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Office 2010 Mobile Service Guidelines (Part 3 of 3)

Summary:  Learn about the XML schema for data that is passed between Microsoft Office 2010 Mobile Service (OMS) Web providers and OMS clients in Office 2010, and the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) definition for an OMS Web service. This article is intended as a reference for OMS Web service providers. Note that Office Mobile Service in Office 2010 is the updated version of Outlook Mobile Service in the 2007 Microsoft Office system. (30 printed pages)

Applies to: Excel 2010 | Office 2007 | Office 2010 | Office Mobile | Open XML | Outlook 2010 | Outlook Mobile | PowerPoint 2010 | SharePoint Foundation 2010 | SharePoint Server 2010 | VBA | Word 2010

In this article
Introduction to OMS Schemas
Service Information Reference
Authentication Data Reference
User Information Reference
Message Reference
Delivery Response Reference
Messages Batch Reference
Delivery Responses Batch Reference
OMS Web Service Methods
Additional Resources

Published:  April 2010

Provided by:  Effon Khoo, Microsoft Corporation | Ken Wang, Microsoft Corporation | Dongdong Guo, Microsoft Corporation | Zhigang Zhuang, Microsoft Corporation | Qingzhong Cai, Microsoft Corporation


  • Introduction to OMS Schemas

  • Service Information Reference

  • Authentication Data Reference

  • User Information Reference

  • Message Reference

  • Delivery Response Reference

  • Messages Batch Reference

  • Delivery Responses Batch Reference

  • OMS Web Service Methods

  • Conclusion

  • Additional Resources

Introduction to OMS Schemas

This is the final part of a three-part series of articles that introduces Microsoft Office 2010 Mobile Service (OMS) and provides guidelines for working with the service. For code examples and information about the message flow between OMS Web service providers and clients, see Office 2010 Mobile Service Guidelines (Part 1 of 3). For recommendations for implementing an OMS Web service, see Office 2010 Mobile Service Guidelines (Part 2 of 3).

Service Information Reference

Service information is a serviceInfo string, which is an XML-formatted string that contains information about an OMS Web service such as supported service types, parameters of supported services, and authentication types. The GetServiceInfo() method returns a serviceInfo string.

The elements of a serviceInfo string are described in the next section, followed by the Service Information schema.

Element Descriptions

Table 1 gives detailed explanations of the elements used in the serviceInfo string. All elements are required, except for those that are explicitly indicated as optional.

Table 1. Elements of serviceInfo





Root element.


The company name of the service provider, which is displayed on the OMS account settings user interface (UI) in Outlook 2010.


The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Web service that acts as the unique ID of the Web service. If the serviceUri of the OMS Web service is changed, the OMS client treats the service as a new OMS Web service.


The URI of the sign-up or logon page of the OMS Web service.


The locale ID (LCID), which is used to indicate the country or region for which the Web service is targeted (such as 2052 for Chinese-China and 1042 for Korean).

The default value is 0 (the service is global).

For a detailed LCID chart, see Locale ID (LCID) Chart.

Referring to 3GPP2 C.R1001-C Table 9.1-1, different Short Message Service (SMS) encoding schemas could be used in different markets. Generally, there are two types of encoding:

  • 7 or 8 bits, for pure ASCII text messages, and Unicode for text messages that consist of ASCII characters and other characters such as DBCS.

  • 8/16 bits, for ASCII and non-ASCII characters. Mainly used by Korea and Japan.

In type 1 encoding, an ASCII character is counted as one Unicode character in a text message, consisting of both ASCII and non-ASCII characters.

In type 2 encoding, an ASCII character is counted as one byte in a text message, consisting of both ASCII and non-ASCII characters.

If the <targetLocale> is in Korean or Japanese, the message length is calculated based on type 2 encoding, whereas for other locales it is based on type 1 encoding.

<targetLocale> is also referred to by the client in displaying the name of the Web service on the OMS UI. See the description of <localName> for more details.


The service name, in the local language, which is displayed in the OMS account setting UI when the <targetLocale> is the same as the Microsoft Office UI language. Otherwise, the <englishName> is used. The default account name is composed by using <localName> or <englishName> followed by the <replyPhone> element of the userInfo string (see User Information Reference in this article), in the form <replyPhone> (<localName>).


The service name, in English, which is displayed in the OMS account settings UI when the <targetLocale> does not match the Office UI language.


