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Use a PowerShell script to search the audit log

Security, compliance, and auditing have become a top priority for IT administrators in today’s world. Microsoft 365 has several built-in capabilities to help organizations manage security, compliance, and auditing. In particular, unified audit logging can help you investigate security incidents and compliance issues. You can retrieve audit logs by using the following methods:

If you need to retrieve audit logs regularly, you should consider a solution that uses the Office 365 Management Activity API because it that can provide large organizations with the scalability and performance to retrieve millions of audit records on an ongoing basis. Using the audit log search tool in Microsoft Purview portal or the compliance portal is a good way to quickly find audit records for specific operations that occur in shorter time range. Using longer time ranges in the audit log search tool, especially for large organizations, might return too many records to easily manage or export.

When there are situations where you need to manually retrieve auditing data for a specific investigation or incident, particularly for longer date ranges in larger organizations, using the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet may be the best option. This article includes a PowerShell script that uses the cmdlet that can retrieve 50,000 audit records (each time you run the cmdlet) and then export them to a CSV file that you can format using Power Query in Excel to help with your review. Using the script in this article also minimizes the chance that large audit log searches will time out in the service.


If you're not an E5 customer, use the 90-day Microsoft Purview solutions trial to explore how additional Purview capabilities can help your organization manage data security and compliance needs. Start now at the Microsoft Purview compliance portal trials hub. Learn details about signing up and trial terms.

Before you run the script

  • Audit logging has to be enabled for your organization to successfully use the script to return audit records. Audit logging is turned on by default for Microsoft 365 and Office 365 enterprise organizations. To verify that audit log search is turned on for your organization, you can run the following command in Exchange Online PowerShell:

    Get-AdminAuditLogConfig | FL UnifiedAuditLogIngestionEnabled

    The value of True for the UnifiedAuditLogIngestionEnabled property indicates that audit log search is turned on.

  • You must be assigned the View-Only Audit Logs or Audit Logs role in Exchange Online to successfully run the script. By default, these roles are assigned to the Compliance Management and Organization Management role groups on the Permissions page in the Exchange admin center.

  • It may take a long time for the script to complete. How long it takes to run depends on the date range and the size of the interval that you configure the script to retrieve audit records for. Larger date ranges and smaller intervals result in a long running time. See the table in Step 2 for more information about the date range and intervals.

  • The sample script provided in this article isn't supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. The sample script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample script and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the script be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample script or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Step 1: Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell

The first step is to connect to Exchange Online PowerShell. You can connect using modern authentication or with multifactor authentication (MFA). For step-by-step instructions, see Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell.

Step 2: Modify and run the script to retrieve audit records

After you've connected to Exchange Online PowerShell, the next step is to create, modify, and run the script to retrieve the auditing data. The first seven lines in the audit log search script contain the following variables that you can modify to configure your search. See the table in step 2 for a description of these variables.

  1. Save the following text to a Windows PowerShell script by using a filename suffix of .ps1. For example, SearchAuditLog.ps1.

    #Modify the values for the following variables to configure the audit log search.
    $logFile = "d:\AuditLogSearch\AuditLogSearchLog.txt"
    $outputFile = "d:\AuditLogSearch\AuditLogRecords.csv"
    [DateTime]$start = [DateTime]::UtcNow.AddDays(-1)
    [DateTime]$end = [DateTime]::UtcNow
    $record = "AzureActiveDirectory"
    $resultSize = 5000
    $intervalMinutes = 60
    #Start script
    [DateTime]$currentStart = $start
    [DateTime]$currentEnd = $end
    Function Write-LogFile ([String]$Message)
        $final = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s") + ":" + $Message
        $final | Out-File $logFile -Append
    Write-LogFile "BEGIN: Retrieving audit records between $($start) and $($end), RecordType=$record, PageSize=$resultSize."
    Write-Host "Retrieving audit records for the date range between $($start) and $($end), RecordType=$record, ResultsSize=$resultSize"
    $totalCount = 0
    while ($true)
        $currentEnd = $currentStart.AddMinutes($intervalMinutes)
        if ($currentEnd -gt $end)
            $currentEnd = $end
        if ($currentStart -eq $currentEnd)
        $sessionID = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() + "_" +  "ExtractLogs" + (Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff")
        Write-LogFile "INFO: Retrieving audit records for activities performed between $($currentStart) and $($currentEnd)"
        Write-Host "Retrieving audit records for activities performed between $($currentStart) and $($currentEnd)"
        $currentCount = 0
        $sw = [Diagnostics.StopWatch]::StartNew()
            $results = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $currentStart -EndDate $currentEnd -RecordType $record -SessionId $sessionID -SessionCommand ReturnLargeSet -ResultSize $resultSize
            if (($results | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
                $results | export-csv -Path $outputFile -Append -NoTypeInformation
                $currentTotal = $results[0].ResultCount
                $totalCount += $results.Count
                $currentCount += $results.Count
                Write-LogFile "INFO: Retrieved $($currentCount) audit records out of the total $($currentTotal)"
                if ($currentTotal -eq $results[$results.Count - 1].ResultIndex)
                    $message = "INFO: Successfully retrieved $($currentTotal) audit records for the current time range. Moving on!"
                    Write-LogFile $message
                    Write-Host "Successfully retrieved $($currentTotal) audit records for the current time range. Moving on to the next interval." -foregroundColor Yellow
        while (($results | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
        $currentStart = $currentEnd
    Write-LogFile "END: Retrieving audit records between $($start) and $($end), RecordType=$record, PageSize=$resultSize, total count: $totalCount."
    Write-Host "Script complete! Finished retrieving audit records for the date range between $($start) and $($end). Total count: $totalCount" -foregroundColor Green
  2. Modify the variables listed in the following table to configure the search criteria. The script includes sample values for these variables, but you should change them (unless stated otherwise) to meet your specific requirements.

