Sdílet prostřednictvím

FontFamily.GetCellDescent(FontStyle) Metoda


Vrátí sestup buňky v jednotkách návrhu FontFamily zadaného stylu.

 int GetCellDescent(System::Drawing::FontStyle style);
public int GetCellDescent (System.Drawing.FontStyle style);
member this.GetCellDescent : System.Drawing.FontStyle -> int
Public Function GetCellDescent (style As FontStyle) As Integer



FontStyle, která obsahuje informace o stylu písma.


Metrika sestupu buňky pro tuto FontFamily, která používá zadanou FontStyle.


Následující příklad kódu je určený pro použití s Windows Forms a vyžaduje PaintEventArgse, což je parametr obslužné rutiny události Paint. Kód provede následující akce:

  • Vytvoří FontFamily.

  • Získá sestup buňky pro tu rodinu písem.

  • Nakreslí hodnotu sestupu buňky na obrazovku jako text.

   void GetCellDescent_Example( PaintEventArgs^ e )
      // Create a FontFamily object.
      FontFamily^ descentFontFamily = gcnew FontFamily( "arial" );

      // Get the cell descent of the font family in design units.
      int cellDescent = descentFontFamily->GetCellDescent( FontStyle::Regular );

      // Draw the result as a string to the screen.
      e->Graphics->DrawString( String::Format( "descentFontFamily.GetCellDescent() returns {0}.", cellDescent ),
            gcnew System::Drawing::Font( descentFontFamily,16 ), Brushes::Black, PointF(0,0) );
public void GetCellDescent_Example(PaintEventArgs e)
    // Create a FontFamily object.
    FontFamily descentFontFamily = new FontFamily("arial");
    // Get the cell descent of the font family in design units.
    int cellDescent = descentFontFamily.GetCellDescent(FontStyle.Regular);
    // Draw the result as a string to the screen.
        "descentFontFamily.GetCellDescent() returns " + cellDescent.ToString() + ".",
        new Font(descentFontFamily, 16),
        new PointF(0, 0));
Public Sub GetCellDescent_Example(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)

    ' Create a FontFamily object.
    Dim descentFontFamily As New FontFamily("arial")

    ' Get the cell descent of the font family in design units.
    Dim cellDescent As Integer = _

    ' Draw the result as a string to the screen.
    e.Graphics.DrawString("descentFontFamily.GetCellDescent() returns " _
    & cellDescent.ToString() & ".", New Font(descentFontFamily, 16), _
    Brushes.Black, New PointF(0, 0))
End Sub

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