
Sdílet prostřednictvím

MasterShortcut.ExportIcon method (Visio)

Exports the icon for a Master object to a named file or the Clipboard.


expression. ExportIcon( _FileName_ , _Flags_ , _TransparentRGB_ )

expression A variable that represents a MasterShortcut object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
FileName Required String The file to which to export the icon.
Flags Required Integer The format in which to write the exported file.
TransparentRGB Optional Variant The color to substitute for any transparent areas of the exported icon image.

Return value



If FileName is empty, the master's icon is copied to the Clipboard.

If the value of Flags is visIconFormatVisio (0), the icon is exported in the application internal icon format. The ImportIcon method accepts files written in this format.

If the value of Flags is visIconFormatBMP (2), the icon is exported in bitmap (.bmp) file format.

Starting with Microsoft Visio 2000, you can use the TransparentRGB argument with the ExportIcon method. If TransparentRGB is omitted, the color defaults to black, which simulates Visio 5.0 behavior.

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