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Define and set order attributes

Previously, the attribute framework supported attributes only in online orders. However, the framework has been extended so that it now supports attributes in cash-and-carry transactions, customer orders, and call center orders. This enhancement lets you edit and set attribute values for orders directly in Commerce headquarters, the point of sale (POS), and the Commerce runtime (CRT).

Headquarters now includes pages for editing and updating attribute values, which means that you can set the values for call center orders in headquarters. In POS, use the Attributes panel to set or update the attribute value in POS. If you don't need to use a user interface and just want to add business logic, you can add the business logic directly in CRT. You can create new attributes by using the headquarters configurations. No database changes are required. Previously, you had to create new tables in headquarters and the channel database, and then modify those tables.

Why and when you should add order attributes

If you want to add new fields to cash-and-carry transactions, customer orders, or call center orders, and if you want to capture the information in the POS or headquarters, use order attributes. Previously, to add a new field to a cash-and-carry transaction (transaction header or lines) or a customer order in the POS, you had to create a new extension table in headquarters and the channel database, and then make inline changes to CRT and POS code to handle the various screens and operations. You also had to configure Commerce Data Exchange to synchronize the data between the channel database and headquarters. However, order attributes now let you complete all these actions through configuration. You don't have to write any code or create custom extension tables, but you still need to create the core business logic and the POS UI.

This first version supports only the String attribute type, but future versions will support other attribute types. If you want the data to come from the master table, and that data involves complex search logic and core business logic in X++, you should use extension properties.


We only support attributes on customer orders and cash-and-carry transactions, no other transaction types are supported.

Define attribute types

First, you must define the attribute types and assign valid ranges to them.

  1. Go to Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Attribute types.
  2. On the Attribute types page, select New to add a new attribute type.
  3. Enter a name for the attribute type.
  4. On the General FastTab, in the Type field, select the type of data that can be entered for attributes that are assigned to this data type.
  5. If the attribute type is Decimal or Integer, select a unit of measure.
  6. If the attribute type is Text, you can define a fixed list of values for it. Select the Fixed list check box, and then, on the Values FastTab, enter the list of values.
  7. To define a range of valid values for the attribute type, select the Value range check box. Then, on the Range FastTab, enter the valid range of values.

Define the attributes

Next, you must define the attributes. Follow these steps for each attribute that you want to define.

  1. Go to Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Attributes.
  2. On the Attributes page, select New to add a new attribute.
  3. Enter a name, friendly name, and description for the attribute. Additionally, enter any Help text that should be shown to the user for the attribute.
  4. In the Attribute type field, select the attribute type to assign to the attribute.
  5. Depending on the attribute type, in the Default value field, enter the value or range of values that is shown by default when the attribute is assigned to a channel.
  6. Select Translate. Then, on the Text translation page, enter the name, description, friendly name, and Help text for the attribute in additional languages.

Define attribute groups

  1. Go to Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Attribute groups.
  2. On the Attribute groups page, select New to add a new attribute group.
  3. Enter a name for the attribute group. Then, on the General FastTab, enter a friendly name, a description, and any Help text for the attribute group.
  4. On the Attributes FastTab, select Add to add attributes to the attribute group. In the Default value field, you can enter a default value for the selected attributes.
  5. Select Translate. Then, on the Text translation page, enter the description, friendly name, and Help text for the attribute group in additional languages.
  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Channels > Stores > All stores.

  2. Select the channel that the attributes on the Channel page should be linked to.

  3. On the Set up tab, select Sales order attributes under Attribute group.

  4. On the Sales order attribute groups page, select New to link the attribute group to the channel.

  5. In the Name field, select the attribute group to link to the channel.

  6. In the Apply attributes to field, select one of the following options:

    • Header – The attributes will apply only to the transaction header.
    • Lines – The attribute will apply only to the transaction lines.
    • Default – The attribute will apply to both the transaction header and the transaction lines.
  7. Select Save.

Run the distribution jobs

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Retail and Commerce IT > Distribution schedule.
  2. Select Products (1040), and then, on the Action Pane, select Run now. When you're prompted, select Yes. This step is required only if you added any new attributes, attribute types, or attribute groups.
  3. Select Channel configuration job (1070), and then, on the Action Pane, select Run now. When you're prompted, select Yes.

