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Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization Namespace

This section of the documentation describes the classes contained in the Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization namespace. You uses these classes to construct objects that represent eConnect documents. In eConnect, you use documents to create, update, retrieve, and delete or void Microsoft Dynamics GP data.

Each of the following classes correspond to an eConnect XML schema or node. For more information about a document or a field in the document, see the documentation for that eConnect XML schema or node.

Hint: If you have a detailed question about what nodes are used with a schema or what values to use with a field, see the XML reference documentation that is related to that class.




The Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization namespace includes the following classes



AATrxDimCodeMaintType Class

Specifies an analytical accounting dimension.

BRBankDepositsType Class

Represents a bank deposit.

BRBankTransactionType Class

Represents a bank transaction.

BRBankTransactionVoidType Class

Voids a bank transaction.

BRDeleteBankDepositsType Class

Deletes an bank deposit.

BRPostBankDepositsType Class

Specifies a bank deposit to post.

CMPCreateBankType Class

Specifies a bank record to create.

CMPCreateCountryType Class

Creates a country record.

CMPCreditCardType Class

Specifies a credit card.

CMPInternetAddressType Class

Specifies an internet address.

CMPShippingMethodType Class

Specifies a shipping method.

eConnectOut Class

Specifies the output parameters returned by an eConnect requester document..

eConnectProcessInfo Class

Specifies eConnect processing attributes for an eConnect document.

eConnectType Class

Specifies a collection of one or more eConnect documents.

FACreateAccountGroupType Class

Creates an account group.

FACreateAssetBookIDType Class

Creates an asset book entry.

FACreateAssetBookITCType Class

Creates an asset ITC entry.

FACreateAssetClassIDType Class

Creates an asset class ID.

FACreateAssetIDType Class

Creates an asset ID.

FACreateAssetInsuranceType Class

Creates an asset insurance entry.

FACreateAssetLeaseType Class

Creates an asset lease entry.

FACreateAssetPurchaseType Class

Create an asset purchase entry.

FACreateAssetUserDataType Class

Creates an asset user entry.

FACreateBookClassType Class

Creates an asset book class.

FACreateBookIDType Class

Creates an asset book ID.

FACreateInsuranceClassIDType Class

Creates an assent insurance class ID.

FACreateLeaseCompanyType Class

Creates a lease company type.

FACreateLocationIDType Class

Creates an asset location ID.

FACreatePhysicalLocationIDType Class

Creates an asset physical location ID.

FACreateRetirementCodeType Class

Creates an asset retirement code.

FACreateStructureType Class

Creates an asset structure.

FSEquipmentType Class

Specifies field service equipment entry.

FSRMAType Class

Specifies a field service return entry.

FSRTVType Class

Specifies a field service vendor return entry.

FSServiceCallType Class

Specifies a service call entry.

GLAccountType Class

Creates or updates a general ledger account.

GLCheckbookMasterType Class

Creates a checkbook.

GLCreateAccountCategoryType Class

Creates a general ledger account category.

GLCreateAccountCurrenciesType Class

Creates a currency type that is associated with general ledger accounts.

GLFixedAllocationAccountType Class

Creates or updates a general ledger fixed allocation account.

GLTransactionType Class

Specifies a general ledger transaction.

GLVariableAllocationAccountType Class

Creates or updates a general ledger variable allocation account.

HRApplicantEducationType Class

Creates or updates applicant education information.

HRApplicantInterviewType Class

Creates or update applicant interview information.

HRApplicantReferenceType Class

Creates or updates reference information for an applicant.

HRApplicantSkillType Class

Create or update job skill information for an applicant.

HRApplicantTestType Class

Creates or updates test information for an applicant.

HRApplicantType Class

Creates or updates applicant information.

HRApplicantWorkHistoryType Class

Creates or updates work history information for an applicant.

HRCreateSkillSetType Class

Creates skill set information.

HRCreateTestType Class

Creates test information.

