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Runtime Reconfiguration Pattern

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Design an application so that it can be reconfigured without requiring redeployment or restarting the application. This helps to maintain availability and minimize downtime.

Context and Problem

A primary aim for important applications such as commercial and business websites is to minimize downtime and the consequent interruption to customers and users. However, at times it is necessary to reconfigure the application to change specific behavior or settings while it is deployed and in use. Therefore, it is an advantage for the application to be designed in such a way as to allow these configuration changes to be applied while it is running, and for the components of the application to detect the changes and apply them as soon as possible.

Examples of the kinds of configuration changes to be applied might be adjusting the granularity of logging to assist in debugging a problem with the application, swapping connection strings to use a different data store, or turning on or off specific sections or functionality of the application.


The solution for implementing this pattern depends on the features available in the application hosting environment. Typically, the application code will respond to one or more events that are raised by the hosting infrastructure when it detects a change to the application configuration. This is usually the result of uploading a new configuration file, or in response to changes in the configuration through the administration portal or by accessing an API.

Code that handles the configuration change events can examine the changes and apply them to the components of the application. It is necessary for these components to detect and react to the changes, and so the values they use will usually be exposed as writable properties or methods that the code in the event handler can set to new values or execute. From this point, the components should use the new values so that the required changes to the application behavior occur.

If it is not possible for the components to apply the changes at runtime, it will be necessary to restart the application so that these changes are applied when the application starts up again. In some hosting environments it may be possible to detect these types of changes, and indicate to the environment that the application must be restarted. In other cases it may be necessary to implement code that analyses the setting changes and forces an application restart when necessary.

Figure 1 shows an overview of this pattern.

Figure 1 - A basic overview of this pattern

Figure 1 - A basic overview of this pattern

Most environments expose events raised in response to configuration changes. In those that do not, a polling mechanism that regularly checks for changes to the configuration and applies these changes will be necessary. It may also be necessary to restart the application if the changes cannot be applied at runtime. For example, it may be possible to compare the date and time of a configuration file at preset intervals, and run code to apply the changes when a newer version is found. Another approach would be to incorporate a control in the administration UI of the application, or expose a secured endpoint that can be accessed from outside the application, that executes code that reads and applies the updated configuration.

Alternatively, the application could react to some other change in the environment. For example, occurrences of a specific runtime error might change the logging configuration to automatically collect additional information, or the code could use the current date to read and apply a theme that reflects the season or a special event.

Issues and Considerations

Consider the following points when deciding how to implement this pattern:

  • The configuration settings must be stored outside of the deployed application so that they can be updated without requiring the entire package to be redeployed. Typically the settings are stored in a configuration file, or in an external repository such as a database or online storage. Access to the runtime configuration mechanism should be strictly controlled, as well as strictly audited when used.
  • If the hosting infrastructure does not automatically detect configuration change events, and expose these events to the application code, you must implement an alternative mechanism to detect and apply the changes. This may be through a polling mechanism, or by exposing an interactive control or endpoint that initiates the update process.
  • If you need to implement a polling mechanism, consider how often checks for updates to the configuration should take place. A long polling interval will mean that changes might not be applied for some time. A short interval might adversely affect operation by absorbing available compute and I/O resources.
  • If there is more than one instance of the application, additional factors should be considered, depending on how changes are detected. If changes are detected automatically through events raised by the hosting infrastructure, these changes may not be detected by all instances of the application at the same time. This means that some instances will be using the original configuration for a period while others will use the new settings. If the update is detected through a polling mechanism, this must communicate the change to all instances in order to maintain consistency.
  • Some configuration changes may require the application to be restarted, or even require the hosting server to be rebooted. You must identify these types of configuration settings and perform the appropriate action for each one. For example, a change that requires the application to be restarted might do this automatically, or it might be the responsibility of the administrator to initiate the restart at a suitable time when the application is not under excessive load and other instances of the application can handle the load.
  • Plan for a staged rollout of updates and confirm they are successful, and that the updated application instances are performing correctly, before applying the update to all instances. This can prevent a total outage of the application should an error occur. Where the update requires a restart or a reboot of the application, particularly where the application has a significant start up or warm up time, use a staged rollout approach to prevent multiple instances being offline at the same time.
  • Consider how you will roll back configuration changes that cause issues, or that result in failure of the application. For example, it should be possible to roll back a change immediately instead of waiting for a polling interval to detect the change.
  • Consider how the location of the configuration settings might affect application performance. For example, you should handle the error that will occur if the external store you use is unavailable when the application starts, or when configuration changes are to be applied—perhaps by using a default configuration or by caching the settings locally on the server and reusing these values while retrying access to the remote data store.
  • Caching can help to reduce delays if a component needs to repeatedly access configuration settings. However, when the configuration changes, the application code will need to invalidate the cached settings, and the component must use the updated settings.

