print resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
When accompanied by a Universal Print subscription, the Print feature enables management of printers and discovery of printServiceEndpoints that can be used to manage printers and print jobs within Universal Print.
Method | Return type | Description |
List connectors | printConnector collection | Get a list of print connectors. |
List printers | printer collection | Get a list of printers. |
List shares | printerShare collection | Get a list of printer shares. |
List services | printService collection | Get a list of services. |
Create printerShare | printerShare | Create a new printer share by posting to the shares collection. |
Create printer | printerCreateOperation | Create (register) a new printer with Universal Print. |
Update settings | printSettings | Updates tenant-wide settings for the Universal Print service. |
List taskDefinitions | printTaskDefinition collection | Get a tenant-wide list of printTaskDefinitions created within Universal Print. |
Create taskDefinition | printTaskDefinition | Create a new printTaskDefinition. |
Property | Type | Description |
settings | printSettings | Tenant-wide settings for the Universal Print service. |
Relationship | Type | Description |
connectors | printConnector collection | The list of available print connectors. |
operations | printOperation collection | The list of print long running operations. |
printers | printer collection | The list of printers registered in the tenant. |
services | printService collection | The list of available Universal Print service endpoints. |
services | printService collection | The list of print service instances for various components of the printing infrastructure. |
shares | printerShare collection | The list of printer shares registered in the tenant. |
taskDefinitions | printTaskDefinition collection | List of abstract definition for a task that can be triggered when various events occur within Universal Print. |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.print",
"settings": {
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printSettings"