HRDeleteApplicantApplicationType Class

Removes information for the specified applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantEducationLineType Class

Removes specified education line information for applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantEducationType Class

Removes education information for a specified applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantInterviewType Class

Removes interview information for a specified applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantReferenceLineType Class

Removes specified reference information for an applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantReferenceType Class

Removes reference information for the specified applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantRequisitionType Class

Removes requisition information for a specified applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantTestLineType Class

Removes specified test information for an applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantTestType Class

Removes test information for a specified applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantType Class

Removes the specified applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantWorkHistoryLineType Class

Removes specified work history information for an applicant.

HRDeleteApplicantWorkHistoryType Class

Removes work history information for the specified applicant.

HRDeleteRequisitonType Class

Removes the specified requisition.

HRDeleteSkillSetLineType Class

Removes the specified information from a skill set.

HRDeleteSkillSetType Class

Removes the specified skill set.

HRDeleteSkillType Class

Removes the specified job skill information.

HRDeleteTestType Class

Removes the specified test information.

HRRequisitionType Class

Create or updates a job requisition.

HRSkillType Class

Creates or updates job skill information.

IVCreateIVItemClassType Class

Creates an inventory item class.

IVCreateItemCurrencyType Class

Associates a currency with an inventory item.

IVCreateItemPriceListType Class

Creates a price list for an inventory item.

IVCreatePlannerType Class

Creates an inventory planner.

IVCreatePriceGroupType Class

Creates an inventory price group.

IVCreatePriceLevelType Class

Creates an inventory price level.

IVCreateSiteBinType Class

Creates an inventory bin.

IVCreateUOFMScheduleType Class

Creates a unit of measure schedule for an inventory item.

IVInventoryItemSiteType Class

Creates a site for inventory items.

IVInventorySiteType Class

Associates a site with an inventory item.

IVInventoryTransactionType Class

Specifies an inventory transaction.

IVInventoryTransferType Class

Specifies an inventory transfer.

IVItemMasterType Class

Specifies an inventory item.

IVLotCategoryType Class

Specifies an inventory lot category.

IVMultibinBinToBinTransferType Class

Specifies a transfer between inventory bins.

IVVendorItemType Class

Specifies an inventory item vendor.

LBCreateLockboxBankDetailsType Class

Associates a lockbox with a bank.

LBCreateLockboxType Class

Creates a lockbox.

PAAccountsSetupType Class

Creates a project account.

PAChangeOrderType Class

Specifies a project change order.

PAContractBillingCycleType Class

Specifies a project billing cycle.

PAContractsType Class

Specifies a project contract.

PAEmployeeExpenseType Class

Specifies expenses for a project employee.

PAEquipmentLogTransactionType Class

Specifies an equipment log transaction for a project.

PAMiscLogExpenseType Class

Specifies a miscellaneous log expense for a project.

PAProjectAccessListType Class

Specifies a project access list.

PAProjectBillingCyclesType Class

Specifies the billing cycle for a project.

PAProjectBudgetMasterType Class

Specifies the project budget.

PAProjectEquipmentListType Class

Specifies the equipment list for a project.

PAProjectFeesType Class

Specifies the fees for a project.

PAProjectsType Class

Specifies a project.

PATimeSheetsType Class

Specifies a times sheet for a project.

PMCreateBuyerType Class

Creates a buyer.

PMDeleteVendorAddressType Class

Removes the specified vendor address information.

PMManualCheckType Class

Creates a manual check for a payment.

PMScheduledPaymentsType Class

Specifies a payment schedules.

PMTransactionType Class

Specifies a payment transaction.

PMVendorAddressType Class

Specifies the address of a vendor.

PMVendorMasterType Class

Specifies a vendor.

POPDocumentDeleteType Class

Removes an existing purchase order.

POPDocumentVoidType Class

Voids an existing purchase order

POPEnterMatchInvoiceType Class

Specifies a purchase order invoice.

POPMapSitesType Class

Specifies a site.

POPReceivingsType Class

Specifies a purchase order receipt.

