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Configuring Title Storage in Partner Center

This topic describes the Tile Storage service, and how by using Xbox services, you can save data that's associated with your game to the cloud. Use the Title Storage configuration page to determine which types of cloud storage services that your game allows and upload files to Global Storage.

To find the Xbox services Title Storage configuration page

  1. Go to Partner Center.
  2. Select your app in either Overview or Products.
  3. From Services, select Xbox services.

To see the Title Storage configuration options, developers in the Creators Program need to select Show options in the Cloud saves and storage section of the Title Storage configuration page.

To go to the Title Storage configuration page if you have the full set of Xbox services features available, find the Title Storage link.

Title Storage configuration has two main sections: Title Storage settings (figure 1) and Global Storage file management (figure 2).

Title Storage settings

Figure 1. Title Storage section.

Screenshot that shows Title Storage settings

In Title Storage, you can enable any of the four storage types by selecting Active.

After you choose your title's storage types, you can then choose whether reading the data will be restricted to the player who owns it by selecting Owner Only. Or you can make this user's data available publicly by selecting Everyone.

If you select Owner Only for a specified Storage Type, the Title Storage data of that type is readable only by the player who generated that data. If you select Everyone for a specified Storage Type, the Title Storage data of that type is readable by all players.


Writing or modifying saved data is available only to the player who generated it.

Storage types

There are four storage types that can be activated on the Title Storage configuration page. You can find a description of each storage type by hovering over the Info icon next to each storage type's name or by referring to the following table.

Storage type Description Example usage
Global Data uploaded to Partner Center that can be read by any device and is accessible to every player. Can only be written to by the developer. Uploads to Partner Center. Advertise updates to all players via an in-game news feed.
Connected Storage Allows background syncing of game data on Xbox One family and Windows 10 games. Is a robust fault-tolerant game-save service. Can be read by any device, and can be written to by Xbox One family consoles (or later), and by Windows 10 devices. Saves files for an individual player to allow play on another device.
Universal Network-accessible blob storage that gives read/write access to any device that isn't an Xbox 360 or a Windows Phone. Can be read by Android and iOS devices. Save play time or other stats to be accessible from multiple Windows devices.
Trusted Network-accessible blob storage that can only be written by Xbox One (or later), Xbox 360, or Windows Phone. Can be read by any device. Can be read by Android and iOS. Store a player's ranking in multiplayer.

Global Storage file management

Figure 2. Global storage file management section.

Screenshot that shows Global storage file management

To see all of the Global storage file management options, select Show options. In this section, you can add files and folders that are accessible if the Global storage type is set to active in the Title Storage Settings. To add files in this section, your game must be published for testing.


You might see a warning at the top of the Title Storage configuration page if your game is not properly published for testing.

Manage Global Storage files

Use Global storage file management to upload and download files to and from global storage. These files can potentially be accessed by anyone who owns your title and are meant to be shared by everyone who plays your game.

  • To see the global storage file options, select Show options (next to the section's title).

  • To add your first file, select + New. You will then see the option to add a new file or folder to your global storage files.

New folders

When adding a new folder to your global storage files, you must name the folder, and then select Create (figure 3). Your new folder appears in the file explorer table.

Figure 3. The New folder dialog box.

Screenshot that shows the New folder dialog box

To add files to your folder, you must upload them to the folder directly by selecting Actions, and then selecting Upload files. Note that you can't drag files into folders within the file explorer table.

To create a subfolder, select Create folder in the Actions menu of a folder.

To delete the folder and all of its contents, select Delete in the Actions menu of a folder.

New files

When adding a new file to global storage, you'll be prompted to upload a file from your development PC's File Explorer, and then you'll be asked to choose from one of the three file types: Binary, Config, and JSON. In addition to being able to upload a file by selecting + New, you can also drag files from your development PC to the file explorer table.


You can't drag folders into the file explorer table. If you try, the folder will be treated as a file, and you won't get the result that you expect.

File management actions

For file management actions, see figure 4.

Figure 4. The Global storage file management dialog box.

Screenshot that shows the Global storage file management dialog box

File types

The following table lists the types of files that you can manage.

File type Description
Binary Used for images, sounds, and custom data.
Config Configuration files hold information about your game. They can dynamically return query values based on specified input.
JSON Text files that hold key-value pairs of information about an aspect of your game. JSON files are similar to configuration files.

See also

Title Storage

Connected Storage