Used to indicate the method of authentication supported by the Web service. Supported values are "passport" and "other". If "passport" is not supported, use "other", which means that users are authenticated by using a normal user ID and password.


When this element exists, it indicates that the OMS Web service supports the batch mode transfer (for example, the mode used by SharePoint 2010). If this mode is turned on, the OMS client will deliver multiple xmsData elements to the OMS Web service in one transaction by DeliverXmsBatch().

The value of batchSize indicates the maximum number of xmsData in one single XML element.


The parent tag for supported service elements






The supported service type. <SMS_SENDER> handles outbound text messages. Limitations or properties are specified as attributes. When the client sends a message to the Web service, the required service type is indicated in the xmsData string, which is passed as a parameter to DeliverXms().

Optional, but at least <SMS_SENDER> or <MMS_SENDER> must be supported.

Attributes include the following:

  • maxRecipientsPerMessage represents the number of recipients allowed for an SMS message. The service side is responsible for checking whether the number of recipients exceeds the limit set by the service. If the client exceeds that limit, the Web service should return an error by using the "other" error code (see "OMS Error Codes" in the Delivery Response Reference section in this article for error code definitions). The OMS client allows users to send an SMS message to any number of recipients at the same time.

  • maxMessagesPerSend represents the number of separate SMS messages allowed in one xmsData string. Be aware that the maximum value supported by the OMS client is 20. An exception is that the maximum number of messages in one xmsData string can be as many as 50 when the sourceType element of the xmsData string is "calSummary". The recommended value of maxMessagesPerSend is 20. The Web service is responsible for checking whether the number of messages in one xmsData string exceeds the limit set by the Web service. If the OMS client exceeds this limit, the Web service should return an error by using the "other" error code.

  • maxSbcsPerMessage represents the number of characters allowed for an SMS message that consists of only US ASCII characters.

  • maxDbcsPerMessage represents the number of characters allowed for an SMS message that consists of double-byte characters.






The supported service type <LONG_SMS_SENDER> is a child element of <SMS_SENDER>. With this element specified in the serviceInfo, Outlook 2010 will deliver the SMS body in one single content element in the xmsData. Without this element, Outlook 2010 will work similarly to the behavior of Outlook 2007, which truncates the message for any SMS message longer than the limited characters specified in maxSbcsPerMessage or maxDbvsPerMessage in <SMS_SENDER>. Limitations or properties are specified as attributes. When the client sends a message to the Web service, the required service type is indicated in the xmsData string, which is passed as a parameter to DeliverXms().

<LONG_SMS_SENDER> should be supported for Outlook 2010 so the OMS Web service providers can treat the long SMS (concatenated SMS) correctly.

Attributes include the following:

  • maxRecipientsPerMessage represents the number of recipients allowed for an SMS message. The service side is responsible for checking whether the number of recipients exceeds the limit set by the service. If the client exceeds that limit, the Web service should return an error by using the "other" error code (see "OMS Error Codes" in the Delivery Response Reference section in this article for error code definitions). The OMS client allows users to send an SMS message to any number of recipients at the same time.

  • maxMessagesPerSend represents the number of separate SMS messages allowed in one concatenated SMS message in the xmsData string.

  • maxSbcsPerMessage represents the number of characters allowed for an SMS message that is part of a concatenated SMS, consisting of only US ASCII characters.

  • maxDbcsPerMessage represents the number of characters allowed for an SMS message that is part of a concatenated SMS, containing double-byte characters.






The supported service type. <MMS_SENDER> handles outbound Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) messages. Limitations or properties are specified as attributes.

Optional, but at least <SMS_SENDER> or <MMS_SENDER> must be supported.

Attributes include the following:

  • supportSlide indicates whether Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) is supported in describing presentation of the MMS message. The client does not block users from sending slide MMS messages (messages that use SMIL) to the Web service. If the Web service receives a message that uses SMIL and does not support it, the Web service must either report an error of type "other" or convert the message to non-slide mode.

  • maxRecipientsPerMessage is the same as in <SMS_SENDER>.

  • maxSizePerMessage represents the maximum size, in bytes, of the MMS message.

  • maxSlidesPerMessage represents the maximum number of slides an MMS message can have.