POPTransactionType Class

Specifies a purchase order transaction.

POPtoSOPLinkRemoveType Class

Removes the POP to SOP link.

RMApplyType Class

Applies credit memos, returns, and cash receipts to invoices.

RMCashReceiptsType Class

Specifies a cash receipt.

RMCreateCustomerItemsType Class

Associates an inventory item with a customer.

RMCreateParentIDType Class

Creates a parent record for a national account.

RMCustomerAddressType Class

Creates or updates a customer address record.

RMCustomerClassType Class

Specifies a customer class.

RMCustomerMasterType Class

Specifies a customer.

RMDeleteCustomerAddressType Class

Removes a customer address record.

RMDeleteCustomerType Class

Removes a customer record.

RMDeleteSalespersonType Class

Removes a salesperson record.

RMParentIDChildType Class

Specifies a child member of a national account.

RMProspectMasterType Class

Specifies a sales prospect.

RMSalespersonMasterType Class

Creates or updates a salesperson.

RMScheduledPaymentsType Class

Specifies a receivables payment schedule.

RMTerritoryMasterType Class

Creates a sales territory record.

RMTransactionType Class

Specifies a receivables transaction.

RMUnapplyTransactionType Class

Reverses a receivables transaction.

RMVoidTransactionType Class

Voids a receivables transaction.

RQeConnectOutType Class

Specifies the data records to retrieve using the eConnect Transaction Requester.

SMMdaType Class

Updates a MDA document.

SMTransactionBatchType Class

Creates a batch.

SOPDeleteDocumentType Class

Removes a sales order.

SOPDeleteLineType Class

Removes a sales line from a sales document.

SOPDistributionsType Class

Specifies a sales order distribution

SOPLineComponentType Class

Creates or updates the components of a sales line.

SOPProcessHoldMasterType Class

Creates or updates a sales process hold.

SOPProcessHoldType Class

Creates or updates a sales process hold.

SOPSerialType Class

Creates or updates a serial sales order.

SOPTransactionType Class

Specifies a sales order.

SOPVoidDocumentType Class

Voids a sales order.

SOPtoPOPTransactionType Class

Uses a sales order document to create a purchase order.

taAATrxDimCodeMaint Class

Specifies an analytical accounting transaction dimension code.

taAnalyticsDistribution_ItemsTaAnalyticsDistribution Class

Specifies an analytical accounting distribution.

taApplicantInterviewUpdate_ItemsTaApplicantInterviewUpdate Class

Updates interview information for a specified applicant.

taBRBankDepositsHeader Class

Specifies a bank deposit header.

taBRBankDepositsLine_ItemsTaBRBankDepositsLine Class

Creates a bank deposit line.

taBRBankTransactionDist_ItemsTaBRBankTransactionDist Class

Specifies a bank transaction distribution.

taBRBankTransactionHeader Class

Specifies a bank transaction header.

taBRBankTransactionVoid Class

Voids a bank transaction.

taBRDeleteBankDeposits Class

Deletes a bank deposit.

taBRPostBankDeposits Class

Posts a bank deposit.

taCreateAccountCategory Class

Creates a general ledger account category.

taCreateAccountCurrencies Class

Creates a general ledger account currency.

taCreateAccountGroup Class

Creates a fixed asset account group.

taCreateApplicant Class

Creates applicant information.

taCreateApplicantEducation Class

Creates education information for a specified applicant.

taCreateApplicantInterviewInsert Class

Creates interview information for a specified applicant.

taCreateApplicantReferences Class

Creates reference information for a specified applicant.

taCreateApplicantSkills Class

Creates job skill information for a specified applicant.

taCreateApplicantTests Class

Creates test information for a specified applicant.

taCreateApplicantWorkHistory Class

Create work history information for a specified applicant.

taCreateAssetBook Class

Creates a fixed asset book record.

taCreateAssetBookITC Class

Creates a fixed asset ITC record.

taCreateAssetClassID Class

Creates a fixed asset class ID.

