Sdílet prostřednictvím


This function gets configuration information for the Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) overlay store.

  PEWF_OVERLAY_STORE_CONFIG EwfMgrGetOverlayStoreConfig(


  • hDevice
    [in] Handle to the EWF-protected overlay store volume.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to an EWF_OVERLAY_STORE_CONFIG structure.

If the function fails, the return value is NULL. Call GetLastError for extended error information.


Use the LocalFree function to free the memory that was allocated for EWF_OVERLAY_STORE_CONFIG when it is no longer needed.

The caller must have opened the overlay store volume with the fOpenForAsyncIO parameter of the EwfMgrOpenOverlayStore function set to FALSE.


OS Versions: Windows XP Embedded.
Header: Ewfapi.h.
Link Library: Ewfapi.dll, Ewfapi.lib.

Code Example

The following routine(s), which are included in the EWF API Code Sample (Sample.cpp), demonstrate how to use this function:


See Also

EWF API Functions | EWF API Code Sample

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.