Sdílet prostřednictvím

(THA, SAU, GBR, IRL) Set up a withholding tax settlement period and attach a withholding tax code

Platí pro: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

When you collect withholding taxes on behalf of the government, you must settle and pay the taxes at regular intervals called settlement periods. You can set up a withholding tax settlement period, and then attach one or more withholding tax codes.

Create a fiscal calendar

  1. Klepněte na tlačítko Hlavní kniha > Nastavení > Fiskální kalendáře.

  2. Click Nový fiskální kalendář to open the Zadat podrobnosti fiskálního kalendáře form.

  3. In the Kalendář field, enter the identification of the fiscal calendar.

  4. In the Popis field, enter a description for the calendar.

  5. In the Počátek fiskálního roku field, select the starting date of the fiscal year.

  6. In the Konec fiskálního roku field, select the ending date of the fiscal year.

  7. In the Název fiskálního roku field, enter a name for the fiscal year.

  8. In the Délka období field, enter the length of the fiscal calendar period.

  9. In the Jednotka field, select the unit of the fiscal calendar.

  10. Click Vytvořit to create the fiscal calendar.

  11. Close the form.

Set up a withholding tax settlement period and attach a withholding tax code

  1. Klepněte na tlačítko Hlavní kniha > Nastavení > Srážková daň > Období vyrovnání srážkové daně.

  2. Create a withholding tax settlement period.

  3. In the Období vyrovnání field, enter a unique code to identify the withholding tax settlement period.

  4. In the Popis field, enter a description of the withholding tax settlement period.

  5. In the Úřad field, select the withholding tax authority to which taxes are reported and paid at the end of a withholding tax settlement period.

  6. In the Platební podmínky field, select the terms of payment for the withholding tax payments.

  7. In the Interval období field, select the settlement period interval from the following options:

    • Dny

    • Měsíce

    • Roky

  8. In the Počet jednotek field, enter the number of period units to define the withholding tax settlement period. The length of each period that is created on the Období tab is the period interval multiplied by the number of units.


    If you select Měsíce, and then enter 3 in the Počet jednotek field, three-month (quarterly) periods are created on the Období tab.

  9. In the Od data field, select the first day of the first period in the withholding tax settlement period.


    After you create the first period, click Nové období to create the other periods. This ensures that all days are accounted for and that each day appears in only one period.

  10. In the Do data field, select the last day of the period interval.

  11. Close the form.

  12. Klepněte na tlačítko Hlavní kniha > Nastavení > Srážková daň > Kódy srážkové daně.

  13. Create a new withholding tax code, and then in the Období vyrovnání field, select the withholding tax settlement period.

  14. Close the form.

Viz také

(THA SAU) Období vyrovnání srážkové daně (formulář)

(THA SAU) Kód srážkové daně