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Microsoft.Synchronization Namespace

The core components of Microsoft Sync Framework can be used to manage metadata and to create synchronization providers and applications. Some types in this namespace are also used by Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET.


  Class Description
Public class ChangeBatch Represents metadata for a set of changes. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ChangeBatchBase When overridden by a derived class, represents metadata for a set of changes.
Public class ChangeBatchIsReadOnlyException The exception that is thrown when an item change or conflict is added to a ChangeBatch object that is read-only.
Public class ChangeBatchNeedsKnowledgeException The exception that is thrown when a change batch object does not contain learned knowledge.
Public class ChangeCountMismatchException The exception that is thrown by a change applier when the number of destination item versions does not match the number of source item changes.
Public class ChangeDataAdapter An abstract class that, when overridden in a derived class, converts data between a managed provider and an unmanaged provider.
Public class ChangeNeedsKnowledgeException The exception that is thrown when an ItemChange object does not contain required knowledge.
Public class ChangeNotExpectedException The exception that is thrown by a change applier when the order of destination item versions or change unit versions is not the same as the order of source item changes or change unit changes.
Public class ChangeUnitChange Represents a change to a change unit contained in an item. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ChangeUnitCountMismatchException The exception that is thrown by a change applier when the number of change units in a destination item version does not match the number of change units in the corresponding source item change.
Public class ChangeVersionNotInKnowledgeException The exception that is thrown by a change applier when the version of a source item change is not contained in the associated knowledge.
Public class ClockVector Represents a clock vector in a knowledge structure. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ClockVectorElement Represents a clock vector element of a knowledge structure. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class CreateFailuresMustBeForEntireItemException The exception that is thrown by SaveChangeWithChangeUnitsContext or LoadChangeContext when a recoverable error is recorded for a change unit change when the change represents an item creation.
Public class DuplicateItemException The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to add an entry to a replica key map, and either the replica ID or the replica key already exists in the map.
Public class FilterInfo When overridden in a derived class, represents information about a filter that can be used to control which changes are included in a ChangeBatch object.
Public class ForgottenKnowledge Represents knowledge that has been forgotten because of tombstone cleanup.
Public class FullEnumerationChangeBatch Represents metadata for a set of changes for a full enumeration. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class FullEnumerationNeededEventArgs Provides data for the SyncCallbacks.FullEnumerationNeeded event.
Public class IncompleteReplicaKeyMapException The exception that is thrown by KnowledgeBuilder when KnowledgeBuilder.ReplicaKeyMap is found to be incomplete in some way.
Public class InvalidFeedException The exception that is thrown when a FeedSync feed is invalid.
Public class InvalidKnowledgeVersionException The exception that is thrown when KnowledgeBuilder is passed a knowledge version that is not supported by KnowledgeBuilder.
Public class InvalidOrderException The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to create a clock vector that contains clock vector elements that are not correctly ordered.
Public class InvalidReplicaKeyException The exception that is thrown when a clock vector is added to a KnowledgeBuilder object, but the clock vector contains an element that contains a replica key that is not found in KnowledgeBuilder.ReplicaKeyMap.
Public class InvalidSyncTimeException The exception that is thrown when a FeedClockVectorElement object is created by using an invalid SyncTime value.
Public class ItemChange Represent a change to an item. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ItemChangeSkippedEventArgs Provides data for the ItemChangeSkipped event.
Public class ItemChangeUnitOverride Represents a change unit to exclude from a knowledge object. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ItemChangingEventArgs Provides data for the ItemChanging event.
Public class ItemConflictingEventArgs Provides data for the ItemConflicting event.
Public class ItemDataModifiedConcurrentlyException The exception that is thrown by a synchronization provider when item data changes unexpectedly.
Public class ItemHasChangeUnitsException The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to get or set the ChangeVersion property on an ItemChange object that contains change units.
Public class ItemHasNoChangeUnitsException The exception that is thrown when a method is called that requires an item to have change units, but the item does not have change units.
Public class ItemHasNoDataException The exception that is thrown when a provider tries to load data for an item that does not exist.
Public class ItemHasNoVersionDataException The exception that is thrown when an ItemChange object does not have the version data that is requested.
Public class ItemListFilterInfo Represents information about a filter that can be used to control which changes are included in a ChangeBatch object.
Public class ItemMustExistException The exception that is thrown when a provider reports that an item does not exist, although the creation version of the item is contained in the knowledge from that provider.
Public class ItemNotInFeedMetadataException The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to load item data from a FeedSync feed when the item does not exist in the feed.
Public class ItemOverride Represents an item to exclude from a knowledge object. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ItemRangeOverride Represents an item ID range to exclude from a knowledge object. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class KnowledgeBuilder Reconstructs a SyncKnowledge object from its constituent parts.
Public class KnowledgeDecreasedUnexpectedlyException The exception that is thrown when synchronization knowledge decreases unexpectedly.
Public class KnowledgeInspector Takes a snapshot of a SyncKnowledge object and provides methods for inspecting the details of the knowledge.
Public class KnowledgeSyncProvider When overridden by a derived class, represents a synchronization provider that uses knowledge to perform synchronization.
Public class KnowledgeSyncProviderConfiguration Represents configuration information for a KnowledgeSyncProvider object.
Public class LoadChangeContext When overridden by a derived class, represents information about a change to be loaded from the item store.
Public class NegativeRangeException The exception that is thrown by KnowledgeBuilder.BuildSyncKnowledge when an ItemRangeOverride object that is used to build the knowledge contains a ClockVector property that does not contain KnowledgeBuilder.ScopeClockVector.
Public class NotifyingChangeApplier Represents a change applier that examines a set of changes from a source provider, detects conflicts with items in the destination replica, and makes calls to a registered change applier target to save changes or save conflicts as appropriate.
Public class NotifyingChangeApplierIChangeDataRetrieverAdapter Represents an adapter that can convert between a managed IChangeDataRetriever and an unmanaged ISynchronousDataRetriever.
Public class ObjectNeedsStateException The exception that is thrown when a SyncSessionContext object is required and none is specified.
Public class Override When overridden by a derived class, represents something that is excluded from a knowledge object.
Public class RangeOutOfOrderException The exception that is thrown when a range of items is not in the expected order, or when a range override is specified incorrectly.
Public class RecoverableErrorData Represents information about a recoverable error. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ReplicaKeyMap Represents a mapping between replica keys and replica IDs.
Public class ReplicaNotFoundException The exception that is thrown when a specified replica cannot be found in a ReplicaKeyMap object.
Public class SaveChangeContext Represents information about a change to be saved to the item store.
Public class SaveChangeWithChangeUnitsContext Represents information about a change to be saved to the item store when the change contains change units.
Public class SyncAbortedException The exception that is thrown when the synchronization session is canceled.
Public class SyncCallbacks Represents application callbacks that are used to dispatch a synchronization event.
Public class SyncException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during synchronization.
Public class SyncGlobalId Represents an identifier for an item that is unique throughout the synchronization community.
Public class SyncId Represents an identifier for an item, change unit, or replica.
Public class SyncIdFormat Represents the format of a synchronization entity ID. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class SyncIdFormatGroup Represents the format schema for the group of IDs that are used to identify entities in a synchronization session. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class SyncIdFormatMismatchException The exception that is thrown when an ID format is specified that is not in the format that is expected.
Public class SyncInvalidOperationException The exception that is thrown when a method call is invalid for the current state of the object.
Public class SyncKnowledge Represents knowledge a replica has about its item store.
Public class SyncOperationStatistics Represents statistics about a bidirectional synchronization session.
Public class SyncOrchestrator Initiates and controls synchronization sessions.
Public class SyncOrchestratorStateChangedEventArgs Provides data for the StateChanged event.
Public class SyncProvider When overridden by a derived class, represents a synchronization provider.
Public class SyncRuntimeInternalErrorException The exception that is thrown when an internal error has occurred in Sync Framework.
Public class SyncSessionContext Represents information about the current synchronization session.
Public class SyncSessionStatistics Represents statistics about a single, unidirectional synchronization session.
Public class SyncStagedProgressEventArgs Provides data for the SessionProgress event.
Public class SyncVersion Represents a version for an item or a change unit.
Public class UnmanagedSyncProviderWrapper Represents a managed object that wraps an unmanaged synchronization provider.
Public class UserLoadChangeContext Represents information about a change to be loaded from the item store. This class cannot be inherited.