Variable Sample value Description
$logFile "d:\temp\AuditSearchLog.txt" Specifies the name and location for the log file that contains information about the progress of the audit log search performed by the script. The script writes UTC timestamps to the log file.
$outputFile "d:\temp\AuditRecords.csv" Specifies the name and location of the CSV file that contains the audit records returned by the script.
[DateTime]$start and [DateTime]$end [DateTime]::UtcNow.AddDays(-1)
Specifies the date range for the audit log search. The script returns records for audit activities that occurred within the specified date range. For example, to return activities performed in January 2021, you can use a start date of "2021-01-01" and an end date of "2021-01-31" (be sure to surround the values in double-quotation marks) The sample value in the script returns records for activities performed in the previous 24 hours. If you don't include a timestamp in the value, the default timestamp is 12:00 AM (midnight) on the specified date.
$record "AzureActiveDirectory" Specifies the record type of the audit activities (also called operations) to search for. This property indicates the service or feature that an activity was triggered in. For a list of record types that you can use for this variable, see Audit log record type. You can use the record type name or ENUM value.

Tip: To return audit records for all record types, use the value $null (without double-quotations marks).
$resultSize 5000 Specifies the number of results returned each time the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet is called by the script (called a result set). The value of 5,000 is the maximum value supported by the cmdlet. Leave this value as-is.
$intervalMinutes 60 To help overcome the limit of 5,000 records returned, this variable takes the data range you specified and slices it up into smaller time intervals. Now each interval, not the entire date range, is subject to the 5000 record output limit of the command. The default value of 5,000 records per 60-minute interval within the date range should be sufficient for most organizations. But, if the script returns an error that says, maximum results limitation reached, decrease the time interval (for example, to 30 minutes or even 15 minutes) and rerun the script.

Most of the variables listed in the previous table correspond to parameters for the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet. For more information about these parameters, see Search-UnifiedAuditLog.

  1. On your local computer, open Windows PowerShell and go to the folder where you saved the modified script.

  2. Run the script in Exchange Online PowerShell; for example:


The script displays progress messages while it's running. After the script is finished running, it creates the log file and the CSV file that contains the audit records and saves them to the folders defined by the $logFile and $outputFile variables.


There is a 50,000 limit for the maximum number of audit records returned each time you run the cmdlet in the script. If you run this script and it returns 50,000 results, then it's likely that audit records for activities that occurred within the date range weren't included. If this happens, we recommend that you divide the date range into smaller durations and then rerun the script for each date range. For example, if a date range of 90 days returns 50,000 results then you can rerun the script twice, once for the first 45 days in the date range and then again for the next 45 days.

Step 3: Format and view the audit records

After you've run the script and exported the audit records to a CSV file, you may want to format the CSV to make easier to review and analyze the audit records. One way to do this is to the Power Query JSON transform feature in Excel to split each property in the JSON object in the AuditData column into its own column. For step-by-step instructions, see "Step 2: Format the exported audit log using the Power Query Editor" in Export, configure, and view audit log records.