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Frequently Asked Questions About Migrating to Commerce Server 2007

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

The following table provides answers to frequently asked questions about how to migrate to Commerce Server 2007.



What migration scenarios are supported?

The following migration scenarios are supported:

  • Upgrading complete ASP.Net applications from Commerce Server 2002.

  • Migrating data from Commerce Server 2000, Commerce Server 2002, and Commerce Server 2007.

What tools are available to help migrate a Commerce Server 2002 site?

The Commerce Server 2007 Upgrade Wizard is the primary data migration tool. For information about differences between ASP and ASP.NET in how general operations are completed, see page on the Microsoft ASP.NET Developer Center Web site.

What does the Commerce Server 2007  Upgrade Wizard do?

The Commerce Server 2007  Upgrade Wizard updates resource version information, Commerce Server business data, and site resource data to work with the schema changes that have been made to Commerce Server 2007. The Upgrade Wizard does not update site code.

Who can I contact if I need help with my site migration?

See the following Web sites:

Are mixed deployments of Commerce Server 2007 and earlier versions of Commerce Server supported?

No, all servers in a Web farm must use the same version of Commerce Server.

Can I use the Commerce Server Data Warehouse SQL Server for Web sites that are running on both Commerce Server 2007 and Commerce Server 2002?

If you run the Commerce Server Data Warehouse for more than one site and you migrate any of these Web sites to Commerce Server 2007 you can continue to host Commerce Server 2002 Web sites. To configure this, you must run separate computers that are running SQL Server for the DTS tasks for Commerce Server 2007 and Commerce Server 2002. 

You can run the Commerce Server Data Warehouse databases for both versions on the same computer but it must be separate from the computers that are running the DTS tasks.

Are there any special considerations for sites using Commerce Server 2002 Feature Pack 1 (FP1)?

Yes. These include the following:

  • The way in which the Commerce Server 2007  Upgrade Wizard migrates campaigns and marketing information changes.

  • Updates to some of the Web services included in Commerce Server FP1.

For more information about these special considerations, see Commerce Server 2002 FP1 to Commerce Server 2007 Migration Considerations.

Are changes to database tables made in place?

Yes, the Commerce Server 2007  Upgrade Wizard modifies live data in existing tables. We recommend that you back up your database tables before you use the Commerce Server 2007  Upgrade Wizard.

Will the Commerce Server 2007 Upgrade Wizard make any changes to my custom resources?

No, the Commerce Server 2007 Upgrade Wizard will ignore any custom resources.

Will the Commerce Server 2007 Upgrade Wizard remove any remaining databases and tables after migration?

The Commerce Server 2007 Upgrade Wizard does not delete any of the remaining SQL databases and tables after you upgrade or delete site resources. It is the developer's task to remove leftover databases and tables. See Post Migration Data Management for instructions to remove leftover databases and tables.

See Also

Other Resources

Planning Commerce Server 2007 Migration