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(DNK) Post a project invoice with a payment slip

Platí pro: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

You can post a project invoice with a payment slip attachment in a specified format. The payment slip is printed with the creditor identification number and invoice number to identify the payment.

  1. Klepněte na tlačítko Řízení a účetnictví projektů > Periodicky > Faktury projektu > Zaúčtovat návrhy faktur projektu.

  2. Press CTRL+N to create an invoice proposal.

  3. In the Návrh faktury field, select the invoice to post.

  4. In the Účet faktury field, select the customer account.

  5. In the ID projektové smlouvy field, select the project.

  6. In the Příloha přidružené platby na faktuře projektu field, select a payment slip to print. Choose from the following options:

    • Žádné – Do not print a payment slip. Choose this option if the payment amount is in a currency other than Danish kroner (DKK).

    • FIK 751 – Print an FIK 751 payment slip if you intend to write the payment amount and due date on the payment slip manually.

    • FIK 752 – Print an FIK 752 payment slip if you intend to use a computer-generated payment slip with a preprinted payment amount and due date.

  7. Click OK to post the project invoice with the payment slip attachment.

Viz také

(DNK) Nastavit formát list platby pro zákazníky

Zaúčtování návrhů faktury (formulář)