taCreateAssetID Class

Creates an asset ID.

taCreateAssetInsurance Class

Creates asset insurance.

taCreateAssetLease Class

Creates an asset lease.

taCreateAssetPurchase Class

Creates an asset purchase.

taCreateAssetUserData Class

Creates asset user information.

taCreateBank Class

Creates a bank ID.

taCreateBenefit Class

Creates a payroll benefit.

taCreateBenefitBasedOnPayDedCodes_ItemsTaCreateBenefitBasedOnPayDedCodes Class

Creates a payroll deduction based on a pay code.

taCreateBookClass Class

Creates a fixed asset book class ID.

taCreateBookID Class

Creates a fixed asset book ID.

taCreateBuyer Class

Creates a buyer.

taCreateCheckbook Class

Creates a checkbook.

taCreateComputerCheckLineInsert_ItemsTaCreateComputerCheckLineInsert Class

Creates a payroll computer check line.

taCreateCreditCard Class

Creates a credit card.

taCreateCustomerAddress_ItemsTaCreateCustomerAddress Class

Creates a customer address.

taCreateCustomerClass Class

Creates a customer class.

taCreateCustomerItems_ItemsTaCreateCustomerItems Class

Associates a customer with an item.

taCreateDeduction Class

Creates a payroll deduction.

taCreateDeductionBasedOnPayCodes_ItemsTaCreateDeductionBasedOnPayCodes Class

Creates a payroll deduction based on a pay code.

taCreateDepartment Class

Creates a payroll department.

taCreateEmployee Class

Creates or updates an employee.

taCreateEmployeeAddress Class

Create or updates an employee address

taCreateEmployeeBenefit Class

Creates an employee benefit.

taCreateEmployeeBenefitBasedOnPayDedCodes_ItemsTaCreateEmployeeBenefitBasedOnPayDedCodes Class

Creates an employee benefit based on payroll deduction/pay codes.

taCreateEmployeeClass Class

Creates an employee class.

taCreateEmployeeDeduction Class

Creates an employee payroll deduction.

taCreateEmployeeDeductionBasedOnPayCodes_ItemsTaCreateEmployeeDeductionBasedOnPayCodes Class

Creates an employee payroll deduction based a pay code.

taCreateEmployeeLocalTax Class

Creates an employee payroll local tax.

taCreateEmployeePayCode Class

Create payroll employee pay codes.

taCreateEmployeeStateTax Class

Create payroll state tax.

taCreateEmployeeTax Class

Create employee taxes.

taCreateFixedAllocationAccountRcd_ItemsTaCreateFixedAllocationAccountRcd Class

Creates or updates a general ledger fixed allocation account.

taCreateIVItemClass Class

Creates an inventory item class.

taCreateInsuranceClassID Class

Creates a fixed asset insurance class ID.

taCreateInternetAddresses_ItemsTaCreateInternetAddresses Class

Creates an internet address.

taCreateInventorySite Class

Creates an inventory site.

taCreateItemVendors_ItemsTaCreateItemVendors Class

Creates an inventory item vendor.

taCreateKitItemRcd_ItemsTaCreateKitItemRcd Class

Creates an inventory kit item.

taCreateLeaseCompany Class

Creates a fixed asset lease company.

taCreateLocalTax Class

Create payroll local tax.

taCreateLocalTaxDetail_ItemsTaCreateLocalTaxDetail Class

Create payroll local tax detail information.

taCreateLocation Class

Create a payroll location.

taCreateLocationID Class

Creates a fixed asset location ID.

taCreateLockbox Class

Creates a lockbox.

taCreateLockboxBankDetails Class

Creates lockbox bank details.

taCreateLotCategory Class

Creates an inventory lot category.

taCreateManualCheckHeaderInsert Class

Creates a payroll manual check header.

taCreateManualCheckLineInsert_ItemsTaCreateManualCheckLineInsert Class

Creates a payroll manual check line.

taCreateParentID Class

Creates a parent ID for a national account.

taCreatePayCode Class

Creates a payroll pay code.

