Set up price lists
With price lists, you can set up the price and discount agreements that apply when you're selling and purchasing items and services. You can set up the following price lists:
Sales job
Purchase job
Typically, you would create price lists for items. However, price lists aren't limited to items only. You can create price lists for the following types:
Item Discount Group
Resource Group
Service Cost
G/L Account
To use price lists in sales, purchases, jobs, and service orders, you can assign them to one of the following sales and purchase types:
Customer Price Group
Customer Disc. Group
All Customers/All Vendors
Campaign (marketing campaign)
All Jobs
The conditions can also include the following extra options:
Item variant
Unit of measure
Minimum quantity purchased
Order date
Currency paid
On the Sales & Receivables, Purchases & Payables, and Jobs Setup pages, you can set up the following parameters:
Allow Editing Active Price - Specifies if you can modify or remove the existing active sales price line or if you can add a new price line to the active price list.
Default Price List Code - Specifies the code of the existing price list that stores all new price lines that are created in the price worksheet page.
Use Your Custom Lookup - Specifies whether the Assign-to Parent No., Assign-to No., and Product No. fields on price list pages use standard lookups to find records. If you've customized these fields and prefer your implementation, turn on this toggle.
The following video demonstrates how to set up a sales price list for all customers.