Sdílet prostřednictvím

Items, List Properties Dialog Box 

Use the Items page of the List Properties dialog box to add items to a System.Web.UI.MobileControls.List control, and to edit item values.

To access this dialog box

  1. In Visual Studio, open or create a new Mobile Web Form.

  2. Switch to Design view.

  3. From the Mobile Web Forms tab of the Toolbox, drag a List control into the mobile form box on the page.

  4. Right-click the List control and then click Show Smart Tag.

  5. In the List Tasks panel, click Property Builder.

    The List Properties dialog box opens.

    Alternatively, click the ellipses button (ASP.NET Mobile Designer ellipse) in the Items box in the Properties window.

  6. Click the Items tab.


UI Elements

  • Render list items as hyperlinks
    Specifies whether the list items are displayed as hyperlinks. When this option is selected, the item values must contain navigation links. This corresponds to the ItemsAsLinks property of the List control.

Item list

  • Item Text
    Shows the number of items in the list and the text associated with them. Use the buttons to move items up or down, or to delete items.

    Button Name What it does
    Move Upward Button

    Up Arrow

    Moves the selected item up one place in the list

    Down Arrow Button

    Down Arrow

    Moves the selected item down one place in the list

    DeleteButton screenshot


    Deletes the currently selected item

  • Create New Item
    Adds a new item to the list as a MobileListItem object. When you click this button, the dialog box displays a text box that contains default list item text. Replace the default text by typing in the text box.
  • Value
    Contains a value to associate with the selected list item. If you have selected Render list items as hyperlinks, you can specify a Web page as the value.

See Also


How to: Add and Configure a List Control


General, List Properties Dialog Box
List Properties Dialog Box


Introduction to the List Control
Using Data Binding with ASP.NET Mobile Controls
ASP.NET Device Filtering Overview
ASP.NET Mobile Application Development Overview

Other Resources

Developing Adapters for ASP.NET Server Controls