Defines a block of code that catches all exception types thrown in the preceding TRY block.
CATCH_ALL(exception_object_pointer_name )
- exception_object_pointer_name
Specifies a name for an exception-object pointer that will be created by the macro. You can use the pointer name to access the exception object within the CATCH_ALL block. This variable is declared for you.
The exception-processing code can interrogate the exception object, if appropriate, to get more information about the specific cause of the exception. Invoke the THROW_LAST macro to shift processing to the next outer exception frame. If you use CATCH_ALL, end the TRY block with an END_CATCH_ALL macro.
The CATCH_ALL block is defined as a C++ scope delineated by braces. If you declare variables in this scope, they are accessible only within that scope.
For more information on exceptions, see the article Exceptions.
See the example for CFile::Abort.
Header: afx.h