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Microsoft.Ink Namespace

This namespace contains APIs that implement digital ink on the Tablet PC.


  Class Description
Public class AnalysisAlternate Represents one of the possible handwriting recognition word matches for ContextNode objects.
Public class AnalysisAlternateCollection Contains a collection of AnalysisAlternate objects.
Public class AnalysisAlternateCollection.AnalysisAlternateCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over an AnalysisAlternateCollection.
Public class AnalysisHintNode Provides an InkAnalyzer with an analysis hint for a region.
Public class AnalysisRegion Represents an area of a document.
Public class AnalysisStatus Represents the status of the analysis operation by indicating whether the analysis completed successfully, whether any warnings occurred, and where the changes, if any, were applied.
Public class AnalysisWarning Represents a warning or error that occurs during an ink analysis operation.
Public class AnalysisWarningCollection Contains a collection of AnalysisWarning objects that are the result of an ink analysis.
Public class AnalysisWarningCollection.AnalysisWarningCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating through an AnalysisWarningCollection.
Public class CancelMouseEventArgs Provides data for cancelable mouse events.
Public class ContextLink Represents a relationship between two ContextNode objects that is not a parent-child relationship.
Public class ContextLinkCollection Contains a collection of ContextLink objects.
Public class ContextLinkCollection.ContextLinkCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a ContextLinkCollection.
Public class ContextNode Represents a node in a tree of objects that are created as part of ink analysis.
Public class ContextNodeCollection Contains a collection of ContextNode objects that are the result of an ink analysis.
Public class ContextNodeCollection.ContextNodeCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a ContextNodeCollection.
Public class ContextNodeCreatedEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeCreated event.
Public class ContextNodeDeletingEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeDeleting event.
Public class ContextNodeLinkAddingEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeLinkAdding event.
Public class ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeLinkDeleting event.
Public class ContextNodeMovingToPositionEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeMovingToPosition event.
Public class ContextNodePropertiesUpdatedEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodePropertiesUpdated event.
Public class ContextNodeReparentingEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeReparenting event.
Public class ContextNodeType Defines values that specify the type of ContextNode object.
Public class Cursor Represents general information about a tablet pointing and selecting device.
Public class CursorButton Represents general information about a button on a tablet pointing and selecting device.
Public class CursorButtons Represents a collection of CursorButton objects for a Cursor object.
Public class CursorButtons.CursorButtonsEnumerator An implementation of the System.Collections.IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a CursorButtons collection.
Public class Cursors Represents a collection of Cursor objects.
Public class Cursors.CursorsEnumerator An implementation of the System.Collections.IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a Cursors collection.
Public class CustomRecognizerNode Represents a ContextNode for a single recognition operation. All strokes and nodes that are under a CustomRecognizerNode object are recognized in an independent recognition operation and are not analyzed by the InkAnalyzer.
Public class CustomStrokes Contains a collection of user-defined Strokes collections.
Public class CustomStrokes.CustomStrokesEnumerator An implementation of the System.Collections.IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a CustomStrokes collection.
Public class Divider Represents the ability to analyze the layout of a collection of strokes, dividing them into text and graphics.
Public class DivisionResult Represents the layout analysis of the collection of strokes contained by the Divider object.
Public class DivisionUnit Represents a single structural element within a DivisionResult object.
Public class DivisionUnits Contains a collection of DivisionUnit objects that are contained in a DivisionResult object.
Public class DivisionUnits.InkDivisionUnitsEnumerator An implementation of the System.Collections.IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a DivisionUnits collection.
Public class DrawingAttributes Represents the attributes that are applied to ink when it is drawn.
Public class DrawingAttributesProperty
Public class ExtendedProperties Represents a collection of ExtendedProperty objects that contain application-defined data.
Public class ExtendedProperties.ExtendedPropertiesEnumerator An implementation of the System.Collections.IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over an ExtendedProperties collection.
Public class ExtendedProperty Represents the ability to add your own data to a variety of objects within the Tablet PC object model.