Show order attributes in the POS transaction screen using the Attribute control (this feature is available in version 8.1.3 and later)


  1. Select Retail and Commerce > Channel setup > POS Setup > POS > Screen layouts.
  2. On the screen layout page, click New to create a new screen layout, or select an existing screen layout.
  3. Enter the ID and name for the screen layout.
  4. On the Layout sizes FastTab, select the Add button to add new layout sizes for the POS.
  5. In the Name field, select the POS screen resolution.
  6. On the Layout sizes FastTab, click the Layout designer button.
  7. If you're prompted, select Yes to download and install the Designer Host by using the Install/Run button.
  8. When you're prompted, enter the Microsoft Dynamics 365 user name and password to start the designer.
  9. After the designer is started, drag the Attributes panel anywhere in the screen layout designer and adjust the size according to your screen width.
  10. When you've finished, select OK to save your changes.
  11. Close the screen layout designer by clicking the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner. When you're prompted, select Yes to save your changes.
  12. Go to Retail and Commerce > Retail and Commerce IT > Distribution schedule.
  13. Select the Registers job (1090), and then, on the Action Pane, select Run now. When you're prompted, select Yes.


  1. Start POS, and add any item to a transaction. You should see the Attribute panel in the transaction screen with the configured attributes both for header and lines.
  2. Click the Edit icon in the attribute panel to update the attribute value.
  3. Click the header or lines tab in the attribute panel to view the header or lines attribute.
  4. The lines attribute will refresh automatically based on the lines selected in the transaction.

Set attribute values for call center orders

After you configure the order attributes for the channel, go to Customer service or All Sales orders, and create a new call center order.

  1. After or during the creation of a customer order, if you want to set an attribute value for the transaction header, on the Action Pane, go to the Commerce tab, select Attributes.
  2. On the Sales order attributes values page, you can set the values for the attributes. The list of attributes on this page is based on the attribute group that you configured for the channel.
  3. To set attribute values at the line level, on the Sales order page, select the Lines view, and then select the line to set the attribute value for. Under Sales order lines group, select Retail and Commerce > Attributes.
  4. Repeat step 3 for all the sales lines that you want to set the values for.

View the attributes values for cash-and-carry transactions in headquarters

After you've run the distribution job and pulled a cash-and-carry transaction into headquarters, you can view the attribute values for that transaction. The POS doesn't provide a UI for viewing order attributes. Therefore, to view the order attribute values, you must extend the POS.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Inquires and reports > Store transactions.
  2. To view the transaction header attributes, on the Action Pane, select Attributes.
  3. To view the transaction lines attributes, on the Action Pane, select Transaction > Sales transaction.
  4. On the Sales transactions page, select any line, and then, on the Action Pane, select Attributes to view the line attributes.


Only the attributes that are configured as part of your attribute group and linked to the channel will appear in the headquarters UI.

Extend attributes to add business logic in CRT

A new sample that has been added to the Retail SDK adds business logic for order attributes in CRT. This sample includes code only for the business logic. It doesn't show how to save or read the attributes, because read and write operations for attributes are automated.

The sample implements the following scenario: When you suspend a cart, you set an attribute value. When you resume the cart, you want to clear that value. A pre-trigger was added for SuspendCartRequest, and the business logic was written. You can extend any trigger or override any request in CRT to set the logic, based on your scenario.


Before adding attribute to the cart, check whether the attribute already exists in the cart or cartline. If the attribute already exists, then don’t add the attribute again, instead update it. If a duplicate attribute is added to the cart or cartline, then CRT will display a runtime error. Sample code for this scenario can be found in sample code section below.

You can find the full sample code in the Retail SDK at Retail SDK\SampleExtensions\CommerceRuntime\Extensions.TransactionAttributesSample.

  • Create a new C# portable class library project, and paste in the following code.
   public class CustomSuspendCartTrigger : IRequestTrigger
       // summary
       // Gets the list of supported request types.
       public IEnumerable<Type> SupportedRequestTypes
               return new [ ] { typeof(SuspendCartRequest)};

       // Pre-trigger code.