Service Information Schema

The following example shows the schema of a serviceInfo string.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" 
    <xs:complexType name="tSMS_SENDER">
                Specify a type for outgoing text message service.
        <xs:attribute name="maxRecipientsPerMessage" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
                    Maximum number of recipients allowed for a text message.
        <xs:attribute name="maxMessagesPerSend" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
                    Maximum number of split text messages allowed in one DeliverXms transaction.
        <xs:attribute name="maxSbcsPerMessage" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
                    Maximum number of single-byte chars a text message can have.
        <xs:attribute name="maxDbcsPerMessage" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required" >
                    Maximum number of double-byte chars a text message can have.
    <xs:complexType name="tMMS_SENDER">
                Specify a type for outgoing multimedia message service.
        <xs:attribute name="supportSlide" type="xs:boolean" use="required">
                    Indicate if the Web service supports multimedia messages that are described as a series of slides using SMIL. 
        <xs:attribute name="maxRecipientsPerMessage" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
                    Maximum number of recipients allowed for a multimedia message.
        <xs:attribute name="maxSizePerMessage" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
                    Maximum size in bytes that a multimedia message can have.
        <xs:attribute name="maxSlidesPerMessage" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
                    Maximum number of slides a multimedia message can have.
    <xs:complexType name="tSupportedService">
                Specify a type for services supported by a Web service.
            <xs:element name="SMS_SENDER" type="tns:tSMS_SENDER" minOccurs="0">
                        Outgoing text message service (SMS).
            <xs:element name="MMS_SENDER" type="tns:tMMS_SENDER" minOccurs="0">
                        Outgoing multimedia message service (MMS).
    <xs:complexType name="tServiceInfo">
                Specify a type for Web service properties.
            <xs:element name="serviceProvider" type="xs:string">
                        Name of the OMS Web service provider.
            <xs:element name="serviceUri" type="xs:string" >
                        Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Web service.
            <xs:element name="signUpPage" type="xs:string">
                        Hyperlink to the sign-up page of the Web service.
            <xs:element name="targetLocale" type="xs:unsignedShort" minOccurs="0">
                        The Locale ID that represents the market the Web service is for. Use zero for global service. 
                        Default value is zero. 
            <xs:element name="localName" type="xs:string">
                        Official name of the Web service in local language. If the 'targetLocale' is same 
                        as the UI language of Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, 'localName' 
                        is displayed on the account setting user interface of Outlook 2007.
            <xs:element name="englishName" type="xs:string">
                        Official name of the Web service in English. If the 'targetLocale' is different 
                        from the UI language of Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, 'englishName' is displayed 
                        on the account setting user interface of Outlook 2007.
            <xs:element name="authenticationType" type="xs:string">
                        Type of authentication supported by the Web service. Currently supported values are 'passport' or 'other'.
            <xs:element name="supportedService" type="tns:tSupportedService">
                        Supported services by the Web service.
    <xs:element name="serviceInfo" type="tns:tServiceInfo">
                Information about the Web service with its properties defined in type tServiceInfo.

Authentication Data Reference

Authentication data is an xmsUser string, which is an XML-formatted string that contains authentication information for a user. It is used as a parameter to the GetUserInfo() method. For more information, see the "string GetUserInfo(string xmsUser) Web Service Method" section in Office 2010 Mobile Service Guidelines (Part 1 of 3).

Authentication Data Schema

The following example shows the schema of an xmsUser string.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" 
    <xs:complexType name="tXmsUser">
                Specify a type for user's authentication information.
            <xs:element name="userId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" >
                        User's identification provided by their service provider.
            <xs:element name="password" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                        User's password provided by their service provider.
            <xs:element name="customData" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" >
                        Reserved for future extension.
        <xs:attribute name="client" type="xs:string" >
                    Client information, such as "Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0".
    <xs:element name="xmsUser" type="tns:tXmsUser" >
                User's authentication information.

User Information Reference

A userInfo string is an XML-formatted string that is returned by the GetUserInfo() Web method implemented by OMS Web services. If the call to GetUserInfo() was successful, the userInfo string will contain user information and an error element with the code attribute set to "OK". If the call failed, the userInfo string will contain at least one error element with its severity attribute set to "failure".

