Sdílet prostřednictvím

HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback, Object) Metoda


Zahájí asynchronní požadavek na internetový prostředek.

 override IAsyncResult ^ BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback ^ callback, System::Object ^ state);
public override IAsyncResult BeginGetResponse (AsyncCallback callback, object state);
public override IAsyncResult BeginGetResponse (AsyncCallback? callback, object? state);
override this.BeginGetResponse : AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult
Public Overrides Function BeginGetResponse (callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As IAsyncResult





Objekt stavu pro tento požadavek.


Odkaz IAsyncResult na asynchronní požadavek na odpověď.


Datový proud se už používá při předchozím volání BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback, Object)


TransferEncoding je nastavená na hodnotu a SendChunked je false.


Ve fondu vláken dochází vlákna.

Method je GET nebo HEAD a buď ContentLength je větší než nula, nebo SendChunked je true.


KeepAlive je true, AllowWriteStreamBuffering je false, a buď ContentLength je -1, SendChunked je false a Method je POST nebo PUT.


Objekt HttpWebRequest obsahuje tělo entity, BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback, Object) ale metoda je volána bez volání BeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback, Object) metody.


Hodnota ContentLength je větší než nula, ale aplikace nezapíše všechna slíbená data.

Abort() byla dříve volána.


Následující příklad kódu používá metodu BeginGetResponse k vytvoření asynchronního požadavku na internetový prostředek.


V případě asynchronních požadavků zodpovídá klientská aplikace za implementaci vlastního mechanismu časového limitu. Následující příklad kódu ukazuje, jak na to.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Net;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Threading;
public ref class RequestState

   // This class stores the State of the request.
   const int BUFFER_SIZE;

   StringBuilder^ requestData;
   HttpWebRequest^ request;
   HttpWebResponse^ response;
   Stream^ streamResponse;
      : BUFFER_SIZE( 1024 )
      BufferRead = gcnew array<Byte>(BUFFER_SIZE);
      requestData = gcnew StringBuilder( "" );
      request = nullptr;
      streamResponse = nullptr;


ref class HttpWebRequest_BeginGetResponse
   static ManualResetEvent^ allDone = gcnew ManualResetEvent( false );
   literal int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
   literal int DefaultTimeOut = 120000; // 2 minute timeout 

   // Abort the request if the timer fires.
   static void TimeoutCallback( Object^ state, bool timedOut )
      if ( timedOut )
         HttpWebRequest^ request = dynamic_cast<HttpWebRequest^>(state);
         if ( request != nullptr )

   static void RespCallback( IAsyncResult^ asynchronousResult )
         // State of request is asynchronous.
         RequestState^ myRequestState = dynamic_cast<RequestState^>(asynchronousResult->AsyncState);
         HttpWebRequest^ myHttpWebRequest = myRequestState->request;
         myRequestState->response = dynamic_cast<HttpWebResponse^>(myHttpWebRequest->EndGetResponse( asynchronousResult ));
         // Read the response into a Stream object.
         Stream^ responseStream = myRequestState->response->GetResponseStream();
         myRequestState->streamResponse = responseStream;
         // Begin the Reading of the contents of the HTML page and print it to the console.
         IAsyncResult^ asynchronousInputRead = responseStream->BeginRead( myRequestState->BufferRead, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, gcnew AsyncCallback( ReadCallBack ), myRequestState );
      catch ( WebException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( "\nRespCallback Exception raised!" );
         Console::WriteLine( "\nMessage: {0}", e->Message );
         Console::WriteLine( "\nStatus: {0}", e->Status );


   static void ReadCallBack( IAsyncResult^ asyncResult )
         RequestState^ myRequestState = dynamic_cast<RequestState^>(asyncResult->AsyncState);
         Stream^ responseStream = myRequestState->streamResponse;
         int read = responseStream->EndRead( asyncResult );
         // Read the HTML page and then print it to the console.
         if ( read > 0 )
            myRequestState->requestData->Append( Encoding::ASCII->GetString( myRequestState->BufferRead, 0, read ) );
            IAsyncResult^ asynchronousResult = responseStream->BeginRead( myRequestState->BufferRead, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, gcnew AsyncCallback( ReadCallBack ), myRequestState );
            Console::WriteLine( "\nThe contents of the Html page are : " );
            if ( myRequestState->requestData->Length > 1 )
               String^ stringContent;
               stringContent = myRequestState->requestData->ToString();
               Console::WriteLine( stringContent );
            Console::WriteLine( "Press any key to continue.........." );
      catch ( WebException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( "\nReadCallBack Exception raised!" );
         Console::WriteLine( "\nMessage: {0}", e->Message );
         Console::WriteLine( "\nStatus: {0}", e->Status );



