Returns a locale-specific rule for formatting outputs with positive amounts.
pattern pos_format( ) const;
A locale-specific rule for formatting outputs with positive amounts.
The member function returns do_pos_format.
// moneypunct_pos_format.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <locale>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
locale loc( "german_germany" );
const moneypunct <char, true> &mpunct =
use_facet <moneypunct <char, true> >(loc);
cout << ) << " international positive number format: "
<< mpunct.pos_format( ).field[0]
<< mpunct.pos_format( ).field[1]
<< mpunct.pos_format( ).field[2]
<< mpunct.pos_format( ).field[3] << endl;
const moneypunct <char, false> &mpunct2 =
use_facet <moneypunct <char, false> >(loc);
cout << ) << " domestic positive number format: "
<< mpunct2.pos_format( ).field[0]
<< mpunct2.pos_format( ).field[1]
<< mpunct2.pos_format( ).field[2]
<< mpunct2.pos_format( ).field[3] << endl;
German_Germany.1252 international positive number format: $+vx
German_Germany.1252 domestic positive number format: +v $
Header: <locale>
Namespace: std