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sp_syscollector_update_collection_set (Transact-SQL)

Used to modify the properties of a user-defined collection set or to rename a user-defined collection set.

Topic link iconTransact-SQL Syntax Conventions


    [ [ @collection_set_id = ] collection_set_id ]
    , [ [ @name = ] 'name' ]
    , [ [ @new_name = ] 'new_name' ]
    , [ [ @target = ] 'target' ]
    , [ [ @collection_mode = ] collection_mode ]
    , [ [ @days_until_expiration = ] days_until_expiration ]
    , [ [ @proxy_id = ] proxy_id ]
    , [ [ @proxy_name = ] 'proxy_name' ]
    ,[ [ @schedule_uid = ] 'schedule_uid' ]
    ,[ [ @schedule_name = ] 'schedule_uid' ]
    , [ [ @logging_level = ] logging_level ]
    , [ [ @description = ] 'description' ]


  • [ @collection\_set\_id = ] collection_set_id
    Is the unique local identifier for the collection set. collection_set_id is int and must have a value if name is NULL.

  • [ @name = ] 'name'
    Is the name of the collection set. name is sysname and must have a value if collection_set_id is NULL.

  • [ @new\_name = ] 'new_name'
    Is the new name for the collection set. new_name is sysname, and if used, cannot be an empty string. new_name must be unique. For a list of current collection set names, query the syscollector_collection_sets system view.

  • [ @target = ] 'target'
    Reserved for future use.

  • [ @collection\_mode = ] collection_mode
    Is the type of data collection to use. collection_mode is smallint and can have one of the following values:

    0 - Cached mode. Data collection and upload are on separate schedules. Specify cached mode for continuous collection.

    1 - Non-cached mode. Data collection and upload is on the same schedule. Specify non-cached mode for ad hoc collection or snapshot collection.

    If changing from non-cached mode to cached mode (0), you must also specify either schedule_uid or schedule_name.

  • [ @days\_until\_expiration= ] days_until_expiration
    Is the number of days that the collected data is saved in the management data warehouse. days_until_expiration is smallint. days_until_expiration must be 0 or a positive integer.

  • [ @proxy\_id = ] proxy_id
    Is the unique identifier for a SQL Server Agent proxy account. proxy_id is int.

  • [ @proxy\_name = ] 'proxy_name'
    Is the name of the proxy. proxy_name is sysname and is nullable.

  • [ @schedule\_uid = ] 'schedule_uid'
    Is the GUID that points to a schedule. schedule_uid is uniqueidentifier.

    To obtain schedule_uid, query the sysschedules system table.

    When collection_mode is set to 0, schedule_uid or schedule_name must be specified. When collection_mode is set to 1, schedule_uid or schedule_name is ignored if specified.

  • [ @schedule\_name = ] 'schedule_name'
    Is the name of the schedule. schedule_name is sysname and is nullable. If specified, schedule_uid must be NULL. To obtain schedule_name, query the sysschedules system table.

  • [ @logging\_level = ] logging_level
    Is the logging level. logging_level is smallint with one of the following values:

    0 - Log execution information and SSIS events that track:

    • Starting/stopping collection sets

    • Starting/stopping packages

    • Error information

    1 - Level-0 logging and:

    • Execution statistics

    • Continuously running collection progress

    • Warning events from SSIS

    2 - Level-1 logging and detailed event information from SSIS.

    The default value for logging_level is 1.

  • [ @description = ] 'description'
    Is the description of the collection set. description is nvarchar(4000).

Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)


sp_syscollector_update_collection_set must be run in the context of the msdb system database.

Either collection_set_id or name must have a value, both cannot be NULL. To obtain these values, query the syscollector_collection_sets system view.

If the collection set is running, you can only update schedule_uid and description. To stop the collection set, use sp_syscollector_stop_collection_set.


Requires membership in the dc_admin or the dc_operator (with EXECUTE permission) fixed database role to execute this procedure. Although dc_operator can run this stored procedure, members of this role are limited in the properties that they can change. The following properties can only be changed by dc_admin:

  • @new\_name

  • @target

  • @proxy\_id

  • @description

  • @collection\_mode

  • @days\_until\_expiration


A. Renaming a collection set

The following example renames a user-defined collection set.

USE msdb;
EXECUTE dbo.sp_syscollector_update_collection_set
@name = N'Simple collection set test 1',
@new_name = N'Collection set test 1 in cached mode';

B. Changing the collection mode from non-cached to cached

The following example changes the collection mode from non-cached mode to cached mode. This change requires that you specify a schedule ID or schedule name.

USE msdb;
EXECUTE dbo.sp_syscollector_update_collection_set
@name = N'Collection set test 1 in cached mode',
@collection_mode = 0,
@schedule_uid = 'C7022AF3-51B8-4011-B159-64C47C88FF70';
-- alternatively, use @schedule_name.
-- @schedule_name = N'CollectorSchedule_Every_15min;

C. Changing other collection set parameters

The following example updates various properties of the collection set named "Simple collection set test 2'.

USE msdb;
EXEC dbo.sp_syscollector_update_collection_set
@name = N'Simple collection set test 2',
@collection_mode = 1,
@days_until_expiration = 5,
@description = N'This is a test collection set that runs in noncached mode.',
@logging_level = 0;

Change History

Updated content

Corrected the GUID for the @schedule_uid argument in example "B".