
Sdílet prostřednictvím

WdCharacterCase enumeration (Word)

Specifies the case of the text in the specified range.

Name Value Description
wdFullWidth 7 Full-width. Used for Japanese characters.
wdHalfWidth 6 Half-width. Used for Japanese characters.
wdHiragana 9 Hiragana characters. Used with Japanese text.
wdKatakana 8 Katakana characters. Used with Japanese text.
wdLowerCase 0 Lowercase.
wdNextCase -1 Toggles between uppercase, lowercase, and sentence case.
wdTitleSentence 4 Sentence case.
wdTitleWord 2 Title word case.
wdToggleCase 5 Switches uppercase characters to lowercase, and lowercase characters to uppercase.
wdUpperCase 1 Uppercase.

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