User Information Schema

The following example shows the schema of a userInfo string.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" 
    <xs:complexType name="tError">
                Specify a type for the error data returned by the Web service.
            <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="code" type="xs:string" use="required" >
                            Predefined error code.
                <xs:attribute name="severity" type="xs:string" use="optional" >
                            Severity of an error.
    <xs:complexType name="tUserInfo">
                Specify a type for user information.
            <xs:element name="replyPhone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                        Users' mobile phone number.
            <xs:element name="smtpAddress" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                        SMTP address for receiving replies from mobile phone.
            <xs:element name="error" type="tns:tError">
                        Error data returned by the Web service.
            <xs:element name="customData" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" >
                        Reserved for future extension.
    <xs:element name="userInfo" type="tns:tUserInfo">
                User information returned by the Web service.

Message Reference

A message is an xmsData string, which is an XML-formatted string that is used to store message information, including the content of the message and its intended recipients. It is used as a parameter to the DeliverXms() Web service method. The elements of an xmsData string are described in Table 2, followed by the Message schema.

Element Descriptions

Table 2 defines some of the elements of xmsData. All elements are required, except for those that are explicitly indicated as optional.

Table 2. Elements of xmsData





The root element.


The parent tag for user information elements.


The user ID, which is either a passport or any string that consists of characters and digits. A mobile number can be used as a non-passport userId.


The password created when a user signs up for the service with a service provider.


The reply number or callback number, mainly used in Korea. Service providers that do not support callback numbers can ignore this element. Optional.


For future extension.


The parent tag for header elements of an XMS message.


Indicates that the message is to be sent at a specified time (UTC time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ). The accuracy is only to the minute, so the seconds element ("ss") is always "00". The service side needs to convert the scheduled time to the local time zone. If the specified time is in the past, the message is sent immediately. Optional.


The required service by client. One of the supported services defined in the serviceInfo string. Valid values are SMS_SENDER or MMS_SENDER.


Indicates to the service that the message is automatically generated from an Outlook reminder, Calendar summary, rules, or is manually sent by using an XMS inspector or Outlook inspector ("other").

Valid values are "reminder", "calSummary" or "ruleBased", "xmsInspector", "spAlert", or "other". More sourceType values may be added in the future for OMS clients to facilitate new SMS features.

The Web service can provide users with a Web UI to block some of these messages at certain times or for certain conditions. The Web service can ignore this element if it does not support the sourceType specific action.



The parent element of recipient list.


Refers to the recipient’s mobile phone number (address). Multiple occurrences. At least one recipient is required. The maximum number of recipients is specified by the Web service in the maxRecipientsPerMessage attribute of the supported service type (<MMS_SENDER> or <SMS_SENDER>).



The parent element of XMS message body elements. The format attribute specifies the format or type of xmsBody. OMS supports SMS and MMS. Other message formats may be supported in the future.


The subject of the message. Applies only to MMS messages.


The root element for the presentation description part. Applies only to MMS messages.

Required for slide-based MMS messages. If mmsSlides is not available for an MMS message, the MMS message is said to be in non-slide mode or "multipart.mixed" in terms of MMS, and the media are presented in their encoding sequence. The child elements of mmsSlides are a subset of 3GPP SMIL.


The root tag for head part of SMIL.

<meta name="author" …>



Metadata that indicates the author of the SMIL part with name="author" and content="msOfficeOutlookOms". No action is required on the service side.



The root tag for layout part of SMIL.

<root-layout …>




The phone screen resolution, in pixels, and background color.

<region id="image" …>






The id attribute can be either "image" or "text" indicating the type of region being defined. The other four attributes specify the position and size of the region in percentage of the length and width of the slide.


The root tag for the body part of SMIL.

<par dur="3s" …>


The root tag of an MMS slide. The dur attribute specifies duration in seconds that the slide will be played.

Multiple occurrences.

<img …>



A Base64-encoded image object. The src attribute refers to the contentId attribute of the <content> element.


<text …>



A plain text object. The src attribute refers to the contentID attribute of the <content> element.


<audio …>



A Base64-encoded audio object. The src attribute refers to the contentId of the <content> element.






Multiple occurrences and sequential.

Represents one of the following:

  • The split SMS messages if the format attribute of <xmsBody> is "SMS". Multiple content elements are possible for SMS with each element representing a division of a longer message. The Web service should send each of the elements as individual text messages in sequence.

  • A text, image, or audio object for a slide if the format attribute of <xmsBody> is "MMS" and SMIL part is available (slide mode).