When to Use this Pattern

This pattern is ideally suited for:

  • Applications for which you must avoid all unnecessary downtime, while still being able to apply changes to the application configuration.
  • Environments that expose events raised automatically when the main configuration changes. Typically this is when a new configuration file is detected, or when changes are made to an existing configuration file.
  • Applications where the configuration changes often and the changes can be applied to components without requiring the application to be restarted, or without requiring the hosting server to be rebooted.

This pattern might not be suitable if the runtime components are designed so they can be configured only at initialization time, and the effort of updating those components cannot be justified in comparison to restarting the application and enduring a short downtime.


Microsoft Azure Cloud Services roles detect and expose two events that are raised when the hosting environment detects a change to the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg files:

  • RoleEnvironment.Changing. This event is raised after a configuration change is detected, but before it is applied to the application. You can handle the event to query the changes and to cancel the runtime reconfiguration. If you cancel the change, the web or worker role will be restarted automatically so that the new configuration is used by the application.
  • RoleEnvironment.Changed. This event is raised after the application configuration has been applied. You can handle the event to query the changes that were applied.

When you cancel a change in the RoleEnvironment.Changing event you are indicating to Azure that a new setting cannot be applied while the application is running, and that it must be restarted in order to use the new value. Effectively you will cancel a change only if your application or component cannot react to the change at runtime, and requires a restart in order to use the new value.


For more information see RoleEnvironment.Changing Event and Use the RoleEnvironment.Changing Event on MSDN.

To handle the RoleEnvironment.Changing and RoleEnvironment.Changed events you will typically add a custom handler to the event. For example, the following code from the Global.asax.cs class in the Runtime Reconfiguration solution of the examples you can download for this guide shows how to add a custom function named RoleEnvironment_Changed to the event hander chain. This is from the Global.asax.cs file of the example.


The examples for this pattern are in the RuntimeReconfiguration.Web project of the RuntimeReconfiguration solution.

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
  RoleEnvironment.Changed += this.RoleEnvironment_Changed;

In a web or worker role you can use similar code in the OnStart event handler of the role to handle the RoleEnvironment.Changing event. This is from the WebRole.cs file of the example.

public override bool OnStart()
  // Add the trace listener. The web role process is not configured by web.config.
  Trace.Listeners.Add(new DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener());

  RoleEnvironment.Changing +=   this.RoleEnvironment_Changing;
  return base.OnStart();

Be aware that, in the case of web roles, the OnStart event handler runs in a separate process from the web application process itself. This is why you will typically handle the RoleEnvironment.Changed event handler in the Global.asax file so that you can update the runtime configuration of your web application, and the RoleEnvironment.Changing event in the role itself. In the case of a worker role, you can subscribe to both the RoleEnvironment.Changing and RoleEnvironment.Changed events within the OnStart event handler.


You can store custom configuration settings in the service configuration file, in a custom configuration file, in a database such as Azure SQL Database or SQL Server in a Virtual Machine, or in Azure blob or table storage. You will need to create code that can access the custom configuration settings and apply these to the application—typically by setting the properties of components within the application.