       // summary
       // param name="request" The request param
       public void OnExecuting(Request request)
           ThrowIf.Null(request, "request");
           Type requestedType = request.GetType();
           if (requestedType == typeof(SuspendCartRequest))
               SuspendCartRequest suspendCartRequest = request as SuspendCartRequest;
               // Get the cart.
               var getCartServiceRequest = new GetCartServiceRequest(
                   new CartSearchCriteria(suspendCartRequest.CartId), QueryResultSettings.SingleRecord);
               Cart cart = request.RequestContext.Execute<GetCartServiceResponse>(getCartServiceRequest).Carts.Single();
               // Update the transaction header attribute for customer order.
               if (cart.CartType == CartType.CustomerOrder)
                   bool cartUpdated = CustomCartHelper.CreateUpdateTransactionHeaderAttribute(
                       cart, reserveNow: false, updateAttribute: true);
                   if (cartUpdated)
                       // Save the cart after updating the header attribute.
                       var saveCartRequest = new SaveCartRequest(cart);

       // Post-trigger code.

       // summary
       // param name="request" The request param
       // param name="response" The response param
       public void OnExecuted(Request request, Response response)
       // Sample code to check for the duplicate attribute, before adding attributes to the cart check whether the attribute already exists if so then don’t add the attribute again, instead update it.
       public static class CustomCartHelper
           /// <summary>
           /// Updates the transaction header attribute.
           /// </summary>
           /// <param name="cart">The cart.</param>
           /// <param name="reserveNow">The value of the transaction header attribute.</param>
           /// <param name="updateAttribute">A flag indicating whether or not to override an existing attribute value.</param>
           /// <returns>A flag indication whether or not the cart was updated.</returns>
           public static bool CreateUpdateTransactionHeaderAttribute(Cart cart, bool reserveNow, bool updateAttribute)
               ThrowIf.Null(cart, "cart");
               bool cartUpdated = false;
               IList<AttributeValueBase> transactionAttributes = cart.AttributeValues;
               string reserveNowAttributeName = "Reserve now";
               string reserveNowAttributeValue = reserveNow ? "Yes" : "No";
               AttributeValueBase reserveNowAttribute = transactionAttributes.SingleOrDefault(attribute => attribute.Name.Equals(reserveNowAttributeName));

               if (reserveNowAttribute == null)
                   transactionAttributes.Add(new AttributeTextValue() { Name = reserveNowAttributeName, TextValue = reserveNowAttributeValue });
                   cartUpdated = true;
               else if (updateAttribute && !((AttributeTextValue)reserveNowAttribute).TextValue.Equals(reserveNowAttributeValue))
                   ((AttributeTextValue)reserveNowAttribute).TextValue = reserveNowAttributeValue;
                   cartUpdated = true;

               return cartUpdated;

Extend a Dynamics 365 Commerce e-commerce site to set values for order attributes in the cart

Use this code to set values for order attibutes in the cart.

public _addOrUpdateSalesOrderAttributes = (cart: Cart): void => {
    // Create the array of attribute and add attributes
    const attributeArr: AttributeValueBase[] = [];
    let attributeObj = {
        // @ts-ignore
        '@odata.type': '#Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.DataModel.AttributeTextValue',
        Name: 'Brand',
        ExtensionProperties: [],
        TextValue: 'OscarBrand-2',
        TextValueTranslations: []
    attributeObj.Name = 'Brand';

    attributeObj = {
        // @ts-ignore
        '@odata.type': '#Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.DataModel.AttributeTextValue',
        Name: 'Connector',
        ExtensionProperties: [],
        TextValue: 'OscarConnector-2',
        TextValueTranslations: []
    attributeObj.Name = 'Connector';

    cart.AttributeValues = attributeArr;
    updateAsync({ callerContext: this.props.context.actionContext}, cart)
                .then(newCart => {
                    this.props.context.actionContext.update(new GetCheckoutCartInput(this.props.context.request.apiSettings), newCart);
                .catch(error => {

Extend attributes to do some business logic in the POS


The following changes are required only if you are running the application with version 8.1.2 or earlier. Starting in 8.1.3, you can use the Attributes panel to set or update the attribute value in POS. With this control you no longer need to write any additional code or create UI to set the attribute value in POS. In the attribute control UI has been added to set or update the attribute value. Refer to the Show Order attributes in the POS transaction screen using the Attribute control section in this document for more details.