taCreatePayrollBatchHeaderInsert Class

Creates a payroll batch header.

taCreatePhysicalLocationID Class

Creates a fixed asset physical location ID.

taCreatePlanner Class

Creates an inventory planner.

taCreatePosition Class

Creates a payroll position code.

taCreateProcessHold Class

Creates a process hold.

taCreateProspect Class

Creates a prospect ID.

taCreateRequisitions Class

Creates a job requisition.

taCreateRetirementCode Class

Creates a fixed asset retirement code.

taCreateSalesperson Class

Creates a salesperson.

taCreateShiftCode Class

Creates a payroll shift code.

taCreateShippingMethod Class

Creates a shipping method.

taCreateSiteBin Class

Creates an inventory bin.

taCreateSkills Class

Creates a job skill.

taCreateSkillSets Class

Creates a job skill set.

taCreateSkillSetsLIne_ItemsTaCreateSkillSetsLine Class

Creates a collection of skills that are associated with a skill set.

taCreateSOPTrackingInfo Class

Creates tracking information for a sales order.

taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_ItemsTaCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord Class

Creates a sales order payment.

taCreateStructure Class

Creates a fixed asset structure ID.

taCreateSupervisor Class

Creates a supervisor.

taCreateTerritory Class

Creates a sales territory ID.

taCreateTests Class

Create test information.

taCreateUpdateBatchHeaderRcd Class

Creates or updates a batch header.

taCreateVariableAllocationAccountRcd_ItemsTaCreateVariableAllocationAccountRcd Class

Creates or updates a general ledger variable allocation account.

taCreateVendorAddress_ItemsTaCreateVendorAddress Class

Creates a vendor address.

taCreateWorkersCompensationCode Class

Creates a workers compensation code.

taDeleteApplicant Class

Removes a specified applicant.

taDeleteApplicantApplication Class

Removes application information for a specified applicant.

taDeleteApplicantEducation Class

Removes education information for a specified applicant.

taDeleteApplicantEducationLine Class

Removes specified education information for an applicant.

taDeleteApplicantInterview Class

Removes Interview information for a specified applicant.

taDeleteApplicantReferences Class

Removes reference information for a specified applicant.

taDeleteApplicantReferencesLine Class

Removes the specified reference information for an applicant.

taDeleteApplicantRequisitionsLine Class

Removes the specified requisition information for an applicant.

taDeleteApplicantTests Class

Removes test information for the specified applicant.

taDeleteApplicantTestsLine Class

Removes specified test information for an applicant.

taDeleteApplicantWorkHistory Class

Removes work history information for a specified applicant.

taDeleteApplicantWorkHistoryLine Class

Removes specified work history information for an applicant.

taDeleteCustomerAddress Class

Removes a specified customer address.

taDeleteCustomerRcd Class

Removes a specified customer.

taDeleteEmployee Class

Removes an employee from payroll.

taDeleteEmployeeAddress Class

Removes address information for an employee.

taDeleteEmployeePayCode Class

Removes pay code information for an employee.

taDeleteRequisition Class

Removes a job requisition.

taDeleteSalespersonRcd Class

Removes a specified salesperson.

taDeleteSkills Class

Removes job skill information.

taDeleteSkillSetsLine Class

Removes the specified skill information from a skill set.

taDeleteSkillsSets Class

Removes a skill set.

taDeleteTests Class

Removes test information.

taDeleteVendorAddress Class

Removes address information for a vendor.

taFSEquipmentMaster Class

Specifies a field service equipment record.

taFSEquipmentReading_ItemsTaFSEquipmentReading Class

Specifies a field service equipment reading record.

taFSRMALineSerial_ItemsTaFSRMALineSerial Class

Specifies a field service RMA line serial number.

taFSRMALine_ItemsTaFSRMALine Class

Creates or updates a field service RMA line.

taFSRMAMaster Class

Specifies a field service RMA record.

taFSRTVLineSerial_ItemsTaFSRTVLineSerial Class

Specifies a field service RTV line serial number.

