 562

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

TrueKeyword 563

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

TrueLiteralExpression 273

Represents a literal. The kind of literal is determined by the Kind property: IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, BooleanLiteral, DecimalLiteral, FloatingLiteral, DateLiteral or StringLiteral. The value of the literal can be determined by casting the associated Token to the correct type and getting the value from the token.

TryBlock 185

Represents an entire Try...Catch...Finally...End Try statement.

TryCastExpression 305
TryCastKeyword 565

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

TryKeyword 564

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

TryStatement 189

Represents the Try part of a Try...Catch...Finally...End Try. This statement is always the Begin of a TryPart.

TupleExpression 788

Represents tuple literal expression.

TupleType 789

Represents tuple type.

TypeArgumentList 403

Represents a parenthesized list of generic type arguments.

TypeConstraint 75

Represents a type parameter constraint that is a type.

TypedTupleElement 790

Represents an element of a tuple type supplying only the type

TypeKeyword 628

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

TypeOfIsExpression 286

Represents a TypeOf...Is or IsNot expression.

TypeOfIsNotExpression 287

Represents a TypeOf...Is or IsNot expression.

TypeOfKeyword 566

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

TypeParameter 67

Represents a type parameter on a generic type declaration.

TypeParameterList 66

Represents the type parameter list in a declaration.

TypeParameterMultipleConstraintClause 71

One of the type parameter constraints clauses. This represents a constraint clause in the form of "As { Constraints }".

TypeParameterSingleConstraintClause 70

One of the type parameter constraints clauses. This represents a constraint clause in the form of "As Constraint".

UIntegerKeyword 567

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

ULongKeyword 568

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

UnaryMinusExpression 334

Describes a unary operator: Plus, Negate, Not or AddressOf.

UnaryPlusExpression 333

Describes a unary operator: Plus, Negate, Not or AddressOf.

UnicodeKeyword 624

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

UntilClause 777

Represents an "Until ..." clause of a "Do" or "Loop" statement.

UntilKeyword 625

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

UShortKeyword 569

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

UsingBlock 144

Represents an entire Using...End Using statement, including the Using, body and End Using statements.

UsingKeyword 570

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

UsingStatement 243

The Using statement that begins a Using block. This statement always occurs as the Begin of a UsingBlock, and the body of the Using is the Body of that UsingBlock.

VariableDeclarator 122

Represents the part of a variable or constant declaration statement that associated one or more variable names with a type.

VariableNameEquals 356

Represents the name and optional type of an expression range variable.

VariantKeyword 582

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

WarningKeyword 626

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

WendKeyword 583

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

WhenKeyword 571

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

WhereClause 363

Represents a "Where" query operator.

WhereKeyword 627

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

WhileBlock 141

Represents a While...End While statement, including the While, body and End While.

WhileClause 776

Represents a "While ..." clause of a "Do" or "Loop" statement.

WhileKeyword 572

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

WhileStatement 234
WhitespaceTrivia 729

Represents true whitespace: spaces, tabs, newlines and the like.

WideningKeyword 573

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

WithBlock 146

Represents a With...End With block, include the With statement, the body of the block and the End With statement.

WithEventsEventContainer 115

Represents event container that refers to a WithEvents member.

WithEventsKeyword 575

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

WithEventsPropertyEventContainer 116

Represents event container that refers to a WithEvents member's property.

WithKeyword 574

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

WithStatement 265

Represents a "With" statement. This statement always occurs as the BeginStatement of a WithBlock, and the body of the With is the Body of that WithBlock.

WriteOnlyKeyword 578

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

XmlAttribute 386

Represents an XML attribute in an XML literal expression.

XmlAttributeAccessExpression 295

Represents an XML member element access (node.<Element>), attribute access (node.@Attribute) or descendants access (node...<Descendant>). The Kind property determines which kind of access.

XmlBracketedName 390

Represents an XML name of the form <xml-name> appearing in source as part of an XML literal or member access expression or an XML namespace import clause.

XmlCDataSection 394

Represents an XML CDATA section in an XML literal expression.

XmlComment 392

Represents an XML comment of the form <!-- Comment --> appearing in an XML literal expression.

XmlCrefAttribute 711

A symbol referenced by a cref attribute (e.g. in a <see> or <seealso> documentation comment tag). For example, the M in <see cref="M" />.

XmlDeclaration 379

Represents the XML declaration prologue in an XML literal expression.

XmlDeclarationOption 380

Represents an XML document prologue option - version, encoding, standalone or whitespace in an XML literal expression.

XmlDescendantAccessExpression 294

Represents an XML member element access (node.<Element>), attribute access (node.@Attribute) or descendants access (node...<Descendant>). The Kind property determines which kind of access.

XmlDocument 378

Represents an XML Document literal expression.

XmlElement 381

Represents an XML element with content in an XML literal expression.

XmlElementAccessExpression 293

Represents an XML member element access (node.<Element>), attribute access (node.@Attribute) or descendants access (node...<Descendant>). The Kind property determines which kind of access.

XmlElementEndTag 384

Represents the end tag of an XML element of the form </element>.

XmlElementStartTag 383

Represents the start tag of an XML element of the form <element>.

XmlEmbeddedExpression 395

Represents an embedded expression in an XML literal e.g. '<name><%= obj.Name =%></name>'.

XmlEmptyElement 385

Represents an empty XML element of the form <element />

XmlEntityLiteralToken 696

Represents character data in Xml content also known as PCData or in an Xml attribute value. All text is here for now even text that does not need normalization such as comment, pi and cdata text.

XmlKeyword 629

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

XmlName 389

Represents an XML name of the form 'name' or 'namespace:name' appearing in source as part of an XML literal or member access expression or an XML namespace import clause.

XmlNameAttribute 712

A param or type param symbol referenced by a name attribute (e.g. in a <param> or <typeparam> documentation comment tag). For example, the M in <param name="M" />.

XmlNamespaceImportsClause 45

Defines a XML namespace for XML expressions.

XmlNameToken 694

Represents an Xml NCName per Namespaces in XML 1.0

XmlPrefix 391

Represents an XML namespace prefix of the form 'prefix:' as in xml:ns="".

XmlPrefixName 388

Represents an XML name of the form 'name' appearing in GetXmlNamespace().

XmlProcessingInstruction 393

Represents an XML processing instruction of the form '<? XMLProcessingTarget XMLProcessingValue ?>'.

XmlString 387

Represents a string of XML characters embedded as the content of an XML element.

XmlText 382

Represents Xml text.

XmlTextLiteralToken 695

Represents character data in Xml content also known as PCData or in an Xml attribute value. All text is here for now even text that does not need normalization such as comment, pi and cdata text.

XorKeyword 579

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

YieldKeyword 633

Represents a single keyword in a VB program. Which keyword can be determined from the Kind property.

YieldStatement 411

Represent a Yield statement.

Applies to