Sdílet prostřednictvím

Symbol and Operator Reference (F#)

This topic includes a table of symbols and operators that are used in the F# language.

Table of Symbols and Operators

The following table describes symbols used in the F# language, provides links to topics that provide more information, and provides a brief description of some of the uses of the symbol. Symbols are ordered according to the ASCII character set ordering.

Symbol or operator




Reference Cells (F#)

Computation Expressions (F#)

  • Dereferences a reference cell.

  • After a keyword, indicates a modified version of the keyword's behavior as controlled by a workflow.


Not applicable.

  • Not used in F#. Use <> for inequality operations.


Literals (F#)

  • Delimits a text string.


Compiler Directives (F#)

Flexible Types (F#)

  • Prefixes a preprocessor or compiler directive, such as #light.

  • When used with a type, indicates a flexible type, which refers to a type or any one of its derived types.


No more information available.

  • Used internally for certain compiler-generated variable and function names.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

Code Quotations (F#)

  • Computes the integer modulus.

  • Used for splicing quotations.


Match Expressions (F#)

  • Computes the address of a mutable value, for use when interoperating with other languages.

  • Used in AND patterns.


Boolean Operators (F#)

  • Computes the Boolean AND operation.


Bitwise Operators (F#)

  • Computes the bitwise AND operation.


Literals (F#)

Automatic Generalization (F#)

  • Delimits a single-character literal.

  • Indicates a generic type parameter.


No more information available.

  • Delimits an identifier that would otherwise not be a legal identifier, such as a language keyword.

( )

Unit Type (F#)

  • Represents the single value of the unit type.


Tuples (F#)

Operator Overloading (F#)

  • Indicates the order in which expressions are evaluated.

  • Delimits a tuple.

  • Used in operator definitions.


  • Delimits a comment that could span multiple lines.


Active Patterns (F#)

  • Delimits an active pattern. Also called banana clips.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

Tuples (F#)

Units of Measure (F#)

  • When used as a binary operator, multiplies the left and right sides.

  • In types, indicates pairing in a tuple.

  • Used in units of measure types.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

  • Computes the exponentiation operation (x ** y means x to the power of y).


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

  • When used as a binary operator, adds the left and right sides.

  • When used as a unary operator, indicates a positive quantity. (Formally, it produces the same value with the sign unchanged.)


Tuples (F#)

  • Separates the elements of a tuple, or type parameters.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

  • When used as a binary operator, subtracts the right side from the left side.

  • When used as a unary operator, performs a negation operation.


Functions (F#)

Match Expressions (F#)

  • In function types, delimits arguments and return values.

  • Yields an expression (in sequence expressions); equivalent to the yield keyword.

  • Used in match expressions


Members (F#)

Primitive Types (F#)

  • Accesses a member, and separates individual names in a fully qualified name.

  • Specifies a decimal point in floating point numbers.


Loops: Expression (F#)

  • Specifies a range.

.. ..

Loops: Expression (F#)

  • Specifies a range together with an increment.


Arrays (F#)

  • Accesses an array element.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

Units of Measure (F#)

  • Divides the left side (numerator) by the right side (denominator).

  • Used in units of measure types.


  • Indicates the beginning of a single-line comment.


XML Documentation (F#)

  • Indicates an XML comment.


Functions (F#)

  • In a type annotation, separates a parameter or member name from its type.


Lists (F#)

Match Expressions (F#)

  • Creates a list. The element on the left side is appended to the list on the right side.

  • Used in pattern matching to separate the parts of a list.


Reference Cells (F#)

  • Assigns a value to a reference cell.


Casting and Conversions (F#)

  • Converts a type to type that is higher in the hierarchy.


Match Expressions (F#)

  • Returns true if the value matches the specified type; otherwise, returns false (type test operator).


Casting and Conversions (F#)

  • Converts a type to a type that is lower in the hierarchy.


Verbose Syntax (F#)

Lists (F#)

Records (F#)

  • Separates expressions (used mostly in verbose syntax).

  • Separates elements of a list.

  • Separates fields of a record.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

  • Computes the less-than operation.