taFSRTVLine_ItemsTaFSRTVLine Class

Creates or updates a field service RTV line.

taFSRTVMaster Class

Specifies a field service RTV record.

taFSServiceCallCodesEquipment_ItemsTaFSServiceCallCodesEquipment Class

Specifies a field service call analysis code.

taFSServiceCallLineSerial_ItemsTaFSServiceCallLineSerial Class

Specifies a field service call line serial number.

taFSServiceCallLine_ItemsTaFSServiceCallLine Class

Creates or updates a field service call line.

taFSServiceCallMaster Class

Specifies a field service call.

taFSServiceCallMultiTech Class

Specifies a multitech service call.

taGLTransactionHeaderInsert Class

Specifies a general ledger transaction header.

taGLTransactionLineInsert_ItemsTaGLTransactionLineInsert Class

Specifies a general ledger transaction line.

taItemSite_ItemsTaItemSite Class

Creates or updates an inventory item site.

taIVCreateItemPriceListHeader Class

Creates or updates an inventory item price list header.

taIVCreateItemPriceListLine_ItemsTaIVCreateItemPriceListLine Class

Creates or updates an inventory item price list line.

taIVCreatePriceGroup Class

Create an inventory price group.

taIVCreatePriceLevel Class

Creates an inventory price level.

taIVCreateUOFMScheduleHeader Class

Creates an inventory unit of measure schedule header.

taIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine_ItemsTaIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine Class

Creates an inventory unit of measure schedule line.

taIVMultibinBinToBinTransfer Class

Specifies an inventory bin to bin transfer.

taIVTransactionHeaderInsert Class

Creates an inventory transaction header.

taIVTransactionLineInsert_ItemsTaIVTransactionLineInsert Class

Creates an inventory transaction line.

taIVTransactionLotInsert_ItemsTaIVTransactionLotInsert Class

Creates an inventory lot line.

taIVTransactionMultiBinInsert_ItemsTaIVTransactionMultiBinInsert Class

Creates an inventory multibin transaction.

taIVTransactionSerialInsert_ItemsTaIVTransactionSerialInsert Class

Creates an inventory serial line.

taIVTransferHeaderInsert Class

Creates an inventory transfer header.

taIVTransferLineInsert_ItemsTaIVTransferLineInsert Class

Creates an inventory transfer line.

taIVTransferLotInsert_ItemsTaIVTransferLotInsert Class

Creates an inventory transfer lot.

taIVTransferMultiBinInsert_ItemsTaIVTransferMultiBinInsert Class

Creates an inventory multibin transfer.

taIVTransferSerialInsert_ItemsTaIVTransferSerialInsert Class

Creates an inventory transfer serial line.

taMdaUpdate_ItemsTaMdaUpdate Class

Specifies a MDA update.

taPAAccountsSetup_ItemsTaPAAccountsSetup Class

Creates a project account.

taPAChangeOrderEntryBudget_ItemsTaPAChangeOrderEntryBudget Class

Specifies a project budget change order.

taPAChangeOrderEntryFeeDetail_ItemsTaPAChangeOrderEntryFeeDetail Class

Specifies project change order fee details.

taPAChangeOrderEntryFeeHeader_ItemsTaPAChangeOrderEntryFeeHeader Class

Specifies a project change order fee header.

taPAChangeOrderEntryFeeSchedule_ItemsTaPAChangeOrderEntryFeeSchedule Class

Specifies a project change order fee schedule.

taPAChangeOrderEntryHdr Class

Specifies a project change order header.

taPAContractBillingCycle_ItemsTaPAContractBillingCycle Class

Specifies a project contract billing cycle.

taPAContracts Class

Creates a project contract.

taPAEmpExpenseHdrInsert Class

Creates a project employee expense header.

taPAEmpExpenseLineInsert_ItemsTaPAEmpExpenseLineInsert Class

Creates a project employee expense line.

