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Contact Microsoft Edge extensions support

You can contact the Microsoft Edge extensions support team request help, submit feedback, or report a copyright or trademark infringement.

Request help or submit feedback

  1. After you submit your extension using Partner Center and you have a question about the review or certification status of it, see New Support Request and complete the form.

  2. If your extension isn't working with Microsoft Edge as you expect, or you have a question about how to develop an extension, see Supported APIs for Microsoft Edge extensions and Port Chromium extensions to Microsoft Edge.

  3. If you have any issues while you submit your extension to Partner Center, see Publish your extension.

  4. To feature your extension in a collection on the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website, see Submit a request to add an extension to the collections on the Microsoft Edge Add-ons home page and complete the form.

  5. Participate in our GitHub Community forum to flag any issues, raise a feature request, be a part of discussions and to share your ideas regarding the Microsoft Edge Extensions Store.

If you think an item in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website violates a copyright or trademark, please complete the Reporting Infringement form. When filling in Step 3: Where can the infringing material be found?, in the Product/Service/App option, make sure to select Microsoft Store on Windows. The Microsoft Edge extensions team will review your report and then take the necessary action.