Public class Factoid This class contains the pre-defined factoid identifiers. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class Gesture Represents the ability to query particular properties of a gesture returned from a gesture recognition.
Public class ImageNode Represents a ContextNode for a two-dimensional region where any non-ink images may exist in the application.
Public class Ink Represents the collected strokes of ink within an ink space.
Public class InkAnalyzer Provides access to layout analysis, writing and drawing classification, and handwriting recognition.
Public class InkBulletNode InkBulletNode class corresponds to any ContextNode with the Type property value of InkBullet.
Public class InkCollector Represents an object that is used to capture ink from available tablet devices.
Public class InkCollectorCursorButtonDownEventArgs Provides data for the InkCollector.CursorButtonDown, InkOverlay.CursorButtonDown, and InkPicture.CursorButtonDown events.
Public class InkCollectorCursorButtonUpEventArgs Provides data for the InkCollector.CursorButtonUp, InkOverlay.CursorButtonUp, and InkPicture.CursorButtonUp events.
Public class InkCollectorCursorDownEventArgs Provides data for the InkCollector.CursorDown, InkOverlay.CursorDown, and InkPicture.CursorDown events.
Public class InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventArgs Provides data for the InkCollector.CursorInRange, InkOverlay.CursorInRange, and InkPicture.CursorInRange events.
Public class InkCollectorCursorOutOfRangeEventArgs Provides data for the InkCollector.CursorOutOfRange, InkOverlay.CursorOutOfRange, and InkPicture.CursorOutOfRange events.
Public class InkCollectorGestureEventArgs Provides data for the Gesture events of ink collectors (InkCollector.Gesture, InkOverlay.Gesture, and InkPicture.Gesture), which occur when an application gesture is recognized.
Public class InkCollectorNewInAirPacketsEventArgs Provides data for the NewInAirPackets events of ink collector (InkCollector.NewInAirPackets, InkOverlay.NewInAirPackets, and InkPicture.NewInAirPackets), which occur when an in-air packet is detected.
Public class InkCollectorNewPacketsEventArgs Provides data for the NewPackets events of ink collector (InkCollector.NewPackets, InkOverlay.NewPackets, and InkPicture.NewPackets), which occur when ink collector receives packet.
Public class InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs Provides data for the Stroke events of ink collector (InkCollector.Stroke, InkOverlay.Stroke, and InkPicture.Stroke), which occur when the user draws a new stroke on any tablet.
Public class InkCollectorSystemGestureEventArgs Provides data for the SystemGesture events of an ink collector (InkCollector.SystemGesture, InkOverlay.SystemGesture, and InkPicture.SystemGesture), which occur when a systemgesture is recognized.
Public class InkCollectorTabletAddedEventArgs Provides data for the TabletAdded events of ink collector (InkCollector.TabletAdded, InkOverlay.TabletAdded, and InkPicture.TabletAdded), which occur when a tablet is added to the system.
Public class InkCollectorTabletRemovedEventArgs Provides data for the TabletRemoved events of ink collectors (InkCollector.TabletRemoved, InkOverlay.TabletRemoved, and InkPicture.TabletRemoved), which occur when a tablet is removed from the system.
Public class InkDrawingNode Represents a ContextNode for a collection of strokes that make up a drawing. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class InkEdit The InkEdit control enables you to collect ink, recognize it, and display it as text. With the InkEdit control, you can enable smart forms, which improves the accuracy of text input.
Public class InkEditGestureEventArgs Provides data for Gesture events, which occur when an application-specific gesture is recognized in an InkEdit control.
Public class InkEditRecognitionEventArgs Provides data for Recognition events, which occur when the InkEdit control gets results manually from a call to the Recognize method or automatically after the recognition timeout fires.
Public class InkEditStrokeEventArgs Provides data for Stroke events, which occur when the user draws a new stroke on an InkEdit control.
Public class InkOverlay Represents an object that is useful for annotation scenarios where users are not concerned with performing recognition on ink but instead are interested in the size, shape, color, and position of the ink.