int main()
      // Create a HttpWebrequest object to the desired URL.
      HttpWebRequest^ myHttpWebRequest = dynamic_cast<HttpWebRequest^>(WebRequest::Create( "" ));
            * If you are behind a firewall and you do not have your browser proxy setup
            * you need to use the following proxy creation code.
            // Create a proxy object.
            WebProxy* myProxy = new WebProxy();
            // Associate a new Uri object to the _wProxy object, using the proxy address
            // selected by the user.
            myProxy.Address = new Uri(S"http://myproxy");
            // Finally, initialize the Web request object proxy property with the _wProxy
            // object.
      // Create an instance of the RequestState and assign the previous myHttpWebRequest
      // object to its request field.
      RequestState^ myRequestState = gcnew RequestState;
      myRequestState->request = myHttpWebRequest;
      // Start the asynchronous request.
      IAsyncResult^ result = dynamic_cast<IAsyncResult^>(myHttpWebRequest->BeginGetResponse( gcnew AsyncCallback( HttpWebRequest_BeginGetResponse::RespCallback ), myRequestState ));
      // this line impliments the timeout, if there is a timeout, the callback fires and the request becomes aborted
      ThreadPool::RegisterWaitForSingleObject( result->AsyncWaitHandle, gcnew WaitOrTimerCallback( HttpWebRequest_BeginGetResponse::TimeoutCallback ), myHttpWebRequest, HttpWebRequest_BeginGetResponse::DefaultTimeOut, true );
      // The response came in the allowed time. The work processing will happen in the
      // callback function.
      // Release the HttpWebResponse resource.
   catch ( WebException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "\nMain Exception raised!" );
      Console::WriteLine( "\nMessage: {0}", e->Message );
      Console::WriteLine( "\nStatus: {0}", e->Status );
      Console::WriteLine( "Press any key to continue.........." );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "\nMain Exception raised!" );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source : {0} ", e->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( "Message : {0} ", e->Message );
      Console::WriteLine( "Press any key to continue.........." );

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

public class RequestState
  // This class stores the State of the request.
  const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
  public StringBuilder requestData;
  public byte[] BufferRead;
  public HttpWebRequest request;
  public HttpWebResponse response;
  public Stream streamResponse;
  public RequestState()
    BufferRead = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
    requestData = new StringBuilder("");
    request = null;
    streamResponse = null;

class HttpWebRequest_BeginGetResponse
  public static ManualResetEvent allDone= new ManualResetEvent(false);
  const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
  const int DefaultTimeout = 2 * 60 * 1000; // 2 minutes timeout

  // Abort the request if the timer fires.
  private static void TimeoutCallback(object state, bool timedOut) {
      if (timedOut) {
          HttpWebRequest request = state as HttpWebRequest;
          if (request != null) {

  static void Main()

      // Create a HttpWebrequest object to the desired URL.
      HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest= (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");

    * If you are behind a firewall and you do not have your browser proxy setup
    * you need to use the following proxy creation code.

      // Create a proxy object.
      WebProxy myProxy = new WebProxy();

      // Associate a new Uri object to the _wProxy object, using the proxy address
      // selected by the user.
      myProxy.Address = new Uri("http://myproxy");

      // Finally, initialize the Web request object proxy property with the _wProxy
      // object.
      // Create an instance of the RequestState and assign the previous myHttpWebRequest
      // object to its request field.
      RequestState myRequestState = new RequestState();
      myRequestState.request = myHttpWebRequest;

      // Start the asynchronous request.
      IAsyncResult result=
        (IAsyncResult) myHttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(RespCallback),myRequestState);

      // this line implements the timeout, if there is a timeout, the callback fires and the request becomes aborted
      ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject (result.AsyncWaitHandle, new WaitOrTimerCallback(TimeoutCallback), myHttpWebRequest, DefaultTimeout, true);

      // The response came in the allowed time. The work processing will happen in the
      // callback function.

