Wi-Fi connection settings are lost after a Windows Embedded Compact 7 device restarts
This article helps you work around the problem that occurs when you configure the Wi-Fi connection settings in the Network Connections item in Control Panel on a Windows Embedded Compact 7 device.
Original product version: Windows Embedded Compact 7
Original KB number: 4476975
After you configure the Wi-Fi connection settings in the Network Connections item in Control Panel on a Windows Embedded Compact 7 device, the settings are lost when the device restarts. This problem occurs during either a warm reboot or a cold reboot. For example, this problem occurs when you configure following settings:
Name (SSID): TEST-WPA2-Enterprise
Network type: Access point
Security type: WPA2 Enterprise
Encryption type: AES
EAP type: PEAP
Authentication method: Username and Password
Validate server: Cleared
Domain\Username: wpa2user
Password: 123456#
This problem occurs because of an issue in the Connection Manager service (CmService.dll) of Windows Embedded Compact 7. When the data length of a Wi-Fi profile that is encrypted by CmService.dll becomes a specific size (multiples of 4,096 bytes), the data is not saved correctly to the device's registry. Therefore, the Wi-Fi profile is lost after the device restarts.
For example, the following registry value of the profile will be lost:
[HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Settings\Connection\Wi-Fi Profile Name] "Size"=dword:1000 ; 4096 bytes
To avoid this problem, change the character length of the SSID. In the example in the Symptoms section, you can change the SSID to My-WPA2-Enterprise.