  • A page of text, image, or audio object of an MMS message, if the format attribute of <xmsBody> is "MMS" and SMIL part is not available (non-slide mode).

Attributes include the following:

  • contentType—MIME content type. Supported content-types are defined in the "Supported content types" table in Office 2010 Mobile Service Guidelines (Part 1 of 3).

  • contentId—The content ID referred to in the SMIL body part. Ignore it for SMS and non-slide mode MMS.

  • contentLocation—Indicates the file name of a media object, which can be used as the default file name when the object is saved.

Message Schema

The following example shows the schema of an xmsData string.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" 
    <xs:complexType name="tTo">
                Specify a type for recipients of the message.
            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="recipient" type="xs:string">
                        Cell phone number as the recipient of the message.
    <xs:complexType name="tXmsHeader">
                Specify a type for the header part of the message data.
            <xs:element name="scheduled" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
                        Indicate that the message is to be sent at the specified time.
            <xs:element name="requiredService" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                        Required service by the message.
            <xs:element name="sourceType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" >
                        Source of the message, indicating how the message was created by the client. 
            <xs:element name="to" type="tns:tTo">
                        Recipients of the message.
            <xs:element name="subject" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" >
                        Subject of the message. Apply only to a multimedia message.
    <xs:complexType name="tUser">
                Specify a type for user information.
            <xs:element name="userId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" >
                        User's identification provided by their service provider.
            <xs:element name="password" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" >
                        User's password provided by their service provider.
            <xs:element name="replyPhone" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                        User's cell phone number.
            <xs:element name="customData" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                        Reserved for future extension.
    <xs:complexType name="tMeta">
                Specify a type for metadata.
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    Name of the metadata.
        <xs:attribute name="content" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    Content of the metadata.
    <xs:complexType name="tRoot-layout">
                Specify a type for the description of the display of a cell phone.
        <xs:attribute name="width" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required" >
                    Width of the message view.
        <xs:attribute name="height" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="required" >
                    Height of the message view.
        <xs:attribute name="background-color" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    Background color of the message view.
    <xs:complexType name="tRegion">
                Specify a type for describing regions of the display of a cell phone.
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required" >
                    ID of the region.
        <xs:attribute name="left" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    Left position of the region.
        <xs:attribute name="top" type="xs:string" use="required" >
                    Top position of the region.
        <xs:attribute name="width" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    Width of the region.
        <xs:attribute name="height" type="xs:string" use="required" >
                    Height of the region.
    <xs:complexType name="tLayout">
                Specify a type for the layout definition of a multimedia message.
            <xs:element name="root-layout" type="tns:tRoot-layout">
                        Display definition of a cell phone in terms of screen resolution.
            <xs:element name="region" type="tns:tRegion" maxOccurs="2">
                        Regions definition of the display of a cell phone.
    <xs:complexType name="tHeader">
                Specify a type for the header part of the message data.
            <xs:element name="meta" type="tns:tMeta" minOccurs="0" >
                        Metadata to indicate the author of the SMIL.
            <xs:element name="layout" type="tns:tLayout">
                        Layout definition of a multimedia message.
    <xs:complexType name="tImg">
                Specify a type for image.
        <xs:attribute name="src" type="xs:string" use="required" >
                    Path to the image - contentId attribute of 'content' element is used here.
        <xs:attribute name="region" type="xs:string" use="required" >
                    Region for displaying the image.
    <xs:complexType name="tText">
                Specify a type for plain text.
        <xs:attribute name="src" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    Path to the text - contentId attribute of 'content' element is used here.
        <xs:attribute name="region" type="xs:string" use="required" >
                    Region for displaying the text.
    <xs:complexType name="tAudio">
                Specify a type for audio.
        <xs:attribute name="src" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    Path to the audio - contentId attribute of 'content' element is used here.
    <xs:complexType name="tPar">
                Specify a type for elements of a slide.
            <xs:element name="img" type="tns:tImg" minOccurs="0">
                        Image part of a slide.
            <xs:element name="text" type="tns:tText" minOccurs="0">
                        Text part of a slide.
            <xs:element name="audio" type="tns:tAudio" minOccurs="0">
                        Audio part of a slide.
        <xs:attribute name="dur" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
                    Duration in seconds for the slide to be played.
    <xs:complexType name="tBody">
                Specify a type for the body part of slide definition.
            <xs:element name="par" type="tns:tPar" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        Parts of the body part of the slide definition.
    <xs:complexType name="tMmsSlides">
                Specify a type for the slide definition.
            <xs:element name="head" type="tns:tHeader" minOccurs="0">
                        Header part of the slide definition.
            <xs:element name="body" type="tns:tBody">
                        Body part of the slide definition.
    <xs:complexType name="tContent">
                Specify a type for the contents of the body part of the message data.
            <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="contentType" type="xs:string" use="required">
                            MIME content type of message content.
                <xs:attribute name="contentId" type="xs:string" use="required">
                            ID of message content.
                <xs:attribute name="contentLocation" type="xs:string" use="required">
                            Location of message content - path to the media file.
    <xs:complexType name="tXmsBody">
                Specify a type for the body part of the message data.
            <xs:element name="mmsSlides" type="tns:tMmsSlides" minOccurs="0">
                        Slide definition of the body part of the message data.
            <xs:element name="content" type="tns:tContent" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        Contents of the body part of the message data.
        <xs:attribute name="format" type="xs:string" use="required" />
    <xs:complexType name="tXmsData">
                Specify a type for the message data being transferred to the Web service.
            <xs:element name="user" type="tns:tUser" minOccurs="0">
                        User information.
            <xs:element name="xmsHead" type="tns:tXmsHeader" minOccurs="0">
                        Header part of the message data.
            <xs:element name="xmsBody" type="tns:tXmsBody">
                        Body part of the message data.
        <xs:attribute name="client" type="xs:string" >
                    Client information, such as "Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0".
    <xs:element name="xmsData" type="tns:tXmsData">
                Message data being transferred to the Web service.

