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Extend Copilot using richer development tools

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Apr 2, 2024

Business value

Developer tools for Copilot in Business Central empower partners to bring generative AI experiences to their extensions.

Feature details

The developer tools for Copilot in Business Central include signature UI elements, an AI module for connecting to Azure OpenAI Service with your own service key, guides, sample, and telemetry. For more information about the toolkit, see Easily integrate generative AI with your AL solutions.

With 2024 release wave 1, developers can take advantage of the following opportunities in their extensions:

Enhancements to the prompt dialog

  • Placeholder text displayed within multiline input text fields can be used to provide concise prompt instructions and help users get started.
  • Add one or more prompt guides that act as prompt templates to help users understand the breadth of prompts that your prompt dialog accepts.
  • Copilot actions can be contextually displayed on lists, list parts, and worksheets to draw attention and launch your prompt dialogs.

The customers list showing the Copilot action.

Enhancements to AI module

  • Support for calling AI functions.
  • More accurate token counts when AI-powered features use Azure Open AI GPT models.

Get started with developer tools

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See also

Build Copilot user experience (docs)