A new sample that has been added to the Retail SDK sets the business logic for order attributes in the POS. This sample includes code only for the business logic. It doesn't show how to save or read attribute values, because read and write operations for attributes are automated. You can set the values for attributes in either CRT or the POS, based on your scenario. If your values are based on customer input, set them in the POS client. If some business logic is involved, set the values in CRT.

The sample implements the following scenario: You create a business-to-business (B2B) order and want to set the B2B attribute value (Yes or No), based on customer input. PreEndTransactionTrigger was extended in the POS to set the values. You can extend any POS trigger or override the request as appropriate.

You can find the full sample code in the Retail SDK at Retail SDK\POS\Extensions\B2BSample.


Only the configured attributes will appear in the headquarters UI, even if you set or add attributes and attribute values in the code. If an attribute isn't part of the attribute group that you linked to the channel, it won't appear in the headquarters UI.

  1. From the Retail SDK, open ModernPOS.sln\CloudPos.sln.

  2. In the Retail SDK, create a new extension folder under the POS.Extension project.

  3. In the new extension folder, add a new manifest.json file.

  4. Paste in the following code.

        "$schema": "..manifestSchema.json",
        "name": "Pos_Extensibility_B2BSample",
        "publisher": "Microsoft",
        "version": "7.2.0",
        "minimumPosVersion": "",
        "components": {
        "resources": {
        "supportedUICultures": [ "en-US" ],
        "fallbackUICulture": "en-US",
        "culturesDirectoryPath": "Resources/Strings",
        "stringResourcesFileName": "resources.resjson" 
    "extend": {
        "triggers": [
            "triggerType": "PreEndTransaction",
            "modulePath": "TriggerHandlers/PreEndTransactionTrigger"
    } } }
  5. Create a new TypeScript file to implement PreEndTransactionTrigger, and add the following code.