taPAEmpExpenseTaxInsert_ItemsTaPAEmpExpenseTaxInsert Class

Creates a project employee expense tax line.

taPAEquipLogHdrInsert Class

Creates a project equipment log header.

taPAEquipLogLineInsert_ItemsTaPAEquipLogLineInsert Class

Creates a project equipment log line.

taPAMiscLogHdrInsert Class

Creates a project miscellaneous log header.

taPAMiscLogLineInsert_ItemsTaPAMiscLogLineInsert Class

Creates a project miscellaneous log line.

taPAProjectAccess_ItemsTaPAProjectAccess Class

Creates or updates project access information.

taPAProjectBillingCycle_ItemsTaPAProjectBillingCycle Class

Creates a project billing cycle.

taPAProjectBudgetMaster_ItemsTaPAProjectBudgetMaster Class

Specifies a project budget.

taPAProjectEquip_ItemsTaPAProjectEquip Class

Specifies a project equipment list.

taPAProjectFeeSchedule_ItemsTaPAProjectFeeSchedule Class

Specifies a project fee schedule.

taPAProjectFee_ItemsTaPAProjectFee Class

Specifies a project fee.

taPAProjects_ItemsTaPAProjects Class

Specifies a project.

taParentIDChild_ItemsTaParentIDChild Class

Associates a child account with a parent national account

taPATimeSheetHdrInsert Class

Creates a project time sheet header.

taPATimeSheetLineInsert_ItemsTaPATimeSheetLineInsert Class

Creates a project time sheet line.

taPMDistribution_ItemsTaPMDistribution Class

Creates a payables distribution.

taPMManualCheck Class

Creates a payables manual check.

taPMSchedPmnts Class

Specifies a payables payment schedule.

taPMTransactionInsert Class

Specifies a payables transaction.

taPMTransactionTaxInsert_ItemsTaPMTransactionTaxInsert Class

Creates payables tax information.

taPoHdr Class

Specifies a purchase order header.

taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine Class

Specifies a purchase order line.

taPopDistribution_ItemsTaPopDistribution Class

Creates a purchase order distribution.

taPopEnterMatchInvHdr Class

Creates or updates a purchase order invoice header.

taPopEnterMatchInvLine_ItemsTaPopEnterMatchInvLine Class

Creates or updates a purchase order invoice line.

taPopEnterMatchInvToShpMultiLine_ItemsTaPopEnterMatchInvToShpMultiLine Class

Creates or updates a purchase order invoice multiple shipment line.


Create or updates purchase order lot lines.


Create or update purchase order serial lines.

taPopIvcTaxInsert_ItemsTaPopIvcTaxInsert Class

Creates a purchase order tax line.

taPOPMapSites Class

Creates a purchase order site.

taPopPoDelete Class

Removes a specified purchase order.

taPopPoVoid Class

Voids a specified purchase order.

taPopRcptHdrInsert Class

Creates a purchase order receipt header.

taPopRcptLineInsert_ItemsTaPopRcptLineInsert Class

Creates a purchase order receipt line.

taPopRcptLineTaxInsert_ItemsTaPopRcptLineTaxInsert Class

Creates a purchase order receipt tax line.

taPopRcptLotInsert_ItemsTaPopRcptLotInsert Class

Creates a purchase order receipt lot line.

taPopRcptMultiBin_ItemsTaPopRcptMultiBin Class

Specifies a purchase order multibin receivings.

taPopRcptSerialInsert_ItemsTaPopRcptSerialInsert Class

Creates a purchase order receipt serial line.

taPopRctUserDefined Class

Creates a user defined purchase order receipt.

taPopRemoveSopLink Class

Removes specified POP to SOP link.

taRequesterTrxDisabler_ItemsTaRequesterTrxDisabler Class

Specifies requester services to disable

taRMApply Class

Specifies a receivables apply.

taRMCashReceiptInsert Class

Specifies a cash receipt.

taRMCommissions_ItemsTaRMCommissions Class

Creates a sales commission.

taRMDistribution_ItemsTaRMDistribution Class

Creates a receivables distribution.

