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(CAN) Set up IAT ACH file parameters

Platí pro: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

You can transfer funds in Canadian dollars (CAD) or U.S. dollars (USD) through the Royal Bank of Canada Payment Distribution Service. Use the RBC Payment Distribution Service (CA) or RBC Pre-Authorized Debits (PADS) Service (CA) export format for the method of payment, and then select either CAD or USD as the currency when you generate payments. This format complies with the Royal Bank of Canada Standard 152 Payment Distribution Service format.

To comply with the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) operating rules, the RBC electronic funds transfer (EFT) format now includes new address records for both the originator of the payment and the customer or recipient of the payment. If the payment transaction originates from or is transmitted to a financial agency outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, it is classified as an International ACH Transaction (IAT) by the RBC. You must complete the following tasks before you generate an IAT Automatic Clearing House (ACH) file:

  • In the Právnické osoby form, set up information for the originator. The originator is the company that makes a payment to a vendor or refunds a transaction to a customer. These details are used as the originator information when the IAT ACH file is generated.

  • In the Bankovní účty form, set up bank account details for the originator of the payment.

  • In the Dodavatelé form, set up the details for the vendor that receives the payment. These details are used as the receiver or beneficiary information when the IAT ACH file is generated.

  • In the Bank. účty dodavatele form, set up bank account details for your vendors. These details are used as the receiver depository financial institution (DFI) information when the IAT ACH file is generated.

  • In the Odběratelé form, set up details for customers who receive refunds. These details are used as the receiver or beneficiary information when the IAT ACH file is generated.

  • In the Bankovní účty odběratele form, set up bank account details for your customers. These details are used as the receiver DFI information when the IAT ACH file is generated.

Set up a method of payment for vendor payments

  1. Klepněte na tlačítko Závazky > Nastavení > Platba > Metody platby.

  2. Create a new method of payment. In the Metoda platby field, enter an appropriate identifier, such as RBC_AP.

  3. Enter other information for the method of payment, as needed.

  4. Click the Formáty souborů FastTab. In the Formát exportu field, select RBC Payment Distribution Service (CA).


    If the Formát exportu field list is empty, click Nastavení, and then select one of the available formats.

  5. Close the form.

Set up a method of payment for customer payments

  1. Klepněte na tlačítko Pohledávky > Nastavení > Platba > Metody platby.

  2. Create a new method of payment. In the Metoda platby field, enter an appropriate identifier, such as RBC_AR.

  3. Enter other information for the method of payment, as needed.

  4. Click the Formáty souborů FastTab, and then in the Formát exportu field, select RBC Pre-Authorized Debits (PADS) Service (CA).


    If the Formát exportu field list is empty, click Nastavení, and then select one of the available formats.

  5. Close the form.

Viz také

Vytváření elektronických souborů plateb pro dodavatele

Vytváření elektronických souborů plateb pro odběratele

Způsob platby - Dodavatelé (formulář)