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Report Server Status (Reporting Services Configuration)

Use this page to view information about the report server instance to which you are currently connected. This page is the start page for report server configuration. Additional pages are available to configure URLs, the service account, the report server database, report server e-mail delivery, scale-out deployment, and encryption keys.

To open this page, start the Reporting Services Configuration tool and connect to the report server instance. For more information, see How to: Start Reporting Services Configuration.

If you connect to the report server and all of the page links are grayed out, verify that the Report Server service is started. You can use the Services console application in Administrator Tools to check service status.


  • SQL Server Instance
    Displays information about the report server instance to which you are currently connected. Report server instance names are based on SQL Server named instances. The default instance is MSSQLSERVER. A named instance will be a value that you specified during setup. For more information about instances, see Working with Multiple Versions and Instances of SQL Server.


    In SQL Server Express with Advanced Services with Advanced Services, the default instance is SQLExpress.

  • Instance ID
    Corresponds to a folder on the file system that stores program files for the SQL Server instance to which you are connected. The Instance ID value is assigned by Setup in the format component.instance, where component is a value that signifies a SQL Server component and instance is an instance name. The default instance name is MSSQLSERVER. For example, if you install default instances of the Database Engine, Analysis Services, and Reporting Services components, the corresponding folder names are MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER, MSAS10.MSSQLSERVER, and MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER, respectively. If you install a second instance of a component that you already installed, such as the Database Engine, and you name the instance Contoso, the Instance ID is MSSQL10.Contoso.

  • Edition
    Displays edition information. Reporting Services is available in SQL Server Express with Advanced Services, Workgroup, Developer, Evaluation, Standard, and Enterprise editions.

  • Product Version
    Displays the version of Reporting Services that you installed.

  • Report Server Database
    Displays the name of the report server database that stores application data for the current report server instance.

  • Report Server Mode
    Shows whether the report server is deployed in native mode or in SharePoint integrated mode. This value will be set to SharePoint integrated mode if the report server database was created using a schema that supports that mode of operation. For more information about deployment modes, see Planning a Deployment Mode. For more information about all of the steps required to set up integrated operations, see Configuring Reporting Services for SharePoint 3.0 Integration.

  • Server Status
    Shows whether the Report Server service is running.

  • Start
    Starts the Report Server service. Restarting the service is necessary after some configuration changes (for example, when reconfiguring a report server after a computer name change). If you reconfigure the URL reservations, the service will restart automatically. The restart is required to pick up the changes.

  • Stop
    Stops the Report Server service. Stopping the service causes the report server to stop working. For more information, see Starting and Stopping the Report Server Service.