
Sdílet prostřednictvím

addGlobalNotification (Client API reference)

Displays an error, information, warning, or success notification for an app, and lets you specify actions to execute based on the notification.


Xrm.App.addGlobalNotification(notification).then(successCallback, errorCallback);


Name Type Required Description
notification Object Yes The notification to add. See notification parameter
successCallback Function No A function to call when notification is displayed. A GUID value is passed to uniquely identify the notification. You can use the GUID value to close or dismiss the notification using the clearGlobalNotification method.
errorCallback Function No A function to call when the operation fails.

notification property

The object contains the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
action Object No An object with the following properties:
- actionLabel(Optional) String. The label for the action in the message.
- eventHandler: (Optional) Function reference. The function to execute when the action label is clicked.
level Number Yes Defines the level of notification. Valid values are:
1: Success
2: Error
3: Warning
4: Information
message String Yes The message to display in the notification.
showCloseButton Bool No Indicates whether or not the user can close or dismiss the notification. If you don't specify this parameter, users can't close or dismiss the notification by default.
type Number Yes Defines the type of notification. Currently, only a value of 2 is supported, which displays a message bar at the top of the app.

Return Value

On success, returns a promise object containing a GUID value to uniquely identify the notification as described earlier in the description of the successCallback parameter.


Display an error notification that can't be closed or dismissed by user

// define notification object
var notification = 
  type: 2,
  level: 2, //error
  message: "Test error notification"

    function success(result) {
        console.log("Notification created with ID: " + result);
        // perform other operations as required on notification display
    function (error) {
        // handle error conditions

This is how the error notification will appear in the app:

Example error notification.

Display a warning notification that can be closed or dismissed by user

// define notification object
var notification = 
  type: 2,
  level: 3, //warning
  message: "Test warning notification",
  showCloseButton: true

    function success(result) {
        console.log("Notification created with ID: " + result);
        // perform other operations as required on notification display
    function (error) {
        // handle error conditions

This is how the warning notification will appear in the app:

Example warning notification.

// define action object
var myAction =
  actionLabel: "Learn more", 
  eventHandler: function () {
        // perform other operations as required on clicking

// define notification object
var notification = 
  type: 2,
  level: 4, // information
  message: "Test information notification",  
  action: myAction

    function success(result) {
        console.log("Notification created with ID: " + result);
        // perform other operations as required on notification display
    function (error) {
        // handle error conditions

This is how the information notification will appear in the app:

Example information notification.
