Call this method to open a named file-mapping object for the specified file.
HRESULT OpenMapping(
SIZE_T nMappingSize,
ULONGLONG nOffset = 0,
) throw( );
The name of the mapping object. If there is an open handle to a file-mapping object by this name and the security descriptor on the mapping object does not conflict with the dwViewDesiredAccess parameter, the open operation succeeds.nMappingSize
The mapping size. If 0, the maximum size of the file-mapping object is equal to the current size of the file-mapping object identified by szName.nOffset
The file offset where mapping is to begin. The offset value must be a multiple of the system's memory allocation granularity.dwViewDesiredAccess
Specifies the type of access to the file view and, therefore, the protection of the pages mapped by the file. See dwDesiredAccess in MapViewOfFileEx in the Windows SDK.
Returns S_OK on success, or an error HRESULT on failure.
In debug builds, an assertion error will occur if the input parameters are invalid.
Header: atlfile.h