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UIHierarchy.UIHierarchyItems – vlastnost

Získá kolekce představující podřízené položky.

Obor názvů:  EnvDTE
Sestavení:  EnvDTE (v EnvDTE.dll)


ReadOnly Property UIHierarchyItems As UIHierarchyItems
UIHierarchyItems UIHierarchyItems { get; }
property UIHierarchyItems^ UIHierarchyItems {
    UIHierarchyItems^ get ();
abstract UIHierarchyItems : UIHierarchyItems
function get UIHierarchyItems () : UIHierarchyItems

Hodnota vlastnosti

Typ: EnvDTE.UIHierarchyItems
A UIHierarchyItems kolekce.


Sub UIHierarchyItemsExample(ByVal dte As DTE2)

    ' NOTE: This example requires a reference to the 
    '       System.Text namespace.

    ' Before running this example, open a project.
    Dim sb As New StringBuilder

    RecurseItems(dte.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer.UIHierarchyItems, _
        0, sb)

    MsgBox("Solution Explorer contains the following items:" & _
        vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sb.ToString())

End Sub

Sub RecurseItems(ByVal items As UIHierarchyItems, _
    ByVal level As Integer, ByVal sb As StringBuilder)

    Dim item As UIHierarchyItem
    For Each item In items
        ' Add item to the list of names.
        sb.Append(" "c, level * 8)
        sb.Append(item.Name & vbCrLf)

        RecurseItems(item.UIHierarchyItems, level + 1, sb)

End Sub
public void UIHierarchyItemsExample(DTE2 dte)
    // NOTE: This example requires a reference to the 
    //       System.Text namespace.

    // Before running this example, open a project.
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        0, sb);

        "Solution Explorer contains the following items:\n\n" + 

void RecurseItems(UIHierarchyItems items, int level, StringBuilder sb)
    foreach (UIHierarchyItem item in items)
        // Add item to the list of names.
        sb.Append(' ', level * 8);
        sb.Append(item.Name + "\n");

        RecurseItems(item.UIHierarchyItems, level + 1, sb);

Zabezpečení rozhraní .NET Framework

Viz také


UIHierarchy Rozhraní

EnvDTE – obor názvů

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How to: Compile and Run the Automation Object Model Code Examples