      // Release the HttpWebResponse resource.
    catch(WebException e)
      Console.WriteLine("\nMain Exception raised!");
      Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..........");
    catch(Exception e)
      Console.WriteLine("\nMain Exception raised!");
      Console.WriteLine("Source :{0} " , e.Source);
      Console.WriteLine("Message :{0} " , e.Message);
      Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..........");
  private static void RespCallback(IAsyncResult asynchronousResult)
      // State of request is asynchronous.
      RequestState myRequestState=(RequestState) asynchronousResult.AsyncState;
      HttpWebRequest  myHttpWebRequest=myRequestState.request;
      myRequestState.response = (HttpWebResponse) myHttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(asynchronousResult);

      // Read the response into a Stream object.
      Stream responseStream = myRequestState.response.GetResponseStream();

      // Begin the Reading of the contents of the HTML page and print it to the console.
      IAsyncResult asynchronousInputRead = responseStream.BeginRead(myRequestState.BufferRead, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallBack), myRequestState);
    catch(WebException e)
      Console.WriteLine("\nRespCallback Exception raised!");
  private static  void ReadCallBack(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

    RequestState myRequestState = (RequestState)asyncResult.AsyncState;
    Stream responseStream = myRequestState.streamResponse;
    int read = responseStream.EndRead( asyncResult );
    // Read the HTML page and then print it to the console.
    if (read > 0)
      myRequestState.requestData.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(myRequestState.BufferRead, 0, read));
      IAsyncResult asynchronousResult = responseStream.BeginRead( myRequestState.BufferRead, 0, BUFFER_SIZE, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallBack), myRequestState);
      Console.WriteLine("\nThe contents of the Html page are : ");
        string stringContent;
        stringContent = myRequestState.requestData.ToString();
      Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..........");

    catch(WebException e)
      Console.WriteLine("\nReadCallBack Exception raised!");

Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading

Public Class RequestState
   ' This class stores the State of the request.
   Private BUFFER_SIZE As Integer = 1024
   Public requestData As StringBuilder
   Public BufferRead() As Byte
   Public request As HttpWebRequest
   Public response As HttpWebResponse
   Public streamResponse As Stream
   Public Sub New()
      BufferRead = New Byte(BUFFER_SIZE) {}
      requestData = New StringBuilder("")
      request = Nothing
      streamResponse = Nothing
   End Sub
End Class

Class HttpWebRequest_BeginGetResponse

   Public Shared allDone As New ManualResetEvent(False)
   Private BUFFER_SIZE As Integer = 1024
   Private DefaultTimeout As Integer = 2 * 60 * 1000

    ' 2 minutes timeout
   ' Abort the request if the timer fires.
   Private Shared Sub TimeoutCallback(state As Object, timedOut As Boolean)
      If timedOut Then
         Dim request As HttpWebRequest = state 
         If Not (request Is Nothing) Then
         End If
      End If
   End Sub
   Shared Sub Main()
         ' Create a HttpWebrequest object to the desired URL. 
            Dim myHttpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("")
         ' Create an instance of the RequestState and assign the previous myHttpWebRequest
         ' object to its request field.  
         Dim myRequestState As New RequestState()
         myRequestState.request = myHttpWebRequest