Delivery Response Reference

Delivery response is an xmsResponse string, which is an XML-formatted string that is returned by DeliverXms() to indicate success or failure. The xmsResponse string contains one or more error elements that may have associated content or recipientList child elements, depending on the type of error.

OMS Error Codes

The OMS Web service can return many different errors to the OMS client. Calls to both GetUserInfo() and DeliverXms() return XML-formatted strings that include one or more error elements that indicate the success or failure of the call.

The value of the code attribute of each error element included in a userInfo or xmsResponse string should be one of the values in Table 3. These values are not case-sensitive.

The value of the severity attribute can be either "neutral" or "failure". This attribute is required for errors included in xmsResponse strings, but is optional in userInfo strings.

The "ok" error code indicates success. The "other" error code can be used to indicate an error that does not match one of the expected error types, and should have an accompanying content child element that gives details about the error.

Each error element returned in an xmsResponse string may have at most one content and one recipientList child element, depending on the type of error. The content element contains a description or parameters of the error. The recipientList element contains a string that contains the list of recipients that are affected by the error. Table 3 shows the expected content of these child elements for each type of error and also the predefined error codes used by OMS Web services.

Table 3. OMS error codes

Value of "code" attribute


Value of "severity" attribute

<content> child element

<recipientList> child element


Full success.


Not applicable

Not applicable


Invalid or unrecognized user ID or password.


Not applicable

Not applicable


User has not registered for the service. The service provider returns invalidUser if it cannot make the judgment based on the user ID.


Not applicable

Not applicable


User has not subscribed to the service listed in the <content> element.


"SMS" or "MMS"

Not applicable


User’s prepayment is used up or the registration is expired. The error code is for the service provider who provides prepaid service.


Not applicable

Not applicable


One or more recipients are not valid or not recognized. Returns a semicolon-delimited list of recipients in the <recipientList> element.


Not applicable

Recipent1; Recipient2; …


One or more recipients are from a carrier that is not supported by the sender’s carrier. Returns a semicolon-delimited list of recipients in the <recipientList> element.


Not applicable

Recipent1; Recipent2;…


Message subject or body contains characters or words that are not allowed by local policy or not supported by the service provider.


Not applicable

Not applicable


Invalid or unsupported media. Returns content IDs of invalid media in the <content> element. (Attribute applies only to MMS messages.)


location1; location2…

Not applicable


Exceeded limit on the number of messages a user can send per day. Returns the limit number in the <content> element.


Limit on number of messages per day in the form:

"# SMS" or "# MMS"

Recipent1; Recipent2;…


Exceeded limit on the number of messages a user can send per month. Returns the limit number in the <content> element.