  Interface Description
Public interface IChangeDataRetriever Represents the mechanism by which the destination provider retrieves item data from the source provider.
Public interface IChangeDataRetrieverAdapter When overridden, adapts a change data retriever between a managed and unmanaged representation.
Public interface IClockVector Represents a clock vector that defines the changes that are contained in a knowledge structure.
Public interface IClockVectorElement When overridden, represents an element of a clock vector that is contained in a knowledge structure.
Public interface INotifyingChangeApplierTarget Represents an object that can save item changes to a replica.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ChangeKind Represents the type of change that is made to an item.
Public enumeration ConflictResolutionAction Represents actions that are taken to resolve a specific conflict.
Public enumeration ConflictResolutionPolicy Represents the options for the conflict resolution policy to use for the synchronization session.
Public enumeration FilterType Represents the type of a synchronization filter.
Public enumeration FullEnumerationAction Represents the action to be taken by an application in response to SyncCallbacks.FullEnumerationNeeded.
Public enumeration SaveChangeAction Represents the type of action that is indicated by a change.
Public enumeration SessionProgressStage Represents the stages of a synchronization session.
Public enumeration SyncDirectionOrder Indicates the direction of synchronization. For two-way synchronizations this also includes the order in which the synchronizations are performed.
Public enumeration SyncOrchestratorState Represents the possible states of a SyncOrchestrator object.
Public enumeration SyncProviderPosition Represents the position of a provider, relative to the other provider in the synchronization session.