Public class InkOverlayPaintingEventArgs Provides data for the painting events of Painting objects and Painting controls, which occur when ink is about to be painted.
Public class InkOverlaySelectionChangingEventArgs Provides data for the SelectionChanging events of SelectionChanging objects and SelectionChanging controls, which occur when the selection of ink is about to change, such as through alterations to the user interface, cut-and-paste procedures, or the Selection property (for Selection or Selection).
Public class InkOverlaySelectionMovedEventArgs Provides data for the SelectionMoved events of SelectionMoved objects and SelectionMoved controls, which occur when selected strokes have been moved.
Public class InkOverlaySelectionMovingEventArgs Provides data for the SelectionMoving events of SelectionMoving objects and SelectionMoving controls, which occur when selected strokes are about to be moved.
Public class InkOverlaySelectionResizedEventArgs Provides data for the SelectionResizing events of SelectionResized objects and SelectionResized controls, which occur when selected strokes have been resized.
Public class InkOverlaySelectionResizingEventArgs Provides data for the SelectionResizing events of SelectionResizing objects and SelectionResizing controls, which occur when selected strokes are about to be resized.
Public class InkOverlayStrokesDeletingEventArgs Provides data for the StrokesDeleting events of StrokesDeleting objects and StrokesDeleting controls, which occur when strokes are about to be deleted.
Public class InkPicture The InkPicture control provides the ability to place an image in an application and enable users to add ink on top of it. It is intended for scenarios in which ink is not recognized as text but is instead stored as ink.
Public class InkRecognizer Provides access to handwriting recognizers for use with ink analysis.
Public class InkRecognizerCollection Contains InkRecognizer objects that represent the ability to recognize handwriting from various locales.
Public class InkRecognizerCollection.InkRecognizerCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over an InkRecognizerCollection collection.
Public class InkWordNode Represents a ContextNode for a collection of strokes that make up a logical grouping to form a recognizable word.
Public class JournalReader Provides read access to a Windows Journal file, returning a stream containing an XML version of the file’s contents.
Public class LineNode Represents a ContextNode for a line of words.
Public class NewStrokesLoadedEventArgs Provides data for the NewStrokesLoaded event.
Public class ObjectNode Represents a ContextNode for a node that is returned from an object custom recognizer.
Public class PacketProperty Defines values that specify the packet properties.
Public class ParagraphNode Represents a ContextNode for a collection of ContextNode objects that make up a logical grouping of lines.
Public class PenInputPanel Deprecated. The PenInputPanel object enables you to easily add in-place pen input to your applications. PenInputPanel has been replaced by Microsoft.Ink.TextInput.
Public class PenInputPanelChangedEventArgs Provides data for PanelChanged events, which occur when a PenInputPanel object changes between layouts.
Public class PenInputPanelInputFailedEventArgs Provides data for InputFailed events, which occur when the input focus changes before a PenInputPanel object was able to insert user input into the attached control.
Public class PenInputPanelMovingEventArgs Provides data for PanelMoving events, which occur when a PenInputPanel is moving.
Public class PenInputPanelVisibleChangedEventArgs Provides data for VisibleChanged events, which occur when the PenInputPanel object has shown or hidden itself.
Public class PopulateContextNodeEventArgs Provides data for the PopulateContextNode event.
Public class PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHints Defines globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) for the AnalysisHintNode class.
Public class PropertyGuidsForContextNodes Defines globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) for the ContextNode class.
Public class RecognitionAlternate Represents the possible word matches for segments of ink that are compared to a recognizer's dictionary.
Public class RecognitionAlternates Contains the RecognitionAlternate objects that represent possible word matches for segments of ink.
Public class RecognitionAlternates.RecognitionAlternatesEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a RecognitionAlternates collection.
Public class RecognitionProperty Defines values that specify the properties of the recognition alternate.
Public class RecognitionResult Represents the result of the recognition. The results of recognizing handwritten ink are returned in a RecognitionResult object.