Limit on number of messages per month in the form:

"# SMS" or "# MMS"

Recipent1; Recipent2;…


Exceeded length limit of SMS message. Returns maximum length limits for single-byte messages and double-byte messages in the <content> element.


DB or mixed limit; SB limit

Not applicable


Exceeded size limit of MMS message.


Maximum size allowed (in bytes) of MMS messages.

Not applicable


Exceeded limit on number of slides an MMS message can have.


Maximum number of slides allowed per MMS message.

Not applicable


Invalid or unrecognized XMS data format.


Not applicable

Not applicable


Service-side network problem (for example, unable to connect to SMSC or MMSC).


Not applicable

Recipent1; Recipent2;…


Scheduled send is not supported. The message was sent immediately.


Not applicable

Not applicable


User’s account balance is low. Returns current balance and cost per message in the <content> element.


Returns current balance and cost per message separated by semicolons. Use the currency symbol before each number (for example, "$5.00;$0.10").

Recipent1; Recipent2;…


Service should return this message every time service properties are changed. Client may call GetServiceInfo() to update service properties when this message is received.


UTC time in format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. The accuracy is only to the minute, so the seconds element ("ss") is always "00".

Not applicable


Notifies the client that the service is terminated.


Not applicable

Not applicable


Use this error code for all other errors.

Service provider decides the severity.

Error message

Recipent1; Recipent2;…


The userInfo string may include these error codes, but error elements included in a userInfo string do not have any child elements.

Delivery Response Schema

The following example shows the schema of an xmsResponse string.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" 
    <xs:complexType name="tError">
                Specify a type for the error reported by the Web service.
            <xs:element name="content" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" >
                        Descriptions of the error.
            <xs:element name="recipientList" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" >
                        Recipients that are impacted by the error.
        <xs:attribute name="code" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    Code that represents a predefined error.
        <xs:attribute name="severity" type="xs:string" use="required">
                    Severity of the error. Supported values are "failure" and "neutral".
    <xs:complexType name="tXmsResponse">
                Specify a type for the response from the Web service.
            <xs:element name="error" type="tns:tError" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        Error reported by the Web service.
    <xs:element name="xmsResponse" type="tns:tXmsResponse">
                Response from the Web service.

Messages Batch Reference

A messages batch schema specifies a batch of message data being transferred to the Web service. This batch of message data is a packageXml string, which is an XML-formatted string that stores message information, including the content of the message and its intended recipients, for a number of mobile messages. It is used as a parameter to the DeliverXmsBatch() Web service method. The packageXml string contains multiple xmsData child elements. The elements of an xmsData string are described in Table 2 earlier in this topic.

Messages Batch Schema

The following example shows the schema of a packageXml string.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xs:element name="xmsBatch" type="tXmsBatch" >
                Specify a batch of message data being transferred to the Web service.
    <xs:complexType name="tXmsBatch">
                A batch of message data being transferred to the Web service.
            <xs:element name="xmsData" type="tXmsData" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        Message data being transferred to the Web service.
        <xs:attribute name="client" form="unqualified" type="xs:string">
                    Client information, such as "Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0".
    <xs:complexType name="tXmsData">
                Specify a type for the message data being transferred to the Web service.
            <xs:element name="user" type="tUser" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        User information.
            <xs:element name="xmsHead" type="tXmsHeader" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        Header part of the message data.
            <xs:element name="xmsBody" type="tXmsBody" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        Body part of the message data.
        <xs:attribute name="Id" form="unqualified" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                    Identification number of message data in a batch.

Detailed definitions of tUser, tXmsHeader, and tXmsBody are outlined in the "Message Schema" section earlier in this topic.

Delivery Responses Batch Reference

Delivery responses are a batch of responses from the Web service. The batch is an xmsResponses string, which is an XML-formatted string returned by DeliverXmsBatch() to indicate success or failure. The xmsResponses string contains multiple xmsResponse child elements.

Delivery Responses Batch Schema

The following example shows the schema of an xmsResponses string.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xs:element name="xmsResponses" type="tXmsResponses" >
                Specify a batch of responses from the Web service.
    </xs:element >
    <xs:complexType name="tXmsResponses">
                A batch of responses from the Web service.
            <xs:element name="xmsResponse" type="tXmsResponse" maxOccurs="unbounded" >
                        Specify a response message from the Web service.
            </xs:element >
    <xs:complexType name="tXmsResponse">
                Specify a type for the response from the Web service.
            <xs:element name="error" type="tError" maxOccurs="unbounded" >
                        Error reported by the Web service.
            </xs:element >
        <xs:attribute name="Id" form="unqualified" type="xs:string" >
                    Identification number of an error in a batch of responses.
        </xs:attribute >

The detailed definition of tError is outlined in the "Delivery Response" schema section earlier in this topic.