Functions (F#)

  • Composes two functions in reverse order; the second one is executed first (backward composition operator).


Bitwise Operators (F#)

  • Shifts bits in the quantity on the left side to the left by the number of bits specified on the right side.


Values (F#)

  • Assigns a value to a variable.


Automatic Generalization (F#)

  • Delimits type parameters.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

  • Returns true if the left side is not equal to the right side; otherwise, returns false.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

  • Returns true if the left side is less than or equal to the right side; otherwise, returns false.


Functions (F#)

  • Passes the result of the expression on the right side to the function on left side (backward pipe operator).


Code Quotations (F#)

  • Delimits a typed code quotation.


Code Quotations (F#)

  • Delimits an untyped code quotation.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

  • Returns true if the left side is equal to the right side; otherwise, returns false.


Not applicable.

  • Not used in F#. Use = for equality operations.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

  • Returns true if the left side is greater than the right side; otherwise, returns false.


Functions (F#)

  • Composes two functions (forward composition operator).


Bitwise Operators (F#)

  • Shifts bits in the quantity on the left side to the right by the number of places specified on the right side.


Arithmetic Operators (F#)

  • Returns true if the right side is greater than or equal to the left side; otherwise, returns false.


Parameters and Arguments (F#)

  • Specifies an optional argument.

  • Used as an operator for dynamic method and property calls. You must provide your own implementation.

? ... <- ...

No more information available.

  • Used as an operator for setting dynamic properties. You must provide your own implementation.


Lists (F#)

Strings (F#)

  • Concatenates two lists.

  • When placed before a string literal, indicates that the string is to be interpreted verbatim, with no interpretation of escape characters.


Lists (F#)

  • Delimits the elements of a list.


Arrays (F#)

  • Delimits the elements of an array.


Attributes (F#)

  • Delimits an attribute.


Strings (F#)

  • Escapes the next character; used in character and string literals.


Statically Resolved Type Parameters (F#)

Strings (F#)

  • Specifies type parameters that must be resolved at compile time, not at runtime.

  • Concatenates strings.


Bitwise Operators (F#)

  • Computes the bitwise exclusive OR operation.


Match Expressions (F#)

Generics (F#)

  • Indicates a wildcard pattern.

  • Specifies an anonymous generic parameter.


Automatic Generalization (F#)

  • Used internally to indicate a generic type parameter.


Sequences (F#)

Records (F#)

  • Delimits sequence expressions and computation expressions.

  • Used in record definitions.


Match Expressions (F#)

  • Delimits individual match cases, individual discriminated union cases, and enumeration values.


Boolean Operators (F#)

  • Computes the Boolean OR operation.


Bitwise Operators (F#)

  • Computes the bitwise OR operation.


Functions (F#)

  • Passes the result of the left side to the function on the right side (forward pipe operator).


Operator Overloading (F#)

  • Used to declare an overload for the unary negation operator.


Bitwise Operators (F#)

  • Computes the bitwise NOT operation.


Operator Overloading (F#)

  • Used to declare an overload for the unary minus operator.


Operator Overloading (F#)

  • Used to declare an overload for the unary plus operator.

Operator Precedence

The following table shows the order of precedence of operators and other expression keywords in the F# language, in order from lowest precedence to the highest precedence. Also listed is the associativity, if applicable.







| (pipe)






function, fun, match, try










or, ||


&, &&


<op, >op, =, |op, &op






:?>, :?


-op, +op, (binary)


*op, /op, %op




f x (function application)


| (pattern match)


prefix operators (+op, -op, %, %%, &, &&, !op, ~op)








F# supports custom operator overloading. This means that you can define your own operators. In the previous table, op can be any valid (possibly empty) sequence of operator characters, either built-in or user-defined. Thus, you can use this table to determine what sequence of characters to use for a custom operator to achieve the desired level of precedence. Leading . characters are ignored when the compiler determines precedence.

See Also


Operator Overloading (F#)

Other Resources

F# Language Reference

Change History




October 2010

Added information about equality and inequality operators.

Information enhancement.