taRMSchedPmnts Class

Creates a receivables payment schedule.

taRMTransaction Class

Specifies a receivables transaction.

taRMTransactionTaxInsert_ItemsTaRMTransactionTaxInsert Class

Creates tax information for a receivables transaction.

taRMUnapplyTransaction Class

Unapplies a receivables transaction.

taRMVoidTransaction Class

Void a receivables transaction.

taSopCommissions_ItemsTaSopCommissions Class

Creates a sales order commission.

taSopDeleteDocument Class

Removes a sales document.

taSopDistribution_ItemsTaSopDistribution Class

Creates a sales order distribution.

taSopHdrIvcInsert Class

Creates a sales invoice header.

taSopLineDelete Class

Removes a sales invoice line.

taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert Class

Creates a sales invoice line.

taSopLineIvcInsertComponent_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsertComponent Class

Specifies a component for a sales invoice line.

taSopLineIvcTaxInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcTaxInsert Class

Specifies tax information for a sales invoice line.

taSopLotAuto_ItemsTaSopLotAuto Class

Specifies a sales lot.

taSopMultiBin_ItemsTaSopMultiBin Class

Specifies a multibin sales order.

taSopSerial_ItemsTaSopSerial Class

Specifies the serial number of line from a sales document.

taSopToPopLink Class

Specifies a SOP to POP link.

taSopTrackingNum_ItemsTaSopTrackingNum Class

Creates a sales order tracking number.

taSopUpdateCreateProcessHold Class

Creates a sales order process hold.

taSopUserDefined Class

Creates a user defined sales order document.

taSopVoidDocument Class

Voids a specified sales order document.

taUpdateCreateAccountRcd Class

Creates or updates a general ledger account.

taUpdateCreateCountryCode Class

Create or update a country code.

taUpdateCreateCustomerRcd Class

Creates or updates a customer.

taUpdateCreateItemCurrencyRcd_ItemsTaUpdateCreateItemCurrencyRcd Class

Creates or updates the association between and an inventory item and a currency.

taUpdateCreateItemRcd Class

Creates or updates an inventory item.

taUpdateCreatePAVendorRcd Class

Creates or update a project vendor.

taUpdateCreateVendorRcd Class

Creates or updates a vendor.

UPRComputerTrxType Class

Specifies a payroll transaction.

UPRCreateBenefitType Class

Creates a payroll benefit.

UPRCreateDeductionType Class

Creates a payroll deduction.

UPRCreateDepartmentType Class

Creates a payroll department.

UPRCreateEmployeeAddressType Class

Creates an employee address.

UPRCreateEmployeeBenefitType Class

Creates a payroll benefit for an employee.

UPRCreateEmployeeClassType Class

Creates an employee class.

UPRCreateEmployeeDeductionType Class

Creates a deduction for an employee.

UPRCreateEmployeeLocalTaxType Class

Associates a local tax with an employee.

UPRCreateEmployeePayCodeType Class

Creates an employee pay code.

UPRCreateEmployeeStateTaxType Class

Associates a state tax with an employee.

UPRCreateEmployeeTaxType Class

Creates an employee tax record.

UPRCreateEmployeeType Class

Creates an employee.

UPRCreateLocalTaxType Class

Creates a local tax record.

UPRCreateLocationType Class

Creates a payroll location.

UPRCreatePayCodeType Class

Creates a payroll pay code.

UPRCreatePositionType Class

Creates a payroll position.

UPRCreateShiftCodeType Class

Creates a payroll shift code.

UPRCreateSupervisorType Class

Create a supervisor record.

UPRCreateWorker_CompensationCodeType Class

Creates a worker compensation code.

UPRDeleteEmployeeAddressType Class

Removes address information for the specified employee.

UPRDeleteEmployeePayCodeType Class

Removes pay code information for the specified employee.

UPRDeleteEmployeeType Class

Removes an employee.

UPRManualTrxType Class

Specifies a payroll transaction.