OMS Web Service Methods

An OMS Web service must implement four public methods: GetServiceInfo(), GetUserInfo(), DeliverXms(), and DeliverXmsBatch(). GetServiceInfo() enables the OMS client to find out information about a Web service. GetUserInfo() returns information about a specific user account. DeliverXms() is called to send a message to one or more recipients. DeliverXmsBatch() is called to send a number of messages in one XML batch transaction to one or more recipients. These Web methods are described in detail and used in example code in the first article in this series, Office 2010 Mobile Service Guidelines (Part 1 of 3).

OMS Web Service WSDL

The following example shows the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) definition for an OMS Web service.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <types />
    <message name="GetUserInfoSoapIn">
        <part name="xmsUser" type="s:string" />
    <message name="GetUserInfoSoapOut">
        <part name="GetUserInfoResult" type="s:string" />
    <message name="GetServiceInfoSoapIn" />
    <message name="GetServiceInfoSoapOut">
        <part name="GetServiceInfoResult" type="s:string" />
    <message name="DeliverXmsSoapIn">
        <part name="xmsData" type="s:string" />
    <message name="DeliverXmsSoapOut">
        <part name="DeliverXmsResult" type="s:string" />
    <message name="DeliverXmsBatchSoapIn">
        <part name="packageXml" type="s:string" />
    <message name="DeliverXmsBatchSoapOut">
        <part name="DeliverXmsBatchResult" type="s:string" />
    <portType name="OMSServiceSoap">
        <operation name="GetUserInfo">
            <documentation xmlns:wsdl="">
                Read user infomation such as mobile number.
            <input message="tns:GetUserInfoSoapIn" />
            <output message="tns:GetUserInfoSoapOut" />
        <operation name="GetServiceInfo">
            <documentation xmlns:wsdl="">
                Read service properties.
            <input message="tns:GetServiceInfoSoapIn" />
            <output message="tns:GetServiceInfoSoapOut" />
        <operation name="DeliverXms">
            <documentation xmlns:wsdl="">
                Send a text message or multimedia message.
            <input message="tns:DeliverXmsSoapIn" />
            <output message="tns:DeliverXmsSoapOut" />
        <operation name="DeliverXmsBatch">
            <documentation xmlns:wsdl="">
                Send a batch of text messages and multimedia messages.
            <input message="tns:DeliverXmsBatchSoapIn" />
            <output message="tns:DeliverXmsBatchSoapOut" />
    <binding name="OMSServiceSoap" type="tns:OMSServiceSoap">
        <soap:binding transport="" />
        <operation name="GetUserInfo">
            <soap:operation soapAction="" 
            style="rpc" />
                <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" 
                    namespace="" />
                <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" 
                    namespace="" />
        <operation name="GetServiceInfo">
            <soap:operation soapAction=""
                style="rpc" />
                <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" 
                    namespace="" />
                <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" 
                    namespace="" />
        <operation name="DeliverXms">
            <soap:operation soapAction="" 
                style="rpc" />
                <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" 
                    namespace="" />
                <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" 
                    namespace="" />
        <operation name="DeliverXmsBatch">
            <soap:operation soapAction=""                       style="rpc" />
                <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" 
                    namespace="" />
                <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" 
                    namespace="" />
    <service name="OMSService">
        <port name="OMSServiceSoap" binding="tns:OMSServiceSoap">
            <soap:address location="https://localhost/OMSWS30/Service.asmx" />


This article defines and explains the XML schemas that are used by OMS Web services and clients, and provides the WSDL definition of the OMS Web service. For code examples and information about the message flow between OMS Web service providers and clients, see Office 2010 Mobile Service Guidelines (Part 1 of 3). For recommendations about how to implement an OMS Web service, see Office 2010 Mobile Service Guidelines (Part 2 of 3). For OMS protocol information, see the Office Mobile Service Protocol Specification.

Additional Resources

For more information, see the following resources: