How to: Add Bevel, Emboss, and Texture Styles to a Chart
When using certain chart types, you can specify a drawing effect to increase the visual impact of your chart. These drawing effects are only applied to the series of your chart. They have no effect on any other chart element.
When you are using any variant of a pie or doughnut chart, you can specify a soft edge or concave drawing style, similar to bevel or emboss effects that can be applied to an image.
When you are using any variant of a bar or column chart, you can apply texture styles, such as cylinder, wedge, and light-to-dark, to the individual bars or columns.
In addition to these drawing styles, you can add borders and shadows to many chart elements to give the illusion of depth. For more information on other ways to format the chart, see Formatting a Chart.
To add bevel or emboss styles to a pie or doughnut chart
Select the pie or doughnut chart that you want to enhance. Select a data field in the drop zone, not the entire chart.
Click View and select Properties pane to open the Properties pane.
In the Properties pane, expand the CustomAttributes node.
For PieDrawingStyle, select a style from the drop-down list.
To add texture styles to a bar or column chart
Select the bar or column chart that you want to enhance. Select the data field in the drop zone, not the entire chart.
Open the Properties pane.
Expand the CustomAttributes node.
For DrawingStyle, select a style from the drop-down list.
See Also