         Dim myResponse As New HttpWebRequest_BeginGetResponse()
         ' Start the asynchronous request.
         Dim result As IAsyncResult = CType(myHttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(New AsyncCallback(AddressOf RespCallback), myRequestState), IAsyncResult)
            ' this line implements the timeout, if there is a timeout, the callback fires and the request aborts.
         ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(result.AsyncWaitHandle, New WaitOrTimerCallback(AddressOf TimeoutCallback), myHttpWebRequest, myResponse.DefaultTimeout, True)
         ' The response came in the allowed time. The work processing will happen in the 
         ' callback function.
         ' Release the HttpWebResponse resource.
      Catch e As WebException
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "Main Exception raised!")
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "Message:{0}", e.Message)
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "Status:{0}", e.Status)
         Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..........")
      Catch e As Exception
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "Main Exception raised!")
         Console.WriteLine("Source :{0} ", e.Source)
         Console.WriteLine("Message :{0} ", e.Message)
         Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..........")
      End Try
   End Sub
   Private Shared Sub RespCallback(asynchronousResult As IAsyncResult)
         ' State of request is asynchronous.
         Dim myRequestState As RequestState = CType(asynchronousResult.AsyncState, RequestState)
         Dim myHttpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = myRequestState.request
         myRequestState.response = CType(myHttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(asynchronousResult), HttpWebResponse)
         ' Read the response into a Stream object.
         Dim responseStream As Stream = myRequestState.response.GetResponseStream()
         myRequestState.streamResponse = responseStream
         ' Begin the Reading of the contents of the HTML page and print it to the console.
         Dim asynchronousInputRead As IAsyncResult = responseStream.BeginRead(myRequestState.BufferRead, 0, 1024, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf ReadCallBack), myRequestState)
      Catch e As WebException
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "RespCallback Exception raised!")
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "Message:{0}", e.Message)
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "Status:{0}", e.Status)
      End Try
   End Sub
   Private Shared Sub ReadCallBack(asyncResult As IAsyncResult)
         Dim myRequestState As RequestState = CType(asyncResult.AsyncState, RequestState)
         Dim responseStream As Stream = myRequestState.streamResponse
         Dim read As Integer = responseStream.EndRead(asyncResult)
         ' Read the HTML page and then print it to the console.
         If read > 0 Then
            myRequestState.requestData.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(myRequestState.BufferRead, 0, read))
            Dim asynchronousResult As IAsyncResult = responseStream.BeginRead(myRequestState.BufferRead, 0, 1024, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf ReadCallBack), myRequestState)
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "The contents of the Html page are : ")
            If myRequestState.requestData.Length > 1 Then
               Dim stringContent As String
               stringContent = myRequestState.requestData.ToString()
            End If
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..........")
         End If
      Catch e As WebException
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "ReadCallBack Exception raised!")
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "Message:{0}", e.Message)
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "Status:{0}", e.Status)
      End Try
   End Sub
End Class


Metoda BeginGetResponse spustí asynchronní požadavek na odpověď z internetového prostředku. Asynchronní metoda zpětného volání používá metodu EndGetResponse k vrácení skutečné WebResponsemetody .

V několika případech dojde k vyvolání objektu A ProtocolViolationException , když jsou vlastnosti nastavené na HttpWebRequest třídě v konfliktu. K této výjimce dochází, pokud aplikace nastaví ContentLength vlastnost a SendChunked vlastnost na truea pak odešle požadavek HTTP GET. K této výjimce dochází, pokud se aplikace pokusí odeslat bloky dat na server, který podporuje pouze protokol HTTP 1.0, kde to není podporováno. K této výjimce dochází v případě, že se aplikace pokusí odeslat data bez nastavení ContentLength vlastnosti nebo SendChunked je false při ukládání do vyrovnávací paměti zakázaná a u keepalive připojení ( KeepAlive vlastnost je true)..

WebException Pokud je vyvolán, pomocí Response vlastností a Status výjimky určete odpověď ze serveru.

Než se BeginGetResponse tato metoda stane asynchronní, vyžaduje metoda dokončení některých synchronních úloh nastavení (například překlad DNS, detekce proxy serveru a připojení soketu TCP). V důsledku toho by tato metoda nikdy neměla být volána ve vlákně uživatelského rozhraní, protože dokončení počátečních synchronních úloh nastavení může trvat poměrně dlouho (až několik minut v závislosti na nastavení sítě), než dojde k výjimce pro chybu nebo se metoda úspěšně dokončí.

Další informace o fondu vláken najdete v tématu Spravovaný fond vláken.


Aplikace nemůže kombinovat synchronní a asynchronní metody pro konkrétní požadavek. Pokud voláte metodu BeginGetRequestStream , musíte k načtení odpovědi použít BeginGetResponse metodu .


Tento člen poskytuje trasovací informace, když je ve vaší aplikaci povoleno trasování sítě. Další informace najdete v tématu Trasování sítě v rozhraní .NET Framework.

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