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System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore Namespace

This namespace implements the base level functionality of Ink Analysis.


  Class Description
Public class AnalysisAlternateBase The base class for AnalysisAlternate. Represents the possible handwriting recognition word matches for ContextNodeBase objects.
Public class AnalysisAlternateBaseCollection The base class for AnalysisAlternateBaseCollection. Contains a collection of AnalysisAlternateBase objects that are the result of an ink analysis.
Public class AnalysisAlternateBaseCollection.AnalysisAlternateCollectionEnumeratorBase An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a AnalysisAlternateBaseCollection.
Public class AnalysisRegionBase Represents an area of a document.
Public class AnalysisStatusBase The base class for AnalysisStatus. Represents the status of the analysis operation by describing whether the analysis was completed successfully and whether any warnings occurred.
Public class AnalysisWarningBase The base class for AnalysisWarning. Represents a warning or error that occurs during an ink analysis operation.
Public class AnalysisWarningBaseCollection Contains a collection of AnalysisWarningBase objects that are the result of an ink analysis.
Public class AnalysisWarningBaseCollection.AnalysisWarningBaseCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the T:System.Collections.IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a AnalysisWarningBaseCollection.
Public class ContextLinkBase The base class for ContextLink. Represents a relationship between two ContextNodeBase objects that is not a parent-child relationship.
Public class ContextLinkBaseCollection Contains a collection of ContextLinkBase objects that are the result of an ink analysis.
Public class ContextLinkBaseCollection.ContextLinkBaseCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a ContextLinkBaseCollection.
Public class ContextNodeBase Represents a node in a tree of objects that are created as part of ink analysis.
Public class ContextNodeBaseCollection Contains a collection of ContextNodeBase objects that are the result of an ink analysis.
Public class ContextNodeBaseCollection.ContextNodeBaseCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a ContextNodeBaseCollection.
Public class ContextNodeCreatedBaseEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeCreatedBase event.
Public class ContextNodeDeletingBaseEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeDeletingBase event.
Public class ContextNodeLinkAddingBaseEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeLinkAddingBase event.
Public class ContextNodeLinkDeletingBaseEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeLinkDeletingBase event.
Public class ContextNodeMovingToPositionBaseEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeMovingToPositionBase event.
Public class ContextNodePropertiesUpdatedBaseEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodePropertiesUpdatedBase event.
Public class ContextNodeReparentingBaseEventArgs Provides data for the ContextNodeReparentingBase event.
Public class ContextNodeTypeBase Defines values that specify the type of ContextNode object.
Public class InkAnalyzerBase Provides access to layout analysis, writing and drawing classification, and handwriting recognition.
Public class InkRecognizerBase Provides access to handwriting recognizers for use with ink analysis.
Public class InkRecognizerBaseCollection Contains InkRecognizerBase objects that represent the ability to recognize handwriting from various locales.
Public class InkRecognizerBaseCollection.InkRecognizerBaseCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the System.Collections.IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over a InkRecognizerBaseCollection.
Public class InkRecognizerGuideBase Specifies the guide, or area where ink is drawn and recognized.
Public class Lattice This class supports the InkAnalyzer infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class LatticeColumn This class supports the InkAnalyzer infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class LatticeElement This class supports the InkAnalyzer infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class NewStrokesLoadedBaseEventArgs Provides data for the NewStrokesLoadedBase event.
Public class PopulateContextNodeBaseEventArgs Provides data for the PopulateContextNodeBase event.
Public class PropertyGuidsForAnalysisHintsBase Defines globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) for the ContextNode class.
Public class PropertyGuidsForContextNodesBase Defines globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) for the ContextNodeBase class.
Public class RecognitionProperty Defines globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) for properties that a InkRecognizerBase might support for recognition results.
Public class ResultsUpdatedBaseEventArgs Provides data for the ResultsUpdatedBase event.
Public class StrokesReparentedBaseEventArgs Provides data for the StrokesReparentedBase event.
Public class UnicodeCharacterRangeBase Represents a character range.
Public class UnicodeCharacterRangeBaseCollection Contains an ordered collection of UnicodeCharacterRangeBase objects.
Public class UnicodeCharacterRangeBaseCollection.UnicodeCharacterRangeBaseCollectionEnumerator An implementation of the IEnumerator interface that supports iterating over an UnicodeCharacterRangeBaseCollection.UnicodeCharacterRangeBaseCollectionEnumerator.
Public class UpdateStrokesCacheBaseEventArgs Provides data for the UpdateStrokesCacheBase event.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ActivityBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ActivityBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate ContextNodeCreatedBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeCreatedBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate ContextNodeDeletingBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeDeletingBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate ContextNodeLinkAddingBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeLinkAddingBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate ContextNodeLinkDeletingBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeLinkDeletingBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate ContextNodeMovingToPositionBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeMovingToPositionBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate ContextNodePropertiesUpdatedBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodePropertiesUpdatedBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate ContextNodeReparentingBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ContextNodeReparentingBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate InkAnalyzerStateChangingBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the InkAnalyzerStateChangingBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate MatchesCriteriaBaseCallback Represents a function that is used to evaluate if a ContextNodeBase object meets or fails a specified criteria.
Public delegate NewStrokesLoadedBaseEventHandler Represents the method that handles the NewStrokesLoadedBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase object.
Public delegate PopulateContextNodeBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PopulateContextNodeBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate ReadyToReconcileBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ReadyToReconcileBase event of a InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate ResultsUpdatedBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ResultsUpdatedBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate StrokesReparentedBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the StrokesReparentedBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.
Public delegate UpdateStrokesCacheBaseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the UpdateStrokesCacheBase event of an InkAnalyzerBase.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AnalysisModes Specifies how the InkAnalyzerBase functions.
Public enumeration AnalysisWarningCode Defines values for the set of available warnings that can occur during ink analysis.
Public enumeration ConfirmationType Defines values that specify the type confirmation that can occur on a ContextNodeBase object.
Public enumeration ContextLinkDirection Specifies the directionality, if any, of an additional relationship between two context nodes - other than the existing parent child relationship.
Public enumeration InkRecognitionConfidence Defines values indicating the level of confidence that the InkAnalyzer has in the accuracy of the recognition result.
Public enumeration InkRecognizerCapabilities Defines values that specify the attributes of an ink recognizer.
Public enumeration SemanticType Specifies the semantic types used in defining an annotation.
Public enumeration StrokeType Defines values that indicate whether or not a Stroke should be analyzed as part of a drawing or as part of writing.