For example, the following custom function reads the value of a setting, whose name is passed as a parameter, from the Azure service configuration file and then applies it to the current instance of a runtime component named SomeRuntimeComponent. This is from the Global.asax.cs file of the example

private static void ConfigureFromSetting(string settingName)
  var value = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(settingName);
  SomeRuntimeComponent.Instance.CurrentValue = value;


Some configuration settings, such as those for Windows Identity Framework, cannot be stored in the Azure service configuration file and must be in the App.config or Web.config file.

In Azure, some configuration changes are detected and applied automatically. This includes the configuration of the Widows Azure diagnostics system in the Diagnostics.wadcfg file, which specifies the types of information to collect and how to persist the log files. Therefore, it is only necessary to write code that handles the custom settings you add to the service configuration file. Your code should either:

  • Apply the custom settings from an updated configuration to the appropriate components of your application at runtime so that their behavior reflects the new configuration.
  • Cancel the change to indicate to Azure that the new value cannot be applied at runtime, and that the application must be restarted in order for the change to be applied.

For example, the following code from the WebRole.cs class in the Runtime Reconfiguration solution of the examples you can download for this guide shows how you can use the RoleEnvironment.Changing event to cancel the update for all settings except the ones that can be applied at runtime without requiring a restart. This example allows a change to the settings named “CustomSetting” to be applied at runtime without restarting the application (the component that uses this setting will be able to read the new value and change its behavior accordingly at runtime). Any other change to the configuration will automatically cause the web or worker role to restart.

private void RoleEnvironment_Changing(object sender,
                               RoleEnvironmentChangingEventArgs e)
  var changedSettings = e.Changes.OfType<RoleEnvironmentConfigurationSettingChange>()
                                 .Select(c => c.ConfigurationSettingName).ToList();
  Trace.TraceInformation("Changing notification. Settings being changed: "
                         + string.Join(", ", changedSettings));

  if (changedSettings
    .Any(settingName => !string.Equals(settingName, CustomSettingName,
    Trace.TraceInformation("Cancelling dynamic configuration change (restarting).");

    // Setting this to true will restart the role gracefully. If Cancel is not 
    // set to true, and the change is not handled by the application, the 
    // application will not use the new value until it is restarted (either 
    // manually or for some other reason).
    e.Cancel = true; 
    Trace.TraceInformation("Handling configuration change without restarting. ");


This approach demonstrates good practice because it ensures that a change to any setting that the application code is not aware of (and so cannot be sure that it can be applied at runtime) will cause a restart. If any one of the changes is cancelled, the role will be restarted.

Updates that are not cancelled in the RoleEnvironment.Changing event handler can then be detected and applied to the application components after the new configuration has been accepted by the Azure framework. For example, the following code in the Global.asax file of the example solution handles the RoleEnvironment.Changed event. It examines each configuration setting and, when it finds the setting named “CustomSetting”, calls a function (shown earlier) that applies the new setting to the appropriate component in the application.

private void RoleEnvironment_Changed(object sender, 
                               RoleEnvironmentChangedEventArgs e)
  Trace.TraceInformation("Updating instance with new configuration settings.");

  foreach (var settingChange in
    if (string.Equals(settingChange.ConfigurationSettingName, 
      // Execute a function to update the configuration of the component.
      ConfigureFromSetting(CustomSettingName );

Note that if you fail to cancel a configuration change, but do not apply the new value to your application component, then the change will not take effect until the next time that the application is restarted. This may lead to unpredictable behavior, particularly if the hosting role instance is restarted automatically by Azure as part of its regular maintenance operations—at which point the new setting value will be applied.

Related Patterns and Guidance

The following pattern may also be relevant when implementing this pattern:

  • External Configuration Store Pattern. Moving configuration information out of the application deployment package to a centralized location can provide opportunities for easier management and control of configuration data, and sharing configuration data across applications and application instances. The****External Configuration Store pattern explains how you can do this.

More Information

This pattern has a sample application associated with it. You can download the "Cloud Design Patterns – Sample Code" from the Microsoft Download Center at

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