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Troubleshoot SSO authentication in Teams

Here's a list of issues and questions about SSO, and how you can fix them.

Support for Microsoft Graph

1. Does Graph API work in Postman?
You can use the Microsoft Graph Postman collection with Microsoft Graph APIs.

For more information, see Use Postman with the Microsoft Graph API.

2. Does Graph API work in Microsoft Graph explorer?
Yes, Graph API works in Microsoft Graph explorer.

For more information, see Graph explorer.

Error messages and how to handle them

1. Error: consent missing.
When Microsoft Entra ID receives a request for accessing a Microsoft Graph resource, it checks if the app user or tenant administrator has given consent for this resource. If there's no record of consent from the user or administrator, Microsoft Entra ID sends an error message to your web service.

Your code must tell the client (for example, in the body of a 403 Forbidden response) how to handle the error:

  • If the tab app needs Microsoft Graph scopes for which only an administrator can give consent, your code should generate an error.
  • If the only scopes that are needed can be consented to by the user, then your code should fall back to an alternate system of user authentication.

2. Error: Missing scope (permission).
This error is seen only during development.

To handle this error, your server-side code should send a 403 Forbidden response to the client. It should log the error to the console or record it in a log.

3. Error: Invalid Audience in the access token for Microsoft Graph.
The server-side code should send a 403 Forbidden response to the client to show a message to the user. It's recommended that it should also log the error to the console, or record it in a log.

4. Error: Host name must not be based on an already owned domain.
You can get this error in one of the two scenarios:
  1. The custom domain isn't added to Microsoft Entra ID. To add custom domain to Microsoft Entra ID and register it, follow the add a custom domain name to Microsoft Entra ID procedure. Then follow the steps to Configure scope for access token again.
  2. You aren't signed in with Administrator credentials in the Microsoft 365 tenancy. Sign-in to Microsoft 365 as an administrator.

5. Error: User Principal Name (UPN) not received in the returned access token.
You can add UPN as an optional claim in Microsoft Entra ID.

For more information, see Provide optional claims to your app and access tokens.

6. Error: Teams SDK Error: resourceDisabled.
To avoid this error, ensure that application ID URI is configured properly in Microsoft Entra app registration and in your Teams Client.

For more information on application ID URI, see To expose an API.

7. Error: Generic error when running the tab app.
A generic error may show up when one or more of app configurations made in Microsoft Entra ID are incorrect. To resolve this error, check if the app details configured in your code and the app manifest (previously called Teams app manifest) matches the values in Microsoft Entra ID.

The following image shows an example of the app details configured in Microsoft Entra ID.

App configuration values in Microsoft Entra ID

Check that the following values match between Microsoft Entra ID, client-side code, and app manifest:

  • App ID: The app ID you generated in Microsoft Entra ID should be the same in the code and in the app manifest file. Check if the app ID in the app manifest schema matches the Application (client) ID in Microsoft Entra ID.

  • App secret: The app secret configured in the backend of your app should match the Client credentials in Microsoft Entra ID. You should also check if the client secret is expired.

  • Application ID URI: The app ID URI in the code and in the app manifest file should match the Application ID URI in Microsoft Entra ID.

  • App permissions: Check if the permissions you defined in the scope are as per your app requirement. If so, check if they had been granted to the user in the access token.

  • Admin consent: If any scope requires admin consent, check if the consent was granted for the particular scope to the user.

In addition, inspect the access token that was sent to the tab app to verify if the following values are correct:

  • Audience (aud): Check if the app ID in the token is correct as given in Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Tenant Id(tid): Check if the tenant mentioned in the token is correct.
  • User identity (preferred_username): Check if the user identity matches the username in the request for access token, for the scope that the current user wants to access.
  • Scopes (scp): Check if the scope for which the access token is requested is correct, and as defined in Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Microsoft Entra version 1.0 or 2.0 (ver): Check if Microsoft Entra version is correct.

You can use JWT for inspecting the token.

Bot SSO token error

Token exchange failure.
If there's a token exchange failure, use the following code:
    "status": "<response code>", 
        "id":"<unique Id>", 
        "connectionName": "<connection Name on the bot (from the OAuth card)>", 
        "failureDetail": "<failure reason if status code is not 200, null otherwise>" 

To understand the bot behavior when the token exchange fails to trigger a consent prompt, see the following steps:


No user action is required to be taken as the bot takes the actions when the token exchange fails.

  1. The client starts a conversation with the bot triggering an OAuth scenario.

  2. The bot sends back an OAuth card to the client.

  3. The client intercepts the OAuth card before displaying it to the app user. It checks if it contains a TokenExchangeResource property.

  4. If the property exists, the client sends a TokenExchangeInvokeRequest to the bot. The client must have an exchangeable token for the user. This token must be an Azure AD v2 token whose audience must be the same as TokenExchangeResource.Uri property.

  5. The client sends an invoke activity to the bot with the following code:

        "type": "Invoke",
        "name": "signin/tokenExchange",
            "id": "<any unique Id>",
            "connectionName": "<connection Name on the skill bot (from the OAuth card)>",
            "token": "<exchangeable token>"
  6. The bot processes the TokenExchangeInvokeRequest and returns a TokenExchangeInvokeResponse back to the client. The client must wait until it receives the TokenExchangeInvokeResponse.

        "status": "<response code>",
            "id":"<unique Id>",
            "connectionName": "<connection Name on the skill bot (from the OAuth card)>",
            "failureDetail": "<failure reason if status code is not 200, null otherwise>"
  7. If the TokenExchangeInvokeResponse has a status of 200, then the client doesn't show the OAuth card. See the normal flow image. For any other status or if the TokenExchangeInvokeResponse isn't received, then the client shows the OAuth card to the user. See the fallback flow image. If there are any errors or unmet dependencies like user consent, this activity ensures that the SSO flow falls back to normal OAuthCard flow.


    In Teams web client, the password prompt doesn't appear as there is an active Microsoft Entra session in the browser, which is used for authentication and to acquire a token. In Teams desktop client, the password prompt appears because the desktop client doesn't have any Microsoft Entra session to be shared and is asked to login.

See also

Security best practices for application properties in Microsoft Entra ID