Public class Recognizer Represents the ability to process ink, or handwriting, and translate the stroke into text or gesture. The recognizer creates a RecognizerContext object, which is used to perform the actual handwriting recognition.
Public class RecognizerContext Enables the ability to perform ink recognition, retrieve the recognition result, and retrieve alternates. The RecognizerContext enables the various recognizer that are installed on a system to use ink recognition to process input appropriately.
Public class RecognizerContextRecognitionEventArgs Provides data for Recognition events, which occur when strokes are recognized.
Public class RecognizerContextRecognitionWithAlternatesEventArgs Provides data for RecognitionWithAlternates events, which occur when strokes are recognized.
Public class Recognizers Contains the Recognizer objects that represent the ability to create a recognizer context, retrieve its attributes and properties, and determine which packet properties the recognizer needs to perform recognition.
Public class Recognizers.RecognizersEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a Recognizers collection.
Public class Renderer Represents the management of mappings from ink to the display window. Use the Renderer object to display ink in a window. You can also use it to reposition and resize stroke.
Public class ResultsUpdatedEventArgs Provides data for the ResultsUpdated event.
Public class RootNode Represents the top ContextNode for the tree of nodes that describes the results of ink analysis.
Public class Stroke Represents a single ink stroke. A stroke is a set of properties and point data that the digitizer captures that represent the coordinates and properties of a known ink mark. It is the set of data that is captured in a single pen down, up, or move sequence.
Public class StrokeProperty Provides access to the GUIDs used to identify custom stroke properties on ink strokes in the Journal file.
Public class Strokes Contains the collection of Stroke objects.
Public class Strokes.StrokesEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a Strokes collection.
Public class StrokesEventArgs Provides data for StrokesAdded and StrokesRemoved events.
Public class StrokesReparentedEventArgs Provides data for the StrokesReparented event.
Public class Tablet Represents the digitizer device of Tablet PC that receives tablet device messages or events.
Public class TabletPropertyDescription Describes a PacketProperty that is reported by the digitizer.
Public class TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection Contains an ordered collection of TabletPropertyDescription objects.
Public class Tablets Contains the Tablet objects that represent the hardware-specific properties of all tablets that are attached to the system.
Public class Tablets.TabletsEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a Tablets collection.
Public class TextWordNode Represents a ContextNode for a two-dimensional region where any non-ink text words may exist in the application.
Public class UnclassifiedInkNode Represents a ContextNode for a collection of strokes that have not yet been classified.
Public class UnicodeCharacterRange Represents a character range.
Public class UnicodeCharacterRangeCollection Contains an ordered collection of UnicodeCharacterRange objects.
Public class UnicodeCharacterRangeCollection.UnicodeCharacterRangeCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a UnicodeCharacterRangeCollection collection.
Public class WordList Represents a list of String types that can be used to improve the recognition result.
Public class WritingRegionNode Represents a group of paragraphs with similar orientation.


  Structure Description
Public structure Line Defines the beginning and end points of a line segment.
Public structure RecognizerGuide Represents the area that the Recognizer object uses and in which ink can be drawn. The area is known as the recognizer guide.
Public structure StrokeIntersection Represents the floating point index values where an intersection begins and ends on a stroke.
Public structure TabletPropertyMetrics Defines the range and resolution of a packet property.
