The Item element represents a generic item in the Exchange store.
The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.
Element | Description |
MimeContent |
Contains the native Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) stream of an object that is represented in base64Binary format. |
ItemId |
Contains the unique identifier and change key of an item in the Exchange store. This property is read-only. |
ParentFolderId |
Represents the identifier of the parent folder that contains the item or folder. This property is read-only. |
ItemClass |
Represents the message class of an item. |
Subject |
Represents the subject for Exchange store items and response objects. The subject is limited to 255 characters. |
Sensitivity |
Indicates the sensitivity level of an item. |
Body |
Represents the actual body content of a message. |
Attachments |
Contains the items or files that are attached to an item in the Exchange store. |
DateTimeReceived |
Represents the date and time that an item in a mailbox was received. |
Size |
Represents the size in bytes of an item. This property is read-only. |
Categories |
Represents a collection of strings that identify to which categories an item in the mailbox belongs. |
Importance |
Describes the importance of an item. |
InReplyTo |
Represents the identifier of the item to which this item is a reply. |
IsSubmitted |
Indicates whether an item has been submitted to the Outbox default folder. |
IsDraft |
Represents whether an item has not yet been sent. |
IsFromMe |
Indicates whether a user sent an item to itself. |
IsResend |
Indicates whether the item had previously been sent. |
IsUnmodified |
Indicates whether the item has been modified. |
InternetMessageHeaders |
Represents the collection of all Internet message headers that are contained within an item in a mailbox. |
DateTimeSent |
Represents the date and time that an item in a mailbox was sent. |
DateTimeCreated |
Represents the date and time that a given item in the mailbox was created. |
ResponseObjects |
Contains a collection of all the response objects that are associated with an item in the Exchange store. |
ReminderDueBy |
Represents the date and time when the event occurs. This is used by the ReminderMinutesBeforeStart element to determine when the reminder is displayed. |
ReminderIsSet |
Indicates whether a reminder has been set for an item in the Exchange store. |
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart |
Represents the number of minutes before an event when a reminder is displayed. |
DisplayCc |
Represents the display string that is used for the contents of the Cc box. This is the concatenated string of all Cc recipient display names. |
DisplayTo |
Represents the display string that is used for the contents of the To box. This is the concatenated string of all To recipient display names. |
HasAttachments |
Represents a property that is set to true if an item has attachments at least one visible attachment. This property is read-only. |
ExtendedProperty |
Identifies extended properties on folders and items. |
Culture |
Represents the culture for a given item in a mailbox. |
EffectiveRights |
Contains the client's rights based on the permission settings for the item or folder. This element is read-only. |
LastModifiedName |
Contains the display name of the last user to modify an item. |
LastModifiedTime |
Indicates when an item was last modified. |
IsAssociated |
Indicates whether the item is associated with a folder. |
WebClientReadFormQueryString |
Represents a URL to concatenate to the Microsoft Office Outlook Web App endpoint to read an item in Outlook Web App. |
WebClientEditFormQueryString |
Represents a URL to concatenate to the Outlook Web App endpoint to edit an item in Outlook Web App. |
ConversationId |
Contains the identifier of an item or conversation. |
UniqueBody |
Represents an HTML fragment or plain text which represents the unique body of this conversation. |
Element | Description |
AdjacentMeetings |
Describes all calendar items that are adjacent to a meeting time. |
AppendToItemField |
Identifies data to append to a single property of an item/folder during an UpdateItem operation. |
ConflictingMeetings |
Identifies all items that conflict with a meeting time. |
Create (ItemSync) |
Identifies a single item to create in the local client store. |
ItemAttachment |
Represents an Exchange item that is attached to another Exchange item. |
Items |
Contains an array of items. |
Items (NonEmptyArrayOfAllItemsType) |
Contains an array of items to create in the folder that is identified by the ParentFolderId (TargetFolderIdType) element. |
SetItemField |
Represents an update to a single property of an item in an UpdateItem operation. |
Update (ItemSync) |
Identifies a single item to update in the local client store. |
It is important to note that ItemType is the base type for Task, CalendarItem, Contact, DistributionList, and Message.
Message elements represent e-mail messages and all other items that are not strongly typed by the Exchange Web Services (EWS) schema. Items such as IPM.Sharing and IPM.InfoPath are returned as Message elements. Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 does not return the base Item element in responses.
The schema that describes this element is located in the IIS virtual directory that hosts Exchange Web Services.
Element | Example |
Namespace | |
Schema Name |
Types schema |
Validation File |
Types.xsd |
Can be Empty |
False |