Ukázka GetProcessSample05

Tato ukázka ukazuje úplnou verzi Get-Proc rutinu.

Jak sestavit ukázku pomocí Visual Studio.

  1. Otevřete Windows Explorer a přejděte do adresáře GetProcessSample05 v adresáři Samples.

    Když je Windows PowerShell nainstalovaná sada SDK 2.0, přejděte do složky GetProcessSample05. Výchozí umístění je C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\sysmgmt\WindowsPowerShell\csharp\GetProcessSample05.

  2. Dvakrát klikněte na ikonu souboru řešení (.sln). Tím se ukázkový projekt otevře v Visual Studio.

  3. V nabídce Sestavení vyberte Sestavit řešení.

    Knihovna ukázky bude sestavena ve výchozích adresářích \bin nebo \bin\debug.

Spuštění ukázky

  1. Vytvořte následující složku modulu:


  2. Zkopírujte ukázkové sestavení do složky modulu.

  3. Spusťte prostředí Windows PowerShell.

  4. Spuštěním následujícího příkazu načtěte sestavení do Windows PowerShell:

    Import-module getprossessample05

  5. Spuštěním následujícího příkazu spusťte rutinu :



Tato ukázka vyžaduje Windows PowerShell 2.0.


Tato ukázka ukazuje následující:

  • Deklarování třídy rutin pomocí atributu Cmdlet

  • Deklarování parametru rutiny pomocí atributu Parameter

  • Určení pozic pro parametry

  • Určení, že parametry mohou převzít vstup z kanálu. Vstup lze získat z objektu nebo hodnoty z vlastnosti objektu, jejíž název vlastnosti je stejný jako název parametru.

  • Deklarování atributu ověřování pro vstup parametru.

  • Zpracování chyb a výjimek

  • Psaní zpráv ladění.


Tato ukázka ukazuje, jak vytvořit rutinu, která zobrazí seznam zadaných procesů.

namespace Microsoft.Samples.PowerShell.Commands
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Management.Automation;    // Windows PowerShell namespace.
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using Win32Exception = System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception;
    #region GetProcCommand

    /// <summary>
   /// This class implements the get-proc cmdlet.
   /// </summary>
   [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "Proc",
      DefaultParameterSetName = "ProcessName")]
   public class GetProcCommand : PSCmdlet
       #region Fields
       /// <summary>
       /// The names of the processes to act on.
       /// </summary>
       private string[] processNames;

       /// <summary>
       /// The identifiers of the processes to act on.
       /// </summary>
       private int[] processIds;

       /// <summary>
       /// The process objects to act on.
       /// </summary>
       private Process[] inputObjects;

       #endregion Fields

       #region Parameters

      /// <summary>
      /// Gets or sets the list of process names on
      /// which the Get-Proc cmdlet will work.
      /// </summary>
         Position = 0,
         ParameterSetName = "ProcessName",
         ValueFromPipeline = true,
         ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true)]
      public string[] Name
         get { return this.processNames; }
         set { this.processNames = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Gets or sets the list of process identifiers on
      /// which the Get-Proc cmdlet will work.
      /// </summary>
         ParameterSetName = "Id",
         Mandatory = true,
         ValueFromPipeline = true,
         ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true,
         HelpMessage = "The unique id of the process to get.")]
      public int[] Id
         get { return this.processIds; }
         set { this.processIds = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Gets or sets Process objects directly. If the input is a
      /// stream of [collection of] Process objects, the cmdlet bypasses the
      /// ProcessName and Id parameters and reads the Process objects
      /// directly.  This allows the cmdlet to deal with processes that have
      /// wildcard characters in their name.
      /// <value>Process objects</value>
      /// </summary>
         ParameterSetName = "InputObject",
         Mandatory = true,
         ValueFromPipeline = true)]
      public Process[] Input
         get { return this.inputObjects; }
         set { this.inputObjects = value; }

      #endregion Parameters

      #region Cmdlet Overrides

      /// <summary>
      /// The ProcessRecord method calls the Process.GetProcesses
      /// method to retrieve the processes. Then, the WriteObject
      /// method writes the associated processes to the pipeline.
      /// </summary>
      protected override void ProcessRecord()
         List<Process> matchingProcesses;

         WriteDebug("Obtaining the list of matching process objects.");

         switch (ParameterSetName)
            case "Id":
               matchingProcesses = this.GetMatchingProcessesById();
            case "ProcessName":
               matchingProcesses = this.GetMatchingProcessesByName();
            case "InputObject":
               matchingProcesses = this.GetProcessesByInput();
                   new ErrorRecord(
                       new ArgumentException("Bad ParameterSetName"),
         } // switch (ParameterSetName)