Public structure UnicodeRange Represents a unicode range.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ActivityEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Activity event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate ContextNodeCreatedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeCreated event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate ContextNodeDeletingEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeDeleting event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate ContextNodeLinkAddingEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeLinkAdding event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate ContextNodeLinkDeletingEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeLinkDeleting event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate ContextNodeMovingToPositionEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeMovingToPosition event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate ContextNodePropertiesUpdatedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodePropertiesUpdated event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate ContextNodeReparentingEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeReparenting event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate InkAnalyzerStateChangingEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the InkAnalyzerStateChanging event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate InkCollectorCursorButtonDownEventHandler Represents the method that handles the CursorButtonDown event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorCursorButtonUpEventHandler Represents the method that handles the CursorButtonUp event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorCursorDownEventHandler Represents the method that handles the CursorDown event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventHandler Represents the method that handles the CursorInRange event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorCursorOutOfRangeEventHandler Represents the method that handles the CursorOutOfRange event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorDoubleClickEventHandler Represents the method that handles the DoubleClick event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorGestureEventHandler Represents the method that handles the Gesture event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorMouseDownEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MouseDown event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorMouseMoveEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MouseMove event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorMouseUpEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MouseUp event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorMouseWheelEventHandler Represents the method that handles the MouseWheel event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorNewInAirPacketsEventHandler Represents the method that handles the NewInAirPackets event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler Represents the method that handles the NewPackets event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorStrokeEventHandler Represents the method that handles the Stroke event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorSystemGestureEventHandler Represents the method that handles the Gesture event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorTabletAddedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the TabletAdded event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkCollectorTabletRemovedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the TabletRemoved event of an InkCollector object.
Public delegate InkEditGestureEventHandler Represents the method that handles the Gesture event of an InkEdit control.
Public delegate InkEditRecognitionEventHandler Represents the method that handles the Recognition event of an InkEdit control.
Public delegate InkEditStrokeEventHandler Represents the method that handles the Stroke event of an InkEdit control.
Public delegate InkOverlayPaintedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the Painted event of an InkOverlay object.
Public delegate InkOverlayPaintingEventHandler Represents the method that handles the Painting event of an InkOverlay object.
Public delegate InkOverlaySelectionChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the SelectionChanged event of an InkOverlay object.
Public delegate InkOverlaySelectionChangingEventHandler Represents the method that handles the SelectionChanging event of an InkOverlay object.
Public delegate InkOverlaySelectionMovedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the SelectionMoved event of an InkOverlay object.
Public delegate InkOverlaySelectionMovingEventHandler Represents the method that handles the SelectionMoving event of an InkOverlay object.
Public delegate InkOverlaySelectionResizedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the SelectionResized event of an InkOverlay object.
Public delegate InkOverlaySelectionResizingEventHandler Represents the method that handles the SelectionResizing event of an InkOverlay object.
Public delegate InkOverlayStrokesDeletedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the StrokesDeleted event of an InkOverlay object.
Public delegate InkOverlayStrokesDeletingEventHandler Represents the method that handles the StrokesDeleting event of an InkOverlay object.
Public delegate MatchesCriteriaCallback Represents a function that is used to evaluate if a ContextNode object meets or fails a specified criteria.
Public delegate NewStrokesLoadedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the NewStrokesLoaded event of an InkAnalyzer object.
Public delegate PenInputPanelChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the PanelChanged event of a PenInputPanel object.
Public delegate PenInputPanelInputFailedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the InputFailed event of a PenInputPanel object.
Public delegate PenInputPanelMovingEventHandler Represents the method that handles the PanelMoving event of a PenInputPanel object.
Public delegate PenInputPanelVisibleChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the VisibleChanged event of a PenInputPanel object.
Public delegate PopulateContextNodeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PopulateContextNode event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate ReadyToReconcileEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ReadyToReconcile event of a InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate RecognizerContextRecognitionEventHandler Represents the method that handles the Recognition event of a RecognizerContext object.
Public delegate RecognizerContextRecognitionWithAlternatesEventHandler Represents the method that handles the RecognitionWithAlternates event of a RecognizerContext object.
Public delegate ResultsUpdatedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ResultsUpdated event of an InkAnalyzer.
Public delegate StrokesEventHandler Represents the method that handles events for adding and removing Strokes on the Ink object, InkOverlay object, InkPicture control, and Strokes collection.
Public delegate StrokesReparentedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the StrokesReparented event of an InkAnalyzer.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AnalysisModes Specifies how the InkAnalyzer functions.
Public enumeration AnalysisWarningCode Defines values for the set of available warnings that can occur during ink analysis.
Public enumeration ApplicationGesture Defines values for the set of available application-specific gestures.