     * Executes the trigger functionality.
     * @param {Triggers.IPreEndTransactionTriggerOptions} options The options provided to the trigger.
    public execute(options: Triggers.IPreEndTransactionTriggerOptions): Promise<ClientEntities.ICancelable {
        console.log("Executing PreEndTransactionTrigger with options " + JSON.stringify(options) + ".");
        let currentCart: ProxyEntities.Cart;
        return this.context.runtime.executeAsync<GetCurrentCartClientResponse>(new GetCurrentCartClientRequest())
    then((getCurrentCartClientResponse: ClientEntities.ICancelableDataResult<GetCurrentCartClientResponse>):
        Promise<ClientEntities.ICancelableDataResult<GetCustomerClientResponse>> => {
            currentCart = getCurrentCartClientResponse.data.result;
            // Gets the current customer.
            let result: Promise<ClientEntities.ICancelableDataResult<GetCustomerClientResponse>>;
            if (!ObjectExtensions.isNullOrUndefined(currentCart) && !ObjectExtensions.isNullOrUndefined(currentCart.CustomerId)) {
                let getCurrentCustomerClientRequest: GetCustomerClientRequest<GetCustomerClientResponse =
                    new GetCustomerClientRequest(currentCart.CustomerId);
                result = this.context.runtime.executeAsync<GetCustomerClientResponse>(getCurrentCustomerClientRequest);
            } else {
                result = Promise.resolve({ canceled: false, data: new GetCustomerClientResponse(null) });
            return result;
     .then((getCurrentCustomerClientResponse: ClientEntities.ICancelableDataResult<GetCustomerClientResponse>):
        Promise<ClientEntities.ICancelableDataResult<ShowMessageDialogClientResponse>> => {
        let currentCustomer: ProxyEntities.Customer = getCurrentCustomerClientResponse.data.result;
        // If the cart is a customer order with a B2B customer, then we display a dialog to determine if the order should be B2B.
        let result: Promise<ClientEntities.ICancelableDataResult<ShowMessageDialogClientResponse>>;
        if (!ObjectExtensions.isNullOrUndefined(currentCart)
            && currentCart.CustomerOrderModeValue === ProxyEntities.CustomerOrderMode.CustomerOrderCreateOrEdit
            && !ObjectExtensions.isNullOrUndefined(currentCustomer)
            && this.isCustomerB2B(currentCustomer)) {
            let yesButton: ClientEntities.Dialogs.IDialogResultButton = {
                id: PreEndTransactionTrigger.DIALOG_YES_BUTTON_ID,
                label: this.context.resources.getString("string_0"),  "Yes"
                result: PreEndTransactionTrigger.DIALOG_RESULT_YES
            let noButton: ClientEntities.Dialogs.IDialogResultButton = {
                id: PreEndTransactionTrigger.DIALOG_NO_BUTTON_ID,
                label: this.context.resources.getString("string_1"),  "No"
                result: PreEndTransactionTrigger.DIALOG_RESULT_NO
            let showMessageDialogClientRequestOptions: ClientEntities.Dialogs.IMessageDialogOptions = {
                title: this.context.resources.getString("string_2"),  "B2B Order"
                subTitle: StringExtensions.EMPTY,
                message: this.context.resources.getString("string_3"),  "Do you want to mark this order as a B2B order?"
                button1: yesButton,
                button2: noButton
            let showMessageDialogClientRequest: ShowMessageDialogClientRequest<ShowMessageDialogClientResponse> =
                new ShowMessageDialogClientRequest(showMessageDialogClientRequestOptions);
            result = this.context.runtime.executeAsync<ShowMessageDialogClientResponse>(showMessageDialogClientRequest);
        } else {
            result = Promise.resolve({ canceled: false, data: new ShowMessageDialogClientResponse(null) });
        return result;
    .then((showMessageDialogClientResponse: ClientEntities.ICancelableDataResult<ShowMessageDialogClientResponse):
        Promise<ClientEntities.ICancelableDataResult<SaveAttributesOnCartClientResponse>> => {
        // Save the B2B attribute value depending on the dialog result.
        let messageDialogResult: ClientEntities.Dialogs.IMessageDialogResult = showMessageDialogClientResponse.data.result;
        let result: Promise<ClientEntities.ICancelableDataResult<SaveAttributesOnCartClientResponse>>;
        if (!ObjectExtensions.isNullOrUndefined(messageDialogResult)) {
            let attributeValue: ProxyEntities.AttributeTextValue = new ProxyEntities.AttributeTextValueClass();
            attributeValue.Name = PreEndTransactionTrigger.B2B_CART_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
            attributeValue.TextValue = messageDialogResult.dialogResult === PreEndTransactionTrigger.DIALOG_RESULT_YES?
            PreEndTransactionTrigger.B2B_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TRUE : PreEndTransactionTrigger.B2B_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_FALSE;
            let attributeValues: ProxyEntities.AttributeValueBase[] = [attributeValue];
            let saveAttributesOnCartRequest: SaveAttributesOnCartClientRequest<SaveAttributesOnCartClientResponse> =
            new SaveAttributesOnCartClientRequest(attributeValues);
            result = this.context.runtime.executeAsync(saveAttributesOnCartRequest);
        } else {
            result = Promise.resolve({ canceled: false, data: new SaveAttributesOnCartClientResponse(null) });
        return result;
    * Returns whether or not the given customer is a B2B customer.
    * @param {ProxyEntities.Customer} customer The customer.
    * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the given customer is a B2B customer.
    private isCustomerB2B(customer: ProxyEntities.Customer): boolean {
        let isB2B: boolean = false;
        if (!ObjectExtensions.isNullOrUndefined(customer.Attributes)) {
            for (let i: number = 0; i < customer.Attributes.length; i++) {
                let currentAttribute: ProxyEntities.CustomerAttribute = customer.Attributes[i];
                if (currentAttribute.Name === PreEndTransactionTrigger.B2B_CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) {
                    if (!ObjectExtensions.isNullOrUndefined(currentAttribute.AttributeValue.BooleanValue)) {
                        isB2B = currentAttribute.AttributeValue.BooleanValue;
        return isB2B;
    } } } }