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Task mappings from iOS to Windows

[This article is for Windows 8.x and Windows Phone 8.x developers writing Windows Runtime apps. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation]

Use this reference to map selected iOS development areas, frameworks, controls, and classes to equivalents for Windows Store apps and Windows Phone Store apps.

Development areas

See also Developing Windows Store apps

iOS development area Equivalent Windows Store app development area

Application badges

See Badge overview, Quickstart: Sending a badge update, and App tiles and badges sample

Application lifecycle

See Application lifecycle and Launching, resuming, and multitasking


See Managing application data and Application data sample

Data and file access

See Working with data and files and File access sample

Drawing and animations

See Blend for Visual Studio, XAML vector-based drawing sample, and XAML animation library sample


See Quickstart: Roaming application data, Application data sample, and OneDrive API (but see Configuring your app before using the Microsoft OneDrive API)

OpenGL ES 2.0

See Port from OpenGL ES 2.0 to Microsoft Direct3D 11.1


See Quickstart: Add app settings and App settings sample


See Using SQLite in Windows 8 Store Apps and SQLite with Windows 8 apps


See Quickstart: Touch input and Input: Windows 8 gestures sample

Web services

See Connecting to web services, Web authentication broker sample, and HttpClient sample




iOS framework Windows Store app equivalent

Address Book

See Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts namespace and Contact Picker app sample

See also Creating and reading contacts in the Live SDK documentation set (but see Configuring your app before using the Live SDK)

Assets Library

See Capturing or rendering audio, video, and images; Media capture using capture device sample; Displaying images, graphics, and thumbnails; and Simple imaging sample

See also Working with OneDrive albums, photos, videos, audio, and tags in the Live SDK documentation set (but see Configuring your app before using the Live SDK)

Audio Toolbox, AV Foundation, Core Audio, and MediaPlayer

See Capturing or rendering audio, video, and images; Media capture using capture device sample; Playing and previewing audio and video; XAML media playback sample; Transcoding; and Transcoding media example

Bluetooth and Core Telephony

See Bluetooth call control sample, CallControl class, and Windows.Networking.Proximity namespace

Core Data

See Working with data and files, File access sample, Using SQLite in Windows 8 Store Apps, SQLite with Windows 8 apps, and Managing application data

Core Foundation

See System namespace, Windows.Foundation namespace, and Windows.Globalization namespace

Core Graphics

See Displaying images, graphics, and thumbnails and Blend for Visual Studio

Core Image

See Processing image files and Simple imaging sample

Core Location

See Detecting geolocation, Geolocation sample, and Windows.Devices.Geolocation namespace

Core Media

See Playing and previewing audio and video and XAML media playback sample

Core Motion

See Windows.Devices.Sensors namespace, Compass sensor sample, Accelerometer sample, Gyrometer sensor sample, Inclinometer sensor sample, LightSensor sample, and OrientationSensor sample

Core Text

See XAML text display sample, XAML text editing sample, Windows.UI.Text namespace and System.Text namespaces

Event Kit

See Interacting with calendars in the Live SDK documentation set (but see Configuring your app before using the Live SDK)

Game Kit

See Developing games

GLKit and OpenGL ES

See Port from OpenGL ES 2.0 to Direct3D 11.1


See Microsoft Advertising SDK


See Capturing or rendering audio, video, and images; Media capture using capture device sample; Displaying images, graphics, and thumbnails; Processing image files; and Simple imaging sample

Map Kit

See How to display your location on a Bing Map and Bing Maps for Windows Store apps

Message UI

See Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(Uri) method [by using a "mailto://" Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)] and Windows.Devices.Sms namespace

Quartz Core

See Blend for Visual Studio and XAML animation library sample


See Managing user info, Credential locker sample, Credential picker sample, Windows account authorization sample, Web authentication broker sample, CryptoWinRT sample, and Cryptography and PKI

Store Kit

See Publish Windows Store apps, Windows.ApplicationModel.Store namespace, and Trial app and in-app purchase sample


See Connecting to networks and web services


See Creating a UI




See also API mapping index and Controls list

iOS control Equivalent Windows Store app control


See Microsoft Advertising SDK

AVAudioPlayer, MPMoviePlayer

See MediaElement class

See also Quickstart: creating a media player app; Playing and previewing audio and video; and Capturing or rendering audio, video, and images


See How to display your location on a Bing Map and Bing Maps for Windows Store apps

UIActionView, UIAlertView

See MessageDialog class

See also Quickstart: Designing a message dialog


See ProgressRing class

See also Quickstart: adding progress controls


See Button class

See also Quickstart: Adding button controls


See WinJS.UI.DatePicker object (available only for Windows Store apps using JavaScript and HTML)

For other programming languages, you must create your own control or use a third-party control.


See CameraCaptureUI class

See also CameraCaptureUI Sample


See Image class

See also Quickstart: Image and ImageBrush


See TextBlock class

See also Quickstart: displaying text

UIMenuController, UITabBar, UIToolbar

See AppBar class

See also Quickstart: Adding app bars


See Quickstart: Navigating between pages, Navigation design for Windows Store apps, and Navigation model


See Frame class

See also Quickstart: Navigating between pages,


See Page class

See also Quickstart: Navigating between pages


See ComboBox class and ListBox class

See also How to add a combo box and How to add a list box


See Popup class

See also Context menu sample


See ProgressBar class

See also Quickstart: adding progress controls


See ScrollViewer class

See also XAML scrolling, panning, and zooming sample


See Adding search to an app

See also Quickstart: Adding search to an app


See Slider class

See also How to add a slider


See ToggleSwitch class

See also How to add a toggle switch


See GridView class, ListBox class, ListView class, and SemanticZoom class

See also Quickstart: adding ListView and GridView controls and Quickstart: adding SemanticZoom controls


See TextBox class

See also Quickstart: adding text input and editing controls


See TextBlock class

See also Quickstart: displaying text

UIView, UIWindow

See Page class and Frame class

See also Quickstart: Navigating between pages


See WebView class

See also XAML WebView control sample




iOS class Equivalent Windows Store app class


See Detecting geolocation, Geolocation sample, and Windows.Devices.Geolocation namespace


See Using the thread pool in Windows Store apps and Thread pool sample


See XLinq, XmlReader, and XmlWriter data message query sample; Windows Runtime XML data API sample; and Windows.Data.Xml.Dom namespace


See Application class

See also Application lifecycle and Launching, resuming, and multitasking


See Responding to motion and orientation sensors, Compass sensor sample, Accelerometer sample, Gyrometer sensor sample, Inclinometer sensor sample, LightSensor sample, OrientationSensor sample, and Supporting proximity and tapping


See Quickstart: Touch input and Input: Windows 8 gestures sample