         WriteDebug("Outputting the matching process objects.");


         foreach (Process process in matchingProcesses)
      } // ProcessRecord

      #endregion Overrides

      #region protected Methods and Data

      /// <summary>
      /// Retrieves the list of all processes matching the ProcessName
      /// parameter and generates a nonterminating error for each
      /// specified process name which is not found even though the name
      /// contains no wildcards.
      /// </summary>
      /// <returns>The matching processes.</returns>
         Unrestricted = true)]
      private List<Process> GetMatchingProcessesByName()
         new EnvironmentPermission(

         List<Process> allProcesses =
            new List<Process>(Process.GetProcesses());

         // The keys dictionary is used for rapid lookup of
         // processes that are already in the matchingProcesses list.
         Dictionary<int, byte> keys = new Dictionary<int, byte>();

         List<Process> matchingProcesses = new List<Process>();

         if (null == this.processNames)
             foreach (string pattern in this.processNames)
                 WriteVerbose("Finding matches for process name \""
                    + pattern + "\".");

                 // WildCard search on the available processes
                 WildcardPattern wildcard =
                    new WildcardPattern(

                 bool found = false;

                 foreach (Process process in allProcesses)
                     if (!keys.ContainsKey(process.Id))
                         string processName = SafeGetProcessName(process);

                         // Remove the process from the allProcesses list
                         // so that it is not tested again.
                         if (processName.Length == 0)

                         // Perform a wildcard search on this particular
                         // process name and check whether it matches the
                         // pattern specified.
                         if (!wildcard.IsMatch(processName))

                         WriteDebug("Found matching process id "
                            + process.Id + ".");

                         // A match is found.
                         found = true;

                         // Store the process identifier so that the same process
                         // is not added twice.
                         keys.Add(process.Id, 0);

                         // Add the process to the processes list.
                 } // foreach (Process...

                 if (!found &&
                     WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
                        new ArgumentException("Cannot find process name "
                           + "\"" + pattern + "\"."),
             } // foreach (string...
         } // if (null...

         return matchingProcesses;
      } // GetMatchingProcessesByName

      /// <summary>
      /// Returns the name of a process.  If an error occurs, a blank
      /// string is returned.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="process">The process whose name is
      /// returned.</param>
      /// <returns>The name of the process.</returns>
         SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
      protected static string SafeGetProcessName(Process process)
         new EnvironmentPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert();
         string name = String.Empty;

         if (process != null)
                return process.ProcessName;
            catch (Win32Exception)
            catch (InvalidOperationException)

         return name;
     } // SafeGetProcessName

      #endregion Cmdlet Overrides

      #region Private Methods

      /// <summary>
      /// Function to sort by process name first, and then by
      /// the process identifier.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="x">First process object.</param>
      /// <param name="y">Second process object.</param>
      /// <returns>
      /// Returns less than zero if x is less than y,
      /// greater than 0 if x is greater than y, and 0 if x == y.
      /// </returns>
      private static int ProcessComparison(Process x, Process y)
         int diff = String.Compare(

         if (0 != diff)
             return diff;
             return x.Id.CompareTo(y.Id);

      /// <summary>
      /// Retrieves the list of all processes matching the Id
      /// parameter and generates a nonterminating error for
      /// each specified process identifier which is not found.
      /// </summary>
      /// <returns>
      /// An array of processes that match the given identifier.
      /// </returns>
         Unrestricted = true)]
      private List<Process> GetMatchingProcessesById()
         new EnvironmentPermission(

         List<Process> matchingProcesses = new List<Process>();

         if (null != this.processIds)
            // The keys dictionary is used for rapid lookup of the
            // processes already in the matchingProcesses list.
            Dictionary<int, byte> keys = new Dictionary<int, byte>();

            foreach (int processId in this.processIds)
               WriteVerbose("Finding match for process id "
                  + processId + ".");

               if (!keys.ContainsKey(processId))
                  Process process;
                      process = Process.GetProcessById(processId);
                  catch (ArgumentException ex)
                     WriteError(new ErrorRecord(

                  WriteDebug("Found matching process.");

                  keys.Add(processId, 0);

         return matchingProcesses;
      } // GetMatchingProcessesById

      /// <summary>
      /// Retrieves the list of all processes matching the InputObject
      /// parameter.
      /// </summary>
      /// <returns>The matching processes.</returns>
         Unrestricted = true)]
      private List<Process> GetProcessesByInput()
         new EnvironmentPermission(

         List<Process> matchingProcesses = new List<Process>();

         if (null != this.Input)
            // The keys dictionary is used for rapid lookup of the
            // processes already in the matchingProcesses list.
            Dictionary<int, byte> keys = new Dictionary<int, byte>();

            foreach (Process process in this.Input)
               WriteVerbose("Refreshing process object.");

               if (!keys.ContainsKey(process.Id))
                  catch (Win32Exception)
                  catch (InvalidOperationException)


         return matchingProcesses;
      } // GetProcessesByInput
      #endregion Private Methods
    } // End GetProcCommand class.

    #endregion GetProcCommand

Viz také

Vytvoření rutiny Windows PowerShellu