Stacked Column Chart
The Stacked Column chart type is used to compare the contribution of each value to a total across categories.
SeriesChartType value |
SeriesChartType.StackedColumn |
Number of Y values per point |
1 |
Number of series |
One or more (multiple series are stacked). |
Supports markers |
No |
Cannot be combined with: |
Doughnut, Pie, Bar, Stacked Bar, Polar, Radar, Pyramid, or Funnel charts. |
Custom attributes |
DrawingStyle, MaxPixelPointWidth, MinPixelPointWidth, PixelPointDepth, PixelPointGapDepth, PixelPointWidth, PointWidth, StackedGroupName |
Stacked series must be aligned. Otherwise, data points will be rendered incorrectly. For more information, see Aligning Data.
Chart Types
Stacked Area Chart
Stacked Bar Chart