Develop and Establish Contracts
One way to set up a service management business is to have standard contractual agreements between you and your customers that describe the level of service and the service expectations. You can implement such a system by providing a way to easily create contract templates that includes necessary information, such as customer, start date of contract, and invoice period.
After you have set up the template, you can customize the resulting contract to keep track of service hours, or other items that may vary from customer to customer. You can also set up a contract manually from a service contract quote. Finally, you can adjust your service pricing to keep track of discounts that a specific customer qualifies for, by specifying the discount amount in the Service Contract window.
The following table describes a sequence of tasks, with links to the topics that describe them. These tasks are listed in the order in which they are generally performed.
To | See |
Set up a template to create standard contracts and service contract quotes. |
Create a contract or quote in the Service Contract window. |
How to: Create Service Contracts and Service Contract Quotes |
Create a quote for service for a prospective customer who is not yet in your system. |
Apply discounts to a service quote or contract for spare parts or service costs, for example. |
Associate comments with specific contracts. |