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Planning for High Availability with App-V 5.0

Platí pro: Application Virtualization 5.0, Application Virtualization 5.0 SP1, Application Virtualization 5.0 SP2, Application Virtualization 5.0 SP3

Microsoft Application Virtualization 5.0 (App-V 5.0) system configurations can take advantage of options that maintain a high level of available service.

Use the information in the following sections to help you understand the options to deploy App-V 5.0 in a highly available configuration.

  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server clustering

  • Support for IIS Network Load Balancing

  • Support for clustered file servers when running (SCS) mode

  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server Mirroring

  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server Always On configuration

Support for Microsoft SQL Server clustering

You can run the App-V Management database and Reporting database on computers that are running Microsoft SQL Server clusters. However, you must install the databases using scripts.

For instructions, see How to Deploy the App-V Databases by Using SQL Scripts.

Support for IIS Network Load Balancing

You can use Internet Information Services (IIS) Network Load Balancing to configure a highly available environment for computers running the App-V 5.x Management, Publishing, and Reporting services which are deployed through IIS.

Review the following for more information about configuring IIS and Network Load Balancing for computers running Windows Server operating systems:

Support for clustered file servers when running (SCS) mode

Running App-V 5.0 in Share Content Store (SCS) mode with clustered file servers is supported.

The following steps can be used to enable this configuration:

The following steps can be used to validate the configuration:

  1. Add a package on the publishing server. For more information about adding a package, see How to Add or Upgrade Packages by Using the Management Console.

  2. Perform a publishing refresh on the computer running the App-V 5.0 client and open an application.

  3. Switch cluster nodes mid-publishing refresh and mid-streaming to ensure fail-over works correctly.

Review the following for more information about configuring Windows Server Failover clusters:

Support for Microsoft SQL Server Mirroring

Using Microsoft SQL Server mirroring, where the App-V 5.0 management server database is mirrored utilizing two SQL Server instances, for App-V 5.0 management server databases is supported.

Review the following for more information about configuring Microsoft SQL Server Mirroring:

The following steps can be used to validate the configuration:

  1. Initiate a Microsoft SQL Server Mirroring session.

  2. Select Failover to designate a new master Microsoft SQL Server instance.

  3. Verify that the App-V 5.0 management server continues to function as expected after the failover.

The connection string on the management server can be modified to include failover partner = <server2>. This will only help when the primary on the mirror has failed over to the secondary and the computer running the App-V 5.0 client is doing a fresh connection (say after reboot).

Use the following steps to modify the connection string to include failover partner = <server2>:


Toto téma popisuje, jak provést změnu v registru systému Windows pomocí Editoru registru. Pokud registr systému Windows změníte nesprávně, můžete způsobit vážné problémy, které mohou vyžadovat přeinstalaci systému Windows. Před změnou registru byste měli vytvořit záložní kopii souborů registru (System.dat a User.dat). Společnost Microsoft nemůže zaručit, že problémy, které mohou nastat při změně registru, bude možné vyřešit. Změnu registru provádíte na vlastní nebezpečí.

  1. Login to the management server and open regedit.

  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ AppV \ Server \ ManagementService.

  3. Modify the MANAGEMENT_SQL_CONNECTION_STRING value with the failover partner = <server2>.

  4. Restart management service using the IIS console.


    Database Mirroring is on the list of Deprecated Database Engine Features for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 due to the AlwaysOn feature available with Microsoft SQL Server 2012.

Click any of the following links for more information:

Support for Microsoft SQL Server Always On configuration

The App-V 5.0 management server database supports deployments to computers running Microsoft SQL Server with the Always On configuration.

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Další materiály

Planning to Deploy App-V

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