This topic displays help topics for the Azure Notification Hub cmdlets. Notification hubs are used to send push notifications to multiple clients regardless of the platform (iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, Windows Store, etc.) used by those clients. These hubs are roughly equivalent to individual apps: each of your apps will typically have its own notification hub. Notification hubs are organized within logical containers known as namespaces, and Shared Access Signature (SAS) authorization rules are used to manage access to hubs and namespaces. All of these elements can be administered by using the Notification Hub cmdlets.
Notification Hubs
Get-AzNotificationHub |
Gets information about your notification hubs. |
Get-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule |
Gets information about the authorization rules associated with a notification hub. |
Get-AzNotificationHubListKey |
Gets the primary and secondary connection strings associated with a notification hub authorization rule. |
Get-AzNotificationHubPNSCredential |
Gets the PNS credentials for a notification hub. |
Get-AzNotificationHubsNamespace |
Gets information about a notification hub namespace. |
Get-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceAuthorizationRule |
Gets information about the authorization rules associated with a notification hub namespace. |
Get-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceListKey |
Gets the primary and secondary connection strings associated with a notification hub namespace authorization rule. |
New-AzNotificationHub |
Creates a notification hub. |
New-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule |
Creates an authorization rule and assigns the rule to a notification hub. |
New-AzNotificationHubKey |
Regenerate the Authorization Rule Key for a NotificationHub . |
New-AzNotificationHubsNamespace |
Creates a notification hub namespace. |
New-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceAuthorizationRule |
Creates an authorization rule and assigns that rule to a notification hub namespace. |
New-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceKey |
Regenerate the Authorization Rule Key for a Namespace. |
Remove-AzNotificationHub |
Removes an existing notification hub. |
Remove-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule |
Removes an authorization rule from a notification hub. |
Remove-AzNotificationHubsNamespace |
Removes a notification hub namespace. |
Remove-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceAuthorizationRule |
Removes an authorization rule from a notification hub namespace. |
Set-AzNotificationHub |
Sets property values for a notification hub. |
Set-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule |
Sets authorization rules for a notification hub. |
Set-AzNotificationHubsNamespace |
Sets property values for a notification hub namespace. |
Set-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceAuthorizationRule |
Sets authorization rules for a notification hub namespace. |
Azure PowerShell