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spreladmin.exe reference


Applies to: FAST Search Server 2010

SPRel is a search clickthrough log analysis engine. It resembles the WebAnalyzer because it analyzes data to improve the relevance of search results. But instead of counting and analyzing links like WebAnalyzer, SPRel analyzes which entries users click on in search results. The most frequently clicked items are flagged as the best matches for those query terms. By analyzing search clickthrough logs in search results for the last 30 days, SPRel can improve the relevance of future queries.

Use the spreladmin tool to configure SPRel and to retrieve status information. This command-line tool also lets you manage the schedule for running search clickthrough log analyses.

This tool is only used infrequently. You may use it most often to check the SPRel status with the show commands.


To use a command-line tool, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.


<FASTSearchFolder>\bin\spreladmin [global options] <command> [command options]


Parameter Description


The path of the folder where you have installed FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint, for example C:\FASTSearch.

spreladmin global options

Option Description


Displays help.


Displays version information.

spreladmin command options

Option Description


Specifies a backup file for the BackupConfig and RestoreConfig commands.


Interval (in seconds) between each run.

Default: 86400 seconds (one day)


Specifies which configuration parameter to change when modifying configurations.


Specifies a new verbosity level for SPRel.


Provides a URI for the ShowURIRelevance command.


Provides a new value for the parameter specified by –k.


Specifies the time to start the first run. Format: yyyy-mm-dd,HH:MM

spreladmin processing commands

Command Required options Description



Stops current processing. Data will be persisted in its current state, but you must restart processing later. Any new raw data obtained since the start of the last processing run will be incorporated into the new processing run.


After stopping a run, SPRel may have to persist its files first, which may take some time.



Puts SPRel on standby. Processing will begin either when new raw data is obtained, or at the user-scheduled time.



Stops processing and takes SPRel off standby. No additional processing will occur until SPRel is re-enqueued.



Pauses ongoing processing. All data will be persisted and processing can be resumed later from its paused state, without including raw data obtained after the start of the processing run.


When pausing, SPRel may have to persist its files first. This may take some time.



Forces SPRel to start an analysis run if it is not already running.

spreladmin set commands

Command Required options Description


-k <keyword>

-u <value>

Changes the configuration of SPRel. See the SPRel global configuration options for valid keywords and default configuration values.


-k <keyword>

-u <value>

Alters the runtime behavior of FDM. See the SPRel FDM configuration options for valid keywords and default configuration values.


-l <log level>

Sets the verbosity level of SPRel to one of five levels: error, warning, info, verbose, debug.


-w <date,time>

-i <interval>

Defines the processing schedule by specifying a start time for the first processing run, and a time interval between each run.

spreladmin show commands

Command Required options Description



Displays the current configuration of SPRel.



Displays the current configuration of FDM (Fast Distributed Make, a framework used to generate the analysis).



Displays the current verbosity setting for SPRel.



Displays the current processing schedule.



Displays the status of SPRel.


-q <URI>

Queries the SPRel lookup databases to find relevance information for a given URI.

spreladmin miscellaneous commands

Command Required options Description


-b <filename>

Backs up the SPRel configuration.


-b <filename>

Restores the SPRel configuration from a file that is created by BackupConfig.


any command name (e.g. ExtendedHelp ShowURIRelevance)

Displays extended help for the given options.

SPRel global configuration options

Keyword (Parameter) Value Description



The maximum number of items in one batch.

Default: 128



Specifies how long to wait (in seconds) for callback after the last batch was submitted.

Default: 1800



Specifies how many feeding clients can run at the same time.

This value is the total number of clients on all nodes in the installation.

Default: 4


A value equal to the "max-targets" value specified during installation

Specifies how many processes can run at the same time.

If this value multiplied by the number of nodes in the system is lower than the concurrent_feeds value, this value specifies the number of feeding clients.



Specifies if SPRel should attempt to update all crawl collections even if the crawl collections have not received new data.

If false, SPRel will only update crawl collections that it knows have received new data. But it will still add all crawl collections to the analysis.

Default: false



The number of days to keep search clickthrough logs.

Default: 30



The interval (in seconds) between times when SPRel checks for new data sent through the pipeline.

Default: 300



Specifies if SPRel should update the index with new relevance data after it completes an analysis run.

If false, SPRel will not update the index, and the updates will not be stored and applied later.

Default: true



The amount of memory (in megabytes) to use when sorting data. This value is specified per task that is running in the system.

Default: 200



The number of search clickthrough logs to include in the analysis.

Default: 30

SPRel FDM configuration options

Keyword (Parameter) Value Description



Minimum amount of free disk space (in MB) that must be available on a node for processing.

If the free disk space goes below this limit, the node will not be used in the analysis.

Default: 2000



Verbosity of the analysis.

Default: false


The following example shows the overall status of SPRel:

<FASTSearchFolder>\bin\spreladmin showstatus

The following example lists the SPRel configuration:

<FASTSearchFolder>\bin\spreladmin showconfig

The following example instructs SPRel to use two CPUs per processing node:

<FASTSearchFolder>\bin\spreladmin setconfig -kcpus -u2