Public enumeration BoundingBoxMode Specifies which characteristics of a stroke, such as drawing attributes, are used to calculate the bounding box of the ink.
Public enumeration CollectionMode Defines values that determine whether ink, gestures, or ink and gestures are recognized as the user writes.
Public enumeration CompressionMode Defines values for the compression modes that are used to save the Ink object to a serialized format.
Public enumeration ConfirmationType Defines values that specify the type confirmation that can occur on a ContextNode object.
Public enumeration ContextLinkDirection Specifies the directionality if any of an additional relationship between the two context nodes beyond the existing parent child relationship.
Public enumeration CursorButtonState Defines values that specify the state of a cursor button.
Public enumeration ExtractFlags Defines values that determine how strokes are extracted from an Ink object. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Public enumeration InkClipboardFormats Defines values that specify the format of ink that is stored on the Clipboard. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Public enumeration InkClipboardModes Defines values that specify the copy options of the Clipboard. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Public enumeration InkDisplayMode Defines values that specify how a selection appears on the InkEdit control.
Public enumeration InkDivisionType Defines values for the structural types within the DivisionResult object.
Public enumeration InkEditStatus Indicates the collection status of the InkEdit control.
Public enumeration InkInsertMode Defines values that specify how ink is inserted onto the InkEdit control.
Public enumeration InkMode Defines values that specify the collection mode of the InkEdit control.
Public enumeration InkOverlayAttachMode Defines values that specify where to attach the new InkOverlay object, behind or in front of the active layer.
Public enumeration InkOverlayEditingMode Defines values that specify the behavior mode of the InkOverlay object and the InkPicture control.
Public enumeration InkOverlayEraserMode Defines values that specify the way in which ink is erased from the InkOverlay object or the InkPicture control. This mode is used when the InkOverlayEditingMode or InkPictureEditingMode property is set to Delete.
Public enumeration InkRecognitionConfidence Defines values indicating the level of confidence that the InkAnalyzer has in the accuracy of the recognition result.
Public enumeration InkRecognizerCapabilities Defines values that specify the attributes of an ink recognizer.
Public enumeration PanelType Defines the type of input currently available in the PenInputPanel object.
Public enumeration PenTip Defines values that specify the shape of the pen tip.
Public enumeration PersistenceFormat Defines values that specify how ink is persisted.
Public enumeration RasterOperation Defines values for performing raster operations on drawn ink. Use these values to set the value for the RasterOperation property.
Public enumeration RecognitionConfidence Defines values that indicate the level of confidence that the recognizer has in the accuracy of the recognition result.
Public enumeration RecognitionModes Defines values that specify how the recognizer interprets the ink and determines the result string. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Public enumeration RecognitionStatus Defines values that indicate whether an error occurred during recognition and, if so, which error occurred. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Public enumeration RecognizerCapabilities Defines values that specify the attributes of a recognizer. Use this enumeration to determine which attributes to use when searching for an installed recognizer. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Public enumeration RecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode Defines values that specify types of character input modes.
Public enumeration SelectionHitResult Defines values that specify which part of a selection, if any, was hit during a hit test.
Public enumeration SemanticType Specifies the semantic types used in defining an annotation.
Public enumeration StrokeType Defines values that indicate whether or not a Stroke should be analyzed as part of a drawing or as part of writing.
Public enumeration SystemGesture Defines values that set the interest in a set of operating system-specific gesture. Starting with the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition operating system, gestures are supported by default. When any of these gestures are recognized, the InkCollector.SystemGesture, InkOverlay.SystemGesture, or InkPicture.SystemGesture event fires automatically. Many of these gestures map to traditional mouse events. For instance, the Tap system gesture mimics a single left-click on a mouse.
Public enumeration TabletDeviceKind Defines values that specify types of the tablet device.
Public enumeration TabletHardwareCapabilities Defines values that specify the hardware capabilities of a Tablet PC. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Public enumeration TabletPropertyMetricUnit Defines